Faunistic records of Agonopterix and Depressaria from continental Spain, and updated checklist (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae)





Lepidoptera, Depressariidae, Agonopterix, Depressaria, new records, Iberian Peninsula, Spain


The paper summarizes the faunistic data of Agonopterix Hübner, [1825] and Depressaria Haworth, 1811 species from Spain partly based on our own research and partly on collection vouchers obtained from colleagues. In total, four species are new for the Iberian Peninsula, namely A. flurii Sonderegger, 2013, A. hippomarathri (Nickerl, 1864) Depressaria floridella Mann, 1864 and Depressaria pseudobadiella Nel, 2011, and one more for the Spanish fauna: Depressaria cinderella Corley, 2002 The photographs of adults of these taxa and their genitalia are presented. Beside them, the records of A. carduncelli Corley, 2017, A. kuznetzovi Lvovsky, 1983, and A. selini (Heinemann, 1870) are reported from Spain only for the second time. The following taxa are removed from the Spanish fauna: Depressaria cervicella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854, Depressaria pimpinellae Zeller, 1839 and Depressaria tenebricosa Zeller, 1854. An updated checklist of Agonopterix and Depressaria from the Spanish mainland is given.


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How to Cite

Buchner, P., & Sumpich, J. (2018). Faunistic records of Agonopterix and Depressaria from continental Spain, and updated checklist (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 46(184), 681–694. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.763

