Contribution to the knowledge of Lepidoptera of an altitudinal gradient in Cachiri river basin, Santander, Colombia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, abundance, Colombian Andes, diversity, richness of species, ColombiaAbstract
The sampling of Lepidoptera was carried during the “Characterization of wild Entomofauna of the Cachiri river basin, jurisdiction of CDMB”, department of Santander, northeast of Colombian Andes, in secondary forests in an altitudinal gradient from 400 to 3,280 masl with the purpose of establishing a baseline of entomological diversity, and eventually detect faunal elements for the conservation of forested areas within the basin. We collected 331 specimens of 112 species belonging to the families Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae and Nymphalidae. The family Nymphalidae was the most abundance (191) and richness of species (66). The analysis of inventory quality indicated a potential richness of species of 224.35, a proportion of observed species of 49.92% and a sampling effort of 99.78%. Santa Rosa was the locality with highest values of diversity: abundance (91), observed richness (47), potential richness (115.17), diversity of order 1 (38.84) and diversity of order 2 (31.73). The comparison of inventories of each sampling sites allowed determining that there is not similarity between these localities, which can be explained by the altitude and geographic distances between them.
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