The Jordanian Coleophoridae, with description of two new species: Coleophora iordanica Baldizzone, sp. nov. and C. ratamensis Baldizzone, sp. nov. Contribution to the knowledge of Coleophoridae CLIV (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae)
Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae, Coleophora,, new species, JordanAbstract
The publication deals with the Coleophoridae known for Jordan, a country of which very few species of this family are known. The study of undetermined specimens preserved in the NHMUK allowed the discovery of two new species, which are described in the publication: Coleophora iordanica Baldizzone, sp. nov. and C. ratamensis Baldizzone, sp. nov. Furthermore, on the basis of the examination of the male genitalia of the holotype of C. ghorella Amsel, 1955 it is hypothesized that it is probably a junior synonym of C. hospitiella Chrétien, 1915, but the conditions of the genital preparation made by Amsel do not allow to establish it with certainty.
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