Contribution to the faunal study of the Tortricidae of Pelion Mountains (Greece) with description of Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

Contribución a la fauna de Tortricidae del Monte Pelion (Grecia) con la descripción de Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Totricidae)

P. Trematerra *
University of Molise, Italia
M. Colacci
University of Molise, Italia

Contribution to the faunal study of the Tortricidae of Pelion Mountains (Greece) with description of Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 45, no. 179, pp. 467-480, 2017

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 22/12/2016

Accepted: 30/03/2017

Published: 30/09/2017

Abstract: The following contribution highlights an overview of the 50 species of Tortricidae captured on Pelion Mountain, in Central Greece, during several field trips by the authors. Eleven new species to the Greek fauna were recorded: Aethes margaritana, Eana incanana, Paramesia diffusana, Tosirips magyarus, Eudemis profundana, Ancylis badiana, Pelochrista modicana, Grapholita lathyrana, Grapholita tenebrosana, Dichrorampha alpigenana and Dichroranphainconspiqua. Ceratoxanthis giansalottii, Endothenia apotomisana and Cydia pelionaeare found to be endemic to Greece. Dichroranpha inconspiquais reported for the first time in Europe. Cydia magnesiaeTrematerra & Colacci, sp. n. is described as new.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, fauna, first records, Cydia magnesiae, Greece.

Resumen: La siguiente contribución, nos da una visión general de las 50 especies de Tortricidae capturadas en el Monte Pelion, en Grecia central, durante varios viajes de estudio realizados por los autores. Se registran once nuevas especies para la fauna de Grecia: Aethesmargaritana, Eana incanana, Paramesia diffusana, Tosirips magyarus, Eudemis profundana, Ancylis badiana, Pelochrista modicana, Grapholita lathyrana, Grapholita tenebrosana, Dichrorampha alpigenana . Dichroranpha inconspiqua. Ceratoxanthis giansalottii, Endothenia apotomisana . Cydia pelionae son endémicas en Grecia. Dichroranpha inconspiquaes citada por primera vez en Europa. Cydia magnesiaeTrematerra & Colacci, sp. n. se describe como nueva.

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, fauna, nuevos registros, Cydia magnesiae, Grecia.


Our survey is based on specimens collected during 2016 by the junior author on the Pelion Mountains (Thessaly, Central Greece) (Figures 1-6). The Pelion Mountain range closes off the Pagasetic Gulf. The highest peak is Pourianos Stavros (altitude 1624 m). Pelion’s diverse ecosystem is made up of coastal, plain and mountain zones. The area consists of thick forestal vegetation of deciduous forests and developed maquis shrubs. It has three vegetation zones with fourteen ecotypes, supporting rich species communities. The typical Mediterranean shrubland (Quercetalia ilicis) covers the low altitudes and includes most of the self-sown aromatic and pharmaceutical taxa, such as Salvia fruticosa Mill., Thymus spp., Sideritis spp., etc. The para-Mediterranean broad-leaved deciduous tres zone (Quercetalia pubescentis) covers the middle altitude of the area and includes Oak (Quercus frainetto Ten.) and chestnut forests (Castaneasativa Mill.). The beech forest zone (Fagetalia) covers the areas above the para-Mediterranean zone up to the tree-limit zone.

The central part of the Pelion Mountains is covered by a thick beech-tree forest (Fagus sylvatica L.) with excellent structure and maintenance state, which is the dominant vegetation of the higher zones. There are also aspen-tree formations (Populus tremula L.) and willow trees (Salix caprea L.). Cultivated species consist mainly of fruit-trees (apples, apricots, cherries, kiwis, lemons, oranges, pears, almonds and walnuts and also olive trees and wineyards).

Depending on the area, the Pelion Mountains, have either a moist climate with long, hot summers and mild winters, very moist through all seasons, or a mild Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild winter season. Heat waves and intense cold periods are rare.

Material and methods

The specimens reported in the paper were collected by M. Colacci on Pelion Mountains, mainly by net and by attraction to light at night-time. The localities visited were: Portaria, at 750 m a.s.l. and at 1000 m a.s.l.; Drakia, at 980 m a.s.l.; Chania, at 1150 m a.s.l. and at 1350 m a.s.l..

