First data on Pterophoridae of Cambodia (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

Primeros datos sobre Pterophoridae de Camboya (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

P. Ya. Ustjuzhanin *
Altai State University, Rusia
V. N. Kovtunovich
Moscow Society of Nature Explorers, Rusia

First data on Pterophoridae of Cambodia (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 45, no. 179, pp. 507-511, 2017

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 06/01/2017

Accepted: 05/04/2017

Published: 30/09/2017

Abstract: We give first data on Pterophoridae of Cambodia. In previous publications, there was no indication of their habitat in Cambodia. Now we present 15 Pterophoridae species of 11 genera.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, distribution, new data, Cambodia.

Resumen: Damos los primeros datos sobre Pterophoridae de Camboya. En publicaciones previas, no se había indicado su hábitat en Camboya. Ahora presentamos 15 especies de Pterophoridae de 11 géneros.

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, distribución, nuevos datos, Camboya.


Cambodia is located in south-eastern Asia, in the south of the Indochinese Peninsula. It borders with Vietnam in the East, Laos in the North-East, and Thailand in the North and North-West. Cambodia is mostly a flat country. A characteristic feature of the landscape of the country are isolated hills - “phnoms”, towering over the plain at 600-700 m. Most of the country is covered by tropical rainforests.

Until the present, the plume moths fauna of Cambodia, has never been mentioned in the scientific literature. The materials obtained from Russian colleagues Sergei Murzin (Moscow) and Oleg Kosterin (Novosibirsk), gave rise to the writing of our work.

The Pterophoridae fauna of Cambodia is similar to that of Thailand and Vietnam. 34 species of plume moths were given for Thailand (YANO, 1961, ARENBERGER, 2010; KOVTUNOVICH & USTJUZHANIN, 2006), 26 species - for Vietnam (GIELIS, 2003, USTJUZHANIN & KOVTUNOVICH, 2009; 2010; 2015). But 4 species discovered in Cambodia, Xyroptilia oksana Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2006, Exelastis pumilio (Zeller, 1873), Exelastis atomosa (Walsingham, 1885), Parafuscoptilia tabuliformis Hao & Li, 2005, have not been found in these countries yet.

As a result of our examination of material on plume moths of Cambodia, we have indicated 15 species. All of them are marked as new for the fauna of the country. Thus, there is no doubt that further research in Pterophoridae of this region will be supplemented with many other new species not known for Cambodia.

Material and methods

We have examined over 300 plume moths specimens from Cambodia. For determination of specimens collected by our colleagues we used modern publications (ARENBERGER, 1995; 2002; 2010). In difficult cases of species identification, we compared the material with the collection funds of Pterophoridae in The Natural History Museum (UK, London). The examined material is deposited in the private collection of Ustjuzhanin and Kovtunovich.


Platyptilia sp.

Material: 1 ♂, Phnom-Bokor Natural Resources, 10º 38’N, 104º 05’E, h-550 m, 25-XI / 6-XII- 1999, M. & S. Murzin; 1 ♀, Phnom-Bokor Natural Resources, 10º 38’N, 104º 05’E, h-400 m, 24 /31-X- 2007, S. Murzin; 1 ♂, Koh-Kong Prov., Tatui village, 23-V-2013, O. Kosterin.

Notes: It will be possible to determine this species when extra material is available.

Xyroptilia oksana Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2006

Xyroptilia oksana Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2006: 259. (Type locality: Java, Indonesia)

Material: 1 ♂, Rattanakiri Prov., Bang Lung, 13º 44’N, 107º 02’E, h-350 m, 5 / 6-VI-2013, O. Kosterin.

Distribution: Indonesia (Java), India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia.

Nippoptilia cinctipedalis (Walker, 1864)

Oxyptilus cinctipedalis Walker, 1864: 935. (Type locality: Australia)

Nippoptilia minor Hori, 1933. (Type locality: Japan)

Trichoptilus eochrodes Meyrick, 1935. (Type locality: Hunan, China)

Oxyptilus caryornis Meyrick, 1935. (Type locality: Tien-Mu-Shan, China)

Material: 1 ♂, Kirirom Nat. Res., 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII-2007, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Australia, Japan, Palau, China, Thailand, Cambodia.

Nippoptilia vitis (Sasaki, 1913)

Stenoptilia vitis Sasaki, 1913: 3. (Type locality: Japan)

Oxyptilus formosanus Matsumura, 1931: No. 2061. (Type locality: Japan)

Material: 2 ♂♂, 3 ♂♂, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Japan, Korea, Nepal, India, Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia.

