Molecular identification of some immature Lepidoptera causing Quercus L., defoliation in Lorestan province, western Iran (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, Damage, Quercus brantii, sequencing, COI barcoding, Phylogenetic tree, IranAbstract
Quercus L., dominate almost 40% of Iran’s forest area. The second destructive group of insects is defoliator Lepidoptera distributed in the Zagros forests of Iran. We assessed Lepidoptera communities in Zagros forests ecosystems in Lorestan province, western Iran during a ca. 2-yr period that coincided with defoliation outbreaks experienced by this area. A number of 500 lepidopteran larva feeding Quercus leaves handy were collected. The phylogenetic relationship of Lepidoptera was analysed using BEAST software based on the Bayesian Inference method. In total, 14 lepidopteran taxa were identified based on DNA sequences of their immature stages. Six genera and eight species were identified using BLASTn. Here we developed a COI barcoding-based approach to Lepidoptera species delimitation.
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