The material was primarily identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region according to HAJIBABAEI et al. (2006) and RATNASINGHAM & HEBERT (2007).

In the compilation of the list we follow the systematic arrangement adopted by RAZOWSKI (2002, 2003) with some modifications suggested by BROWN (2005) and by GILLIGAN et al. (2014). Biology and distribution of the species are largely taken from RAZOWSKI (1996), TREMATERRA (2003) and AARVIK (2013), with new data from Trematerra’s personal catalogue (unpublished data).

Abbreviations utilized in the distribution of specimens in Europe:
IC – IcelandDT – GermanyCH – Switzerland
NR – NorwayNL – NetherlandsAU – Austria
DK – DenmarkGB – United KingdomHG – Hungary
SW – SwedenIR – IrelandYU – ex Yugoslavia
SF – FinlandBL – BelgiumRO – Romania
EE – Eastern EuropeLX – LuxembourgBG – Bulgaria
EN – EstoniaFR – FranceAL – Albania
LV – LatviaES – SpainGR – Greece
LT – LithuaniaPR – PortugalCR – Crete
PL – PolandCO – CorsicaTR – European Turkey
CZ – Czech RepublicMA – Malta
SK – SlovakiaIT – Italy


Tortrix viridana Linneaus, 1758

Material examined: 5 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Morocco; Asia Minor; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Transcaucasus; W Kazakhstan; Iran.

Aleimma loeflingianum (Linnaeus, 1758)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 5 ♂♂, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016; 4 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-V-2016; 3 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 12-VI-2016; 2 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR, TR); Asia Minor; Syria; Georgia; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Iran.

Acleris variegana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); NW Africa; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Ural Mts; Iran; Kazakhstan; Turkmenistan; Afghanistan; Tajikistan; SW Siberia; China; Japan; N America.


Obraztsoviana maculosana (Haworth, 1811)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, CZ, SK, DT, GB, IR, BL, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR, CR); Asia Minor; Israel; Transcaucasus.

Ceratoxanthis giansalottii Bassi, 2014

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 28-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (GR).

Aethes margaritana (Haworth, [1811])

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Kazakhstan; Central Asia; W Siberia. New Record for Greece.


Eana incanana (Stephens, 1852)

Material examined: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Transcaucasus; Russian Far East. New Record for Greece.

Cnephasia incertana (Treitschke, 1835)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 7-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR, TR); N Africa; from Near East to Iraq; Transcaucasus.

Cnephasia communana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 27-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 27-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 3 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 1 0, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); Morocco; Libya; N Africa; Asia Minor; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Kazakhstan; Turkmenistan, WS Siberia.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Cnephasia cupressivorana (Staudinger, 1871)

Material examined: 3 ♂♂, Portaria, 750 m, 6-IV-2016; 2 ♂♂, Drakia, 980 m, 6-IV-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 14-IV-2016; 3 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 21-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 27-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 9-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 10 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (BL, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG?, YU, RO, BG?, AL, GR, CR); Asia Minor; Kyrgyzstan.

Cnephasia abrasana (Duponchel, 1843)

Material examined: 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 21-IV-2016; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 5-V-2016; 3 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 9-V-2016; 2 ♀♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, EN, LT, SK, BL, FR, PR, CO, IT, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); Asia Minor.

Cnephasia ecullyana Réal, 1951

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 12-VI-2016. Distribution: Europe (CZ, SK, DT, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR); Asia Minor.


Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Stainton, 1859)

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; China; Nepal; Russian Far East; S Korea; Japan.

Epagoge grotiana (Fabricius, 1781)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016; 5 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 28-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; S Ural Mts; Kazakhstan.

Paramesia diffusana (Kennel, 1899)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 28-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EN, ES, IT, CO, GR). New Record for Greece.

Archips crataeganus (Hübner, [1799])

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR, TR); Morocco; N Africa; Asia Minor; Ural Mts; Transcaucasus; Iran; Kazakhstan; Siberia; China; S Korea; Japan.

