New data on the distribution of little-known Pyraloidea species from Croatia (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea)
Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, distribution, faunistic, Dalmatia, Velebit, CroatiaAbstract
New records and data on distribution concerning 15 Pyraloidea species (Pyralidae, Crambidae) little-known in Croatia are given. The majority of the specimens were collected around the Velebit area, or lesser-studied areas of Continental Croatia, with other material collected in Dalmatia. Three species were reported for the first time from the Mountainous and the Continental geographic area. Within these studied regions, one species was recorded for the first time after more than 150 years, six species after more than 120 years, four species after more than 100 years and five species after almost 70 years. Altogether 13 out of the total of 15 species were recorded for the first time in recent investigations from Croatia: one after an absence of 120 years, three species for the first time in 70 years and nine after almost 20 years.
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