Structure of the community of frugivorous butterflies in the Atlantic Forest on the south coast of Bahia (Brazil) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae,, diversity, richness, Atlantic Forest, BrazilAbstract
Studies about the diversity and seasonality of Lepidoptera in Bahia State are considered priorities because of general poor knowledge of many of its biomes. The composition of the frugivorous Nymphalidae community was studied in the Estação Ecológica Estadual de Wenceslau Guimarães, a 2,418 ha area of Atlantic Forest, on the southern coast of Bahia State. The Lepidoptera were sampled in three different habitats, with Van Someren-Rydon trap. Over 8,640 trap/hours, 523 individuals belonging to 59 species and 5 subfamilies of Nymphalidae, were collected. The secondary forest registered the highest richness, abundance and similarity between the different sampling units. The species accumulation curve has not reached the asymptote.Downloads
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