Tosirips magyarus Razowski, 1987

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (CO, IT, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR). New Record for Greece.

Ptycholoma lecheana (Linnaeus, 1758)

Material examined: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 5-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, AU, CH, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Caucasus; Ural Mts; Kazakhstan; Trans-Baikal; Russian Far East; China; Korea; Japan.

Syndemis musculana (Hübner, [1799])

Material examined: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 3 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR); Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Ural Mts; Kazakhstan; Trans-Baikal; Mongolia; Russian Far East; Korea; Japan.

Aphelia ferrugana (Hübner, 1793)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 5-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 9-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 4 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, CZ, SK, DT, NL, FR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Syria; Iraq; Caucasus; Iran.


Endothenia marginana (Haworth, 1811)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 12-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, AL, GR); NW Africa; from Ural Mts to Mongolia; Russian Far East; China.

Endothenia apotomisana Trematerra & Colacci, 2016.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Drakia, 980 m, 6-IV-2016.

Distribution: Europe (GR).

Lobesia botrana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 9-V-2016; 4 ♂♂, Portaria, 750 m, 10-V-2016; 4 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (DK, SW, EE, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, GB, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR, CR); N Africa; Near East; Asia Minor; Iraq; Transcaucasus; Iran; Kazakhstan; Japan; N and S America.

Eudemis profundana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 3 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 26-VI-2016. Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor. New Record for Greece.

Hedya nubiferana (Haworth, 1811)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 5-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); Asia Minor; Iraq; Caucasus; Iran; Turkmenistan; WS Siberia; N America.

Olethreutes arcuellus (Clerck, 1759)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 7-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 9-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 1 ♀, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 22-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Caucasus; Ural Mts; Iran; Kazakhstan; NW China; W Siberia.

Syricoris lacunana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 6 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 6 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; W Siberia; NE China; Mongolia; Korea; Japan.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.


Ancylis badiana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 27-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; China; Mongolia; Russian Far East; Korea; Japan. New Record for Greece.


Epinotia festivana (Hübner, [1799])

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 12-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, CZ, SK, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Crimea; Dagestan; Transcaucasus; Iran.

Pelochrista agrestana (Treitschke, 1830)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 26-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 5-IX-2016.

Distribution: Europe (LT, FR, CO, IT, AU, YU, BG, GR, CR); Asia Minor.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Pelochrista modicana (Zeller, 1847)

Material examined: 3 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 2 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, PL, CZ, SK, DT, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Turkmenistan; Kazakhstan. New Record for Greece.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Epiblema graphanum (Treitschke, 1835)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Iran; Kazakhstan; Afghanistan; Trans-Baikal; WS Siberia; China.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Epiblema sp.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016.

Remarks: Identified only by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Notocelia cynosbatella (Linneaus, 1758)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 27-IV-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 5-V-2016; 3 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 7-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 22-V-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 2 ♀♀, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, AL, GR); Near East; Asia Minor; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Ural Mts; Iran; Turkmenistan; Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Russian Far East.

Notocelia uddmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758)

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, CO, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, AL, GR, CR); N Africa; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Trans-Ural; Iran; Kazakhstan; Tadzikistan; S Siberia.

Rhyacionia buoliana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR); N Africa; Asia Minor; Israel; Caucasus; Transcaucasus, Ural Mts; China; Korea; Japan; introduced to N and S America.


Cydia plumbiferana (Staudinger, 1871)

Material examined: 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 28-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (FR, IT, GR, CR); Lebanon.

Cydia succedana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 28-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); Morocco; Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Iran; Kazakhstan; Afghanistan; Central Asia; Mongolia.

Cydia triangulella (Goeze, 1783)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 5-IX-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR); Morocco; S Ural Mts; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Japan.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller, 1841)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016; 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 26-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, PR, CO, MA, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR, CR); NW Africa; Asia Minor; Syria; Caucasus; Iran, Turkestan.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n.

Material examined: Holotype, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 23-VI-2016; Paratypes, 2 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 26-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 750 m, 5-IX-2016 (Sample ID: LEP-SS-00491). Deposited in the Trematerra collection, Campobasso, Italy.