Exelastis pumilio (Zeller, 1873)

Mimeseoptilus pumilio Zeller, 1873: 324. (Type locality: Texas, USA)

Marasmarcha liophanes Meyrick, 1886: 19. (Type locality: Reunion Island)

Mimaesoptilus gilvidorsis Hedemann, 1896: 8 (not Zeller, 1877). (Type locality: Virgin Islands, St. Croix)

Material: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 9 / 16-XII-1999; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, 14 / 20-XI-2007; 23 exemplars, 5 / 17-XII-2007; 3 exemplars, Trapeang Rung, 80 km SE Koh-Khon, h-10 m, 20 / 29-XII-2008; 1 ♀, 15 km SE Tuol Kruos, 11º 11’N, 104º 10’E, h-100 m, 20 / 28-XII-2009; 2 exemplars, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 29-31-XII-1999; 62 exemplars, 1 / 31- XII-2008, 17 exemplars, 1 / 13-I-2009; 5 exemplars, 6-10-V-2009, S. Murzin; 1 ♀, Kep prov., Kep Treetop Bungalar, 6-XII-2010, O. Kosterin.

Distribution: Nepal, Cambodia, Philippines, New Guinea, Tchad, Gambia, Tanzania, Mali, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Rep. S. Africa, Seychelles, Reunion Island, Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya, USA., Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Surinam, Costa Rica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Mexico, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Fatu Hiva, Guam, Palau.

Exelastis atomosa (Walsingham, 1885)

Aciptilia atomosa Walsingham, 1885: 885. (Type locality: India)

Material: 1 ♂, Kirirom Nat. Res., 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII-2007, S. Murzin; 1 ♂, 150 km SW Phnom Penh, Elephant Mountains Staeng Chral, h-300 m, 24-III-2002, A. Sochivko.

Distribution: India, Nepal, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Swaziland, Madagascar.

Parafuscoptilia tabuliformis Hao & Li, 2005.

Parafuscoptilia tabuliformis Hao & Li, 2005:36. (Type locality: Fujian Prov., China)

Material: 23 exemplars, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII- 2007, S. Murzin.

Distribution: SE China, Cambodia.

Stenoptilodes taprobanes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)

Amblyptilia taprobanes Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875: plate 140, fig. 54. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Platyptilia brachymorpha Meyrick, 1888: 240. (Type locality: India)

Material: 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 5 / 17-XII-2007; 10 exemplars, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 1 / 31-XII-2008, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, India, New Guinea, Australia, Tchad, Sao Tome, Cote d’lvoire, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, USA, Paraguay, Bolivia.

Sphenarches anisodactylus (Walker, 1864)

Oxyptilus anisodactylus Walker, 1864: 934. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Pterophorus diffusalis Walker, 1864: 945. (Type locality: Australia)

Sphenarches synophrys Meyrick, 1886: 17. (Type locality: New Hebrides)

Material: 1 ♂, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 1 / 31-XII-2008; 2 ♀♀, 1 / 13-I-2009, S. Murzin; 1 ♀, Rattanakiri Prov., Bang Lung, 13º 44’N, 107º 02’E, h-350 m, 5 / 6-VI-2013, O. Kosterin; 2 ♀♀, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Nepal, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Bismarck Islands, Australia, Cameroun, Seychelles, Reunion Island, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Gambia. Guinea, Nigeria, Tchad, Malawi, Swaziland, Cote d’lvoire, Ghana, USA., Brazil, Dominica, Grenada, Panama, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, Peru, Paraguay, Fiji Islands, New Hebrides, Tonga Islands, New Caledonia, Palau, Bonin Island, Guam.

Sphenarches zanclistis (Meyrick, 1905)

Oxyptilus zanclistis Meyrick, 1905: 582. (Type locality: Myanmar [Burma])

Material: 1 ♂, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII-2007; 2 ♂♂, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Australia.

Buckleria paludum (Zeller, 1841)

Pterophorus paludum Zeller, 1839: 277. (Type locality: Germany)

Trichoptilus paludicola Fletcher, 1907: 20. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Pselnophorus dolichos Matsumura, 1931: No. 2071. (Type locality: Japan)

Material: 5 exemplars, 15 km SE Tuol Kruos, 11º 11’N, 104º 10’E, h-100 m, 20 / 28-XII-1999; 1 ♀, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 29 / 31-XII-1999; 31 exemplars, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII-2007; 9 exemplars, Trapeabg Rung, 80 km SE Koh-Khon, h-10 m, 20 / 29-XII-2008; 9 exemplars, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 1 / 31-XII-2008, 2 exemplars, 1 / 13-I-2009; 3 exemplars, Centr. Caradamon Mts., 30 km N Trapeabg Rung, 10 km E Tatai, h-350 m, 4 / 10-II-2010, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Europe, Iran, south of western Siberia, the Far East of Russia, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia.

