Evaluation of the quality of the inventory of Macroheterocera of the Salburua wetlands (Alava, Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)





Insecta, Lepidoptera, inventory, sampling effort, species accumulation curve, Alava, Spain


The quality of a Macroheterocera inventory for which 208 weekly samplings have been carried out over a four-year period in the Salburua wetlands (Vitoria, Alava) is evaluated through an analysis of the species accumulation curve. The overall results obtained do not allow a reliable estimate of the total species richness due to the high proportion of rare or infrequent species observed. However, excluding the species that were only recorded in one or two samples and those for which a single specimen was captured, it is estimated that 90.8% and 89.0% of the species in the area have been detected respectively. It is therefore considered that it would not be profitable in terms of cost-effectiveness to continue sampling for an additional year, since most of the new species registered will probably be accidental. These results highlight the great sampling effort required to complete an inventory of moths
with an acceptable degree of quality in comparison with other faunal groups.


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How to Cite

de Juana, F. (2022). Evaluation of the quality of the inventory of Macroheterocera of the Salburua wetlands (Alava, Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 50(198), 337–345. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.144