Adult (Figure 10): Wing span 14-16 mm. Head brownish, palps light brown. Thorax brownish, abdomen honey colour. Forewing grey, sprinkled whitish-cream with greyish strigulae and suffusion; costal strigulae delicate, whitish or white-cream, dividings dark brown; post-apical strigula white- cream; speculum olive grey often with grey suffusion, with refractive lines and blackish inner spots, outer lines of speculum silvery. Dorsal patch white-grey, diffused distally and extending towards middle of wing, marked by brownish lines. Basal blotch brown-grey, distinctly convex medially; subtornal blotch dark brown often entirely edging speculum area, extending towards apex of wing. Cilia brownish grey; basal line creamish-grey. Hindwing brownish with cilia brown-cream, basal line cream. Males with greyish white blotch in anal area with white-cream cilia.

Male genitalia (Figures 11, 13, 14): Tegumen developed with enlarged base; small hairy prominence at top of tegumen proximally and scales on lateral surfaces; valvae elongate with costa convex in the median part; caudal angle of sacculus weak; neck of valva broad; cucullus slightly elongate, convex caudally, with small ventral group of spines; ventral incision quite pronounced; basal cavity rather elongated; aedeagus long and slender, basally large and at the terminal part very slender, slightly curved.

Female genitalia (Figures 12, 15): Subgenital sternite trapezoidal, strongly concave terminally; postostial part of sterigma small, slightly expanding posteriorly, convex terminally; colliculum membranous; cingulum elongated; ductus seminalis near corpus bursae; weak sclerite at base of ductus seminalis; bursa copulatrix developed and broad.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality.

Biology: Probably bivoltine. Our specimens were collected with the net at Portaria, on Pelion Mountain (Greece), in late June and in early September. Larval foodplant unknown.

Diagnosis: Externally Cydia magnesiaesp. n. looks like Grapholita funebrana (Tr.), but in the genitalia it is similar to Cydia fagiglandana (Z.) (DANILEVSKI & KUZNETSOV, 1968; RAZOWSKI, 2003) (Figures 7, 8). From the latter species in male genitalia it differs by the conformation of valvae, the caudal angle of the sacculus, by cucullus and by aedeagus having basal part enlarged (Figures 8, 11, 13, 14). The female genitalia differ by the post-ostial part of the sterigma, by the cingulum being elongated, by the presence of a weak sclerite at base of ductus seminalis, and by the absence of a diverticulum (Figures 9, 12, 15).

Barcoding analyses: The distance of the C. magnesiae (BCLEP040-16) from the nearest neighbour (NN) is equal to 2,98%. The NN is C. fagiglandana (BIN: BOLD AAC5023).

Etymology: The name is derived from Magnesia region (Thessaly, Greece).

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Cydia amplana (Hübner, [1799])

Material examined: 7 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, Portaria, 750 m, 5-IX-2016.

Distribution: Europe (DK, SW, EE, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, GR, CR); Asia Minor; Syria; Transcaucasus.

Cydia pelionae Trematerra & Colacci, 2016

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 1 ♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 8-VI-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016; 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (GR).

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Grapholita fissana (Frölich, 1828)

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (SW, EE, PL, CZ, SK, DT, LX, FR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Ural Mts.

Grapholita lathyrana (Hübner, [1813])

Material examined: 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 7-V-2016; 6 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, BL, FR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, BG, AL, GR); New Record for Greece.

Grapholita nebritana Treitschke, 1830

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 750 m, 15-V-2016.

Distribution: Europe (EE, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, BL, FR, ES, PR, IT, CH, AU, HG, YU, RO, AL, GR); N Africa; Asia Minor.

Grapholita tenebrosana Duponchel, 1843

Material examined: 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 17-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (NR, DK, SW, SF, EE, EN, LV, LT, PL, CZ, SK, DT, NL, GB, IR, BL, LX, FR, ES, IT, CH, AU, HG, RO, BG, GR); Asia Minor; Transcaucasus; Kazakhstan; Russian Far East; Japan. New Record for Greece.