Megalorhipida leucodactyla (Fabricius, 1794)

Pterophorus leucodactylus Fabricius, 1794: 346. (Type locality: Virgin Islands)

Pterophorus oxydactylus Walker, 1864: 944. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Trichoptilus centetes Meyrick, 1886: 16. (Type locality: New Guinea)

Trichoptilus adelphodes Meyrick, 1887: 266. (Type locality: Australia)

Trichoptilus ralumensis Pagenstecher, 1900: 239. (Type locality: Bismarck Islands)

Material: 1 1, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Spain, Morocco, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Dubai, Oman, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, Congo, Nigeria, Cote d’lvoire, Cameroun, Tchad, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Nigeria, Cape Verde Islands, Kenya, Tanzania, Swaziland, Rep. S. Africa, Uganda, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius, Ethiopia, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Australia, USA, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, French Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Suriname, Galapagos Islands, Mariana Islands, Wake Island, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands.

Trichoptilus regalis (Fletcher, 1909)

Oxyptilus regalis Fletcher, 1909: 25. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Oxyptilus chordites Meyrick, 1913: 106. (Type locality: Sri Lanka)

Material: 1 ♂, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: China, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia.

Adaina microdactyla (Hübner, [1813])

Alucita microdactyla Hübner, [1813]: pl. 5, figs. 26, 27. (Type locality: Europe)

Pterophorus carphodactylus Stephens, 1834: 374. (Type locality: England)

Adaina montivola Meyrick, 1937: 170. (Type locality: China)

Adaina subflavescens Meyrick, 1930: 568. (Type locality: Indonesia)

Material: 6 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, Phnom-Bokor Natural Resources, 10º 38’N, 104º 05’E, h-550 m, 25-XI / 6- XII-1999, M. & S. Murzin; 3 exemplars, Kirirom Natural Resources, 11º 18’N, 104º 05’E, h-650 m, 15 / 17-XII-2007; 2 ♂♂, 9 / 16-XII-1999; 1 ♂, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 1 / 31-XII-2008; 1 ♀, 1 ♀, Trapeabg Rung, 80 km SE Koh-Khon, h-10 m, 20 / 29-XII-2008; 13 exemplars, 15 km SE Tuol Kruos, 11º 11’N, 104º 10’ E, h-100 m, 20 / 28-XII-2009; 6 exemplars, Sihanoukville, 10º 37’N, 103º 26’E, 1 / 13-I-2009; 50 exemplars, 29 / 31-XII-1999, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European part), Turkey, Israel, Iran, Georgia, Nepal, China, Japan, Madagascar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, New Guinea, Solomon Islands.

Pterophorus albidus (Zeller, 1852)

Aciptilus albidus Zeller, 1852: 397. (Type locality: South Africa)

Alucita endogramma Meyrick, 1922: 549. (Type locality: Fiji)

Alucita endophaea Meyrick, 1930: 567. (Type locality: Mozambique)

Aciptilia suffiata Yano, 1963: 200. (Type locality: Okinawa, Japan)

Material: 1 ♀, Pailin, h-200 m, 11 / 16-V-2009, S. Murzin.

Distribution: Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Kei, Irian Jaya, Australia, Fiji Islands, South Africa, Gambia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Congo, Uganda, Cameroon, Tchad, Cote d’lvoire, Zimbabwe, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Reunion Island.


The authors are deeply grateful to Sergey Murzin (Moscow, Russia) and Oleg Kosterin (Novosibirsk, Russia) for the material provided for examination.


ARENBERGER, E., 1995.– Pterophoridae 1.– In H. AMSEL, F. GREGOR & H. REISSER (ed.). Microlepidoptera Palaearctica, 9: XXV + 258 pp., 153 pls. G. Braun. Karlsruhe.

ARENBERGER, E., 2002.– Pterophoridae 2. Deuterocopinae, Platyptiliinae: Trichoptilini, Oxyptilini, Tetraschalini.– In R. GAEDIKE (ed.). Microlepidoptera Palaearctica, 11: 287 pp., 96 pls. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.

ARENBERGER, E., 2010.– Stichprobenartige Untersuchungen der Fauna Thailand (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae).– Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen, 62: 1-16.

USTJUZHANIN, P. & KOVTUNOVICH, V., 2009.– The plume moths (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) of Vietnam, with description of a new species of Xyroptila Meyrick,1908.. Moths of Vietnam.– Entomofauna, Supplement, 16: 3-9, pl. 282.

Author notes

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