Diversity of the Macrolepidoptera from a “Bosco Palazzi” area in a woodland of Quercus trojana Webb., in southeastern Murgia (Apulia region, Italy) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Diversità dei Macrolepidoptera dell’area di “Bosco Palazzi”, foresta a Quercus trojana Webb. nelle Murge di sud-est (regione Apulia, Italia) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Diversidad de los Macrolepidoptera del área de “Bosco Palazzi” en un bosque de Quercus trojana Webb., en el sudeste de Murgia (región de Apulia, Italia) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Diversity of the Macrolepidoptera from a “Bosco Palazzi” area in a woodland of Quercus trojana Webb., in southeastern Murgia (Apulia region, Italy) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 46, no. 182, 2018
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
Received: 29 December 2017
Accepted: 30 January 2018
Published: 30 June 2018
Abstract: This study summarises the known records of the Macrolepidoptera species of the “Bosco Palazzi” area near the municipality of Putignano (Apulia region) in the Murgia mountains in southern Italy. The list of species is based on historical bibliographic data along with new material collected by other entomologists in the last few decades. A total of 207 species belonging to the families Cossidae (3 species), Drepanidae (4 species), Lasiocampidae (7 species), Limacodidae (1 species), Saturniidae (2 species), Sphingidae (5 species), Brahmaeidae (1 species), Geometridae (55 species), Notodontidae (5 species), Nolidae (3 species), Euteliidae (1 species), Noctuidae (96 species), and Erebidae (24 species) were identified. Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897) (Geometridae) is reported for the first time from Apulia region and in southern Italy. With this research, the authors highlight the importance of conservation of the remaining areas wooded with Quercus trojana Webb. in southern Italy.
Keywords: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Quercus trojana, faunistics, conservation, Apulia region, Italy.
Sommario: Nel presente lavoro vengono riassunte le conoscenze sui Macrolepidoptera dell’area denominata “Bosco Palazzi”, nel comune di Putignano (Bari, regione Apulia), nel complesso montuoso delle Murge, in Italia meridionale. Sono stati accorpati e studiati i dati storici desunti dalla bibliografia, con quelli di nuovo materiale proveniente da raccolte effettuate nell’area nelle ultime decadi. In totale sono state rinvenute 207 specie, appartenenti alle famiglie: Cossidae (3 specie), Drepanidae (4 specie), Lasiocampidae (7 specie), Limacodidae (1 specie), Saturniidae (2 specie), Sphingidae (5 specie), Brahmaeidae (1 specie), Geometridae (55 specie), Notodontidae (5 specie), Nolidae (3 specie), Euteliidae (1 specie), Noctuidae (96 specie), ed Erebidae (24 specie). Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897) (Geometridae) è segnalata per la prima volta in Apulia e in Italia meridionale. Questa ricerca evidenzia l’interesse dell’ecosistema studiato e l’importanza della conservazione delle aree rimanenti boschive con Quercus trojanaWebb. in Italia meridionale.
Parole: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Quercus trojana, faunistica, conservazione, regione Apulia, Italia.
Resumen: Este estudio resume los registros conocidos de los Macrolepidoptera del “Bosco Palazzi” área cercana de la municipalidad de Putignano (región de Apulia) en las montañas de Murgia en el sur de Italia. La lista de especies está basada en los datos bibliográficos históricos, al mismo tiempo con el nuevo material colectado por otros entomólogos en las últimas décadas. Se identificaron un total de 207 especies pertenecientes a las familias Cossidae (3 especies), Drepanidae (4 especies), Lasiocampidae (7 especies), Limacodidae (1 especie), Saturniidae (2 especies), Sphingidae (5 especies), Brahmaeidae (1 especies), Geometridae (55 especies), Notodontidae (5 especies), Nolidae (3 especies), Euteliidae (1 especie), Noctuidae (96 especies) y Erebidae (24 especies). Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897) (Geometridae) se cita por primera vez de la región de Apulia y en sur de Italia. Los autores, tienen la esperanza de que esta investigación colaborará en la protección del medio ambiente de las áreas arboladas con Quercus trojana Webb. en el sur de Italia.
Palabras clave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Quercus trojana, faunística, conservacion, región de Apulia, Italia.