Dichrorampha alpigenana (Heinemann, 1863)

Material examined: 1 ♀, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 15-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (DT, FR, IT, CH, AU, YU, GR); W Siberia. New Record for Greece.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region.

Dichrorampha inconspiqua (Danilevsky, 1948)

Material examined: 4 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 19-IV-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1150 m, 27-IV-2016; 4 ♂♂, Portaria, 1000 m, 10-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1350 m, 13-V-2016; 2 ♂♂, Chania, 1150 m, 17-V-2016; 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Portaria, 1000 m, 19-V-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 10-VI-2016; 1 ♂, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Distribution: Europe (GR); S Transcaucasus; Azerbaijan. New Record for Europe.

Remarks: Identified morphologically, supplemented by molecular data of the COI barcode region (Figures 16, 17, 18).

Dichrorampha sp.

Material examined: 1 ♀, Chania, 1350 m, 20-VI-2016.

Remarks: Identified only by molecular data of the COI barcode region.


During the last decade, the Tortricidae from Greece have received only sporadic attention by both local and foreign lepidopterists with publications referring to one or few entities (e.g. AARVIK & KARSHOLT, 1993; TREMATERRA & KARSHOLT, 1996; TREMATERRA & AARVIK, 1998; GOZMANY, 2012; BASSI, 2014; TREMATERRA & COLACCI, 2016), while lacking summary works that consider the Hellenic fauna as a whole.

In RAZOWSKI (1996) mentioned 209 species of Tortricidae as present in Greece from the 925 recorded for Europe. In the latest checklist of Lepidoptera, the electronic version of the Fauna Europaea, the number of Tortricidae reported from Greece is 211 (AARVIK, 2013). In addition, there are two new species, Endothenia apotomisana Trematerra & Colacci and Cydia pelionae Trematerra & Colacci, described from Pelion Mountains (TREMATERRA & COLACCI, 2016). For Crete Island, RAZOWSKI (1996) listed 30 species of Tortricidae, while in the Fauna Europaea are recorded 32 species (AARVIK, 2013). Recently HUEMER (2016) studied the Tortricidae collected by Walter Ruckdeschell on the island of Crete and cited 40 species thus increasing the total species number of the Island to 56. In the Trematerra personal catalogue are noted 233 species referred to Greece and 62 to Crete (unpublished data).

The species listed in the present paper are 50, of which 11 are recorded for the first time in Greece: Aethes margaritana, Eana incanana, Paramesia diffusana, Tosirips magyarus, Eudemis profundana, Ancylis badiana, Pelochrista modicana, Grapholita lathyrana, Grapholita tenebrosana, Dichrorampha alpigenana and Dichroranphainconspiqua. Ceratoxanthisgiansalottii, Endothenia apotomisana, and Cydia pelionaeare endemic of Greece. Dichroranpha inconspiqua is reported for the first time in Europe. Cydia magnesiae sp. n. is described as new to science.

Thus, with the records cited in the present paper, the Lepidoptera Tortricidae of the Greek fauna are now 244.


We thank Dr Paul Hebert and his team (Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding Guelph, Canada) for DNA sequencing work. We are grateful to Prof. Christos Athanassiou (University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece), to Prof. Jozef Razowski (Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland), and to Dr Paul Sammut (Rabat, Malta) for information, comments and helpful suggestions.


AARVIK, L. E., 2013.– Tortricidae.– In O. KARSHOLT & E. J. VAN NIEUKERKEN. Fauna Europaea version 2.6.2. Available from

AARVIK, L. E., KARSHOLT, O., 1993.– New and little known Grapholitini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from Mediterranean area.– Nota lepidopterologica, 15(3/4): 164-178.

BASSI, G., 2014.– A new species of Ceratoxanthis Razowski, 1960 from Greece (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Tortricinae, Cochylini).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 42(167): 489-492.

BROWN, J. W., 2005.– Tortricidae (Lepidoptera).– World Catalogue of Insects, 5: 741 pp. Apollo Books, Stenstrup.

DANILEVSKY, A. S. & KUZNETSOV, V. I., 1968.– Listovertki (Tortricidae). Triba plodozhorki (Laspeiresiini).– Fauna SSSR, 5(1): 636 pp. Nasekomye Cheshuekrylye, Leningrad.

GILLIGAN, T. M., BAIXERAS, J., BROWN, J. W. & TUCK, K. R., 2014.– T@RTS: Online World Catalogue of the Tortricidae (Ver. 3.0). Available from

GOZMANY, L., 2012.– The Lepidoptera of Greece and Cyprus, 1: 409 pp. Pemberley Natural History Books BA, Inver.

HAJIBABAEI, M., JANZEN, D. H., BURNS, J. M., HALLWACHS, W. & HEBERT, P. D. N., 2006.– DNA barcodes distinguish species of tropical Lepidoptera.– PNAS 2006, 103: 968-971.

HUEMER, P., 2016.– Beitrag zur Wicklerfauna Kretas aus Aufsammlungen von Dr. Walter Ruckdeschel (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae).– Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, 65(1/2): 2-12.

RATNASINGHAM, S. & HEBERT, P. D. N., 2007.– BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System (– Molecular Ecology Notes, 7: 355-364.

RAZOWSKI, J., 1996.– Tortricoidea.– In O. KARSHOLT & J. RAZOWSKI. The Lepidoptera of Europe. A Distributional Checklist: 380 pp. Apollo Books, Stenstrup.

RAZOWSKI, J., 2002.– Tortricidae of Europe. Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae, 1: 247 pp. Frantisek Slamka, Bratislava.

RAZOWSKI, J., 2003.– Tortricidae of Europe. Olethreutinae, 2: 301 pp. Frantisek Slamka, Bratislava.

TREMATERRA, P., 2003.– Catalogo dei Lepidoptera Tortricidae della fauna italiana: geonemia distribuzione in Italia, note biologiche, identificazione.– Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 35(suppl. 1): 1-270.

TREMATERRA, P. & KARSHOLT, O., 1996.– New records of Tortricidae for Greek and Spanish fauna (Lepidoptera Tortricidae).– Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 28(2): 141-147.

TREMATERRA, P. & AARVIK, L. E., 1998.– Reperimento di Cydia johanssoniAarvik & Karsholt, 1993 (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) in Italia e descrizione della femmina.– Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 30(1): 33-38.

TREMATERRA, P. & COLACCI, M., 2016.– Description of Endothenia apotomisana sp. n. and Cydia pelionae sp. n. from Pelion Mountains, Greece (Lepidoptera Tortricidae).– REDIA, 99: 71-74.


Study areas. 1. Schematic representation, 2. Aerial view, 3. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 750 m a.s.l., 4. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1000 m a.s.l., 5. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1150 m a.s.l., 6. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1350 m a.s.l..
Figs. 1-6
Study areas. 1. Schematic representation, 2. Aerial view, 3. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 750 m a.s.l., 4. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1000 m a.s.l., 5. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1150 m a.s.l., 6. Panoramic view of the vegetation at 1350 m a.s.l..

Cydia fagiglandana (Z.). 7. Adult, 8. Male genitalia, 9. Female genitalia. Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. 10. Adult, 11. Male genitalia, 12. Female genitalia, 13. Valva, 14. Tegumen and aedeagus.
Figs. 7-14
Cydia fagiglandana (Z.). 7. Adult, 8. Male genitalia, 9. Female genitalia. Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. 10. Adult, 11. Male genitalia, 12. Female genitalia, 13. Valva, 14. Tegumen and aedeagus.

15. Female genitalia. Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. Particular view of subgenital sternite, postostial part of sterigma, cingulum, ductus seminalis and weak sclerite at base of ductus seminalis. 16-18. Dichrorampha inconspiqua (Danilevsky, 1948), 16. Adult, 17. Male genitalia, 18. Female genitalia.
Figs. 15-18
15. Female genitalia. Cydia magnesiae Trematerra & Colacci, sp. n. Particular view of subgenital sternite, postostial part of sterigma, cingulum, ductus seminalis and weak sclerite at base of ductus seminalis. 16-18. Dichrorampha inconspiqua (Danilevsky, 1948), 16. Adult, 17. Male genitalia, 18. Female genitalia.

Author notes

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