Diversity of Butterflies in Fragments of the Seasonal Semidecidual Forest and Fields in the Brazilian Grassland Biome (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, biodiversity, community, conservation, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the diversity of the three communities of butterflies in semideciduous forest and fields of the Grassland Biome in Rio Grande do Sul. Monthly samples were collected through the use of entomological nets, from October 2012 to June 2013. Totaling 180h for local time-net, it was found that even close to or sharing the same plant formations, communities have characteristics that may be related to conditions and intrinsic features of the environment. The A1 area showed intermediate values of abundance and diversity, and greater richness. A2 is the most diverse area, an intermediate value of wealth and fewer individuals. A3 had the highest number of individuals, but the lowest richness and diversity. As for diversity and dominance, all areas obtained good equitability and did not present dominant species.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2019 J. M. Silva, K. Gawlinski, M. Moscoso, M. P. V. Zurschimiten, S. K. da Cunha, C. Iserhard, E. E. Silva, F. R. M. Garcia

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