This research was carried out as part of a larger project for a better understanding of the faunistics, zoogeography, and distribution of the Lepidoptera of southeastern Italy. The fauna of the Apulia region is of considerable interest for its paleogeographic history and its position next to the Balkan Peninsula. In this paper, we summarised the knowledge of the Macrolepidoptera Heterocera species of the “Bosco Palazzi”, an interesting area in the Apulia region in southern Italy, for the presence of Quercus trojana Webb. woodland.
The Macedonian oak Quercus trojana is native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, from southeastern Italy through the southern Balkans towards western Turkey. In Italy, the Macedonian oak, Fragno in Italian, is present only in two very limited areas, in the Apulia and Basilicata regions on limestone hills in the Murge mountains (FRANCINI-CORTI, 1967). This species grows on land with particularly thermophilic conditions, and presence in the southeastern Italy is the result of the gradual withdrawal of the species during the last ice age from a much larger territory (BOZZANO & TUROK, 2002). Protection of habitats with the Italian populations of Q. trojana is still insufficient, and we strongly suggest concrete future actions by the local administration for the conservation of the species.
Due to the research on Lepidoptera carried out in Apulia by the second author in the last three decades, the knowledge of Heterocera has increased significantly (PARENZAN, 1994, 1995, 2002; PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996; PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007; PARENZAN et al., 2006), even though many aspects are certainly yet to be discovered.
Materials and methods
Samplings were carried out in the Apulia region (southern Italy), in a Quercus trojana woodland, the Bosco Palazzi, in the municipality of Putignano, in Bari province, 380 m a.s.l.
The list of species is based on material collected in the years 1985-1987, historical bibliographic data and data inedits.
Moths were collected at mercury light traps (160 W), positioned approximately 1.50 m above the ground. The data have been compared with available published records of regional presence. The bibliographic data on the moths included in this study are those referring to the site called “Bosco Petruzzi”, adjacent to “Bosco Palazzi”. Species were identified based on the morphology of adults and when necessary on an examination of the genitalia. Reported specimens are stored in the author’s collection. In each species the number of specimens collected/observed is reported in brackets. The presence/absence in the different months of the year, bibliographic sources for the Italian distributions, and the occurrence in Apulia are included for the most interesting species. The treatment of families and nomenclature follow van NIEUKERKEN et al. (2011), that of the Noctuoidea follow ZAHIRI et al. (2011, 2012); the species are listed in alphabetical order (KARSHOLT & NIEUKERKEN, 2013).
List of species
Clade Macroheterocera Chapman, 1893
Superfamily Cossoidea Mosher, 1916
Family Cossidae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Cossinae Leach, 1815
Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (2).
Parahypopta caestrum (Hübner, 1808
New records: 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 6-10-VI-1986 (4), 16-22-VI-1986 (3), 13-16-IX-1986 (1); 2122-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (4), 12-16-VII-1987 (3), 17-19-VII-1987 (1), 20-22-VII-1987 (1).
Subfamily Zeuzerinae Boisduval, 1828
Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761)
New records: 14-15-VI-1985 (1), 2-4-VII-1985 (1), 19-21-VII-1985 (1), 26-29-VII-1985 (1), 1012-VIII-1985 (4), 13-15-VIII-1985 (1); 16-22-VI-1986 (1), 23-27-VI-1986 (2), 11-14-VII-1986 (1), 28VI-2-VII-1986 (2); 3-4-VI-1987 (3), 12-16-VII-1987 (8), 17-19-VII-1987 (1).
Superfamily Drepanoidea Boisduval, 1828
Family Drepanidae Boisduval, 1828
Subfamily Drepaninae Boisduval, 1828
Cilix glaucata (Scopoli, 1763)
New records: 2-4-VII-1985 (2), 19-21-VII-1985 (1), 13-16-IX-1985 (1); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (1), 610-VI-1986 (5),
Watsonalla uncinula (Borkhausen, 1790)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (3).
Subfamily Thyatirinae Smith, 1893
Cymatophorina diluta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
IX-X-1985; IX-X-1986 (Parenzan, 1995).
Remark: in Apulia region known only from Quasano, and Bosco Palazzi (Bari province) (PARENZAN, 1995).
Polyploca ridens (Fabricius, 1787)
New records: 24-31-III-1986 (1), 10-IV-1986 (2).
Superfamily Lasiocampoidea Harris, 1841
Family Lasiocampidae Harris, 1841
Subfamily Pinarinae Kirby, 1892
Tribe Pinarini Kirby, 1892
Pachypasa otus (Drury, 1773)
22-24-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Gastropachini Neumoegen & Dyar,1893
Gastropacha quercifolia (Linnaeus, 1758).
New records: 16-22-VI-1986 (2), 11-14-VII-1986 (4).
Subfamily Lasiocampinae Harris, 1841
Lasiocampa quercus (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 3-6-IX-1985 (3), 10-12-IX-1985 (1); 8-12-IX-1986 (1).
Lasiocampa trifolii (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 7-9-IX-1985 (2), 10-12-IX-1985 (1), 13-16-IX-1985 (2), 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 8-12-IX-1986 (1), 13-16-IX-1986 (2), 20-24-IX-1986 (3).
Subfamily Malacosomatinae Aurivillius, 1927
Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus, 1758)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 12-13-VI-1985 (83), 18-20-VI-1985 (85), 26-28-VI-1985 (24), 2-4-VII-1985 (2); 6-10-VI-1986 (87), 11-15-VI-1986 (33), 16-22-VI-1986 (96), 23-27-VI-1986 (33), 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (5),23-25-IX-1986 (25); 1-10-VI-1987 (19), 22-25-VI-1987 (145), 3-7-VII-1987 (78), 12-16-VII-1987 (3),17-19-VII-1987 (2).
Subfamily Poecilocampinae Tutt, 1902
Poecilocampa alpina (Frey & Wullschlegel, 1874)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 24-30-XI-1985 (4); 3-11-I-1986 (2), 20-25-I-1986 (2), 27-I-2-II-1986 (1).
Trichiura crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758)
8-18-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Superfamily Zygaenoidea Latreille, 1809
Family Limacodidae Duponchel, 1845
Subfamily Limacodinae Duponchel, 1845
Apoda limacodes (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 22-23-V-1985 (2), 3-4-VI-1985 (3); 6-10-VI-1986 (2), 11-22-VI-1986 (2).
Superfamily Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802
Family Saturniidae Boisduval, 1837
Subfamily Saturniinae Boisduval, 1837
Saturnia pavoniella (Scopoli, 1763)
3-IV-1989 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Saturnia pyri (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 20-21-V-1985 (1); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (2); 24-30-V-1987 (2).
Family Sphingidae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Sphinginae Latreille, 1802
Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 10-11-VI-1985 (1); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (6).
Subfamily Macroglossinae Harris, 1839
Tribe Macroglossini Harris, 1839
Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 28-VI-02-VII-1986 (5).
Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758)
11-V-1983 (PARENZAN et al., 2006).Remarks: this is the only locality known for the Apulia region. In Italy it is present in the centralnorthernregions, and in Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.
Subfamily Smerinthinae Grote & Robinson, 1865
Laothoe populi (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 16-17-V-1985 (1), 19-21-VII-1985 (3).
Marumba quercus (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 27-29-V-1985 (2), 10-13-VI-1985 (4), 14-17-VI-1985 (5), 21-22-VI-1985 (1), 26-28-VI-1985 (4); 6-10-VI-1986 (1), 16-22-VI-1986 (2), 23-27-VI-1986 (1), 28-VI-02-VII-1986 (1), 23-25-IX-1986 (2); 03-07-VII-1987 (2), 12-16-VII-1987 (1).
Family Brahmaeidae Swinhoe, 1892
Lemonia taraxaci (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
3-13-X-1985; 30-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 25-28-IX-1987 (3).
Superfamily Geometroidea Leach, 1815
Family Geometridae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Alsophilinae Herbulot, 1962
Alsophila aescularia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 16-22-II-1986 (3).Remark: second place of Apulia, known only from Parco delle Pianelle (province of Taranto)(PARENZAN, 1994).
Subfamily Ennominae Duponchel, 1845
Tribe Aspitatini Duponchel, 1845
Aspitates ochrearia (Rossi, 1794)
New records: 22-25-VIII-1986 (1), 20-24-IX-1986 (2); 24-30-V-1987 (1).
Tribe Bistonini Pierce, 1914
Agriopis bajaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
12-18-I-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Agriopis marginaria (Fabricius, 1777)
II-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Apocheima hispidaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 16-22-II-1986 (3).
Apochima flabellaria (Heeger, 1833)
8-XII-1985- I-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 21-XI-4-XII-1985 (2); 27-I-2-II-1986 (1).
Biston strataria (Hufnagel, 1767)
III-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Erannis defoliaria (Clerck, 1759)
15-29-XII-1985 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Lycia florentina (Stefanelli, 1882)
New records: 16-22-II-1986 (2).
Tribe Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845
Ascotis selenaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Menophra japygiaria (Costa O.G., 1849)
IV-1986, 6-10, 14-20-XI-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
IV-1986, V-1986; X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 26-29-VII-1985 (2); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (6).
Peribatodes umbraria (Hübner, 1809)
V-1985 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 12-13-V-1985 (2); 25-28-IX-1987 (3).
Tribe Campaeini Herbulot, 1963
Campaea honoraria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 20-21-V-1985 (1); 8-12-IX-1986 (3), 20-24-IX-1986 (1); 3-4-VI-1987 (1), 25-28-IX-1987 (7).
Tribe Ennomini Guenee, 1845
Ennomos quercaria (Hübner, 1813)
VII-1985; VI-1986, IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994; FLAMIGNI et al., 2007).
New records: 26-28-VI-1985 (4), 2-4-VII-1985 (2), 19-21-VII-1985 (1), 6-9-VIII-1985 (1); 11-15-VI-1986 (1), 26-IX-1986 (2); 22-25-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (9), 20-22-VII-1987 (2).
Tribe Epionini Bruand, 1846
Opisthograptis luteolata (Linnaeus, 1758)
V-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 12-13-V-1985 (2), 16-17-V-1985 (1), 3-6-IX-1985 (5), 17-21-IX-1985 (2); 17-19-IX-1986 (1); 24-30-V-1987 (3).
Tribe Gnophini Guenee, 1845
Gnophos sartata Treitschke, 1827
IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 12-13-VI-1985 (3).
Tribe Gonodontini Forbes, 1948
Crocallis elinguaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Crocallis tusciaria (Borkhausen, 1793)
VI-1986, X-1986, 14-20-XI-1986; X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1984; FLAMIGNI et al., 2007).
New records: 21-XI-4-XII-1986 (2).
Colotois pennaria (Linnaeus, 1761)
X-1986, XII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 13-XI-1985 (2), 7-XII-1985 (1); 21-XI-1986 (3), 4-XII-1986 (1).
Tribe Macariini Guenée, 1858
Enconista spodiaria (Lefèbvre 1832)
X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 30-IV-2-V-1985 (3), 16-17-V-1985 (1).
Heliomata glarearia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Rhoptria asperaria (Hübner, 1817)
VI-1985, VII-1985; IV-1986, VIII-1986, IX-1986; X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 5-7-VII-1986 (1), 22-24-VII-1986 (4).
Subfamily Geometrinae Stephens, 1829
Tribe Comostolini Inoue, 1961
Eucrostes indigenata (de Villers, 1789)
VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 20-22-VII-1987 (3).
Tribe Pseudoterpnini Warren, 1893
Pseudoterpna coronillaria (Hübner, 1817)
IV-1986, IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 16-17-V-1985 (1), 19-21-VII-1985 (2), 26-29-VII-1985 (1), 3-5-VIII-1985 (2); 11-14-VII-1986 (1), 22-24-VII-1986 (1), 7-VIII-1986 (1), 13-IX-1986 (4), 20-24-IX-1986 (1); 24-30-V-1987 (2).
Tribe Thalerini Herbulot, 1963
Thalera fimbrialis (Scopoli, 1763)
New records: 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (3).
Subfamily Larentiinae Duponchel, 1845
Tribe Cidariini Duponchel, 1845
Coenotephria ablutaria (Boisduval,1840)
IX-X-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Coenotephria salicata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
III-V-VIII-IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: IV-1986 (3); X-1987 (1), XI-1987 (4).
Tribe Eupitheciini Pierce, 1914
Eupithecia abbreviata Stephens,1831
10-IV-1986 (HAUSMANN & PARENZAN, 1990; PARENZAN, 1994).
Remark: in Apulia region known only from this locality.
Eupithecia insigniata (Hübner, 1790)
26-IV-1989 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Tribe Larentiini Duponchel, 1845
Earophila badiata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
8-VIII-1986 (PARENZAN et al., 