Two new species of the genus Klimeschiopsis Povolny, 1967 from southern Siberia discovered as a result of study cryptic diversity in K. discontinuella (Rebel, 1899) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae, Klimeschiopsis varia, Klimeschiopsis confusella, checklist, barcoding, RussiaAbstract
Klimeschiopsis varia Sumpich & Bidzilya, sp. n. and Klimeschiopsis confusella Sumpich & Bidzilya, sp. n. are described as new species for science based on differences from congeners in external appearance, genitalia of both sexes and genetic data. Klimeschiopsis varia is most similar to Klimeschiopsis discontinuella (Rebel, 1899) and Klimeschiopsis maritimaealpina Nel & Varenne, 2011 but can be distinguished by the genitalia characters. Klimeschiopsis confusella resembles Klimeschiopsis kiningerella (Duponchel, [1843]) and Klimeschiopsis terroris (Hartig, 1938) by absence of yellowish suffusion on forewings, but the coloration of new species is not so much contrasting, and the species is unmistakable according to the genitalia. Both new species occur sympatricaly in Russian Altai Mountains, Tuva and Buryatia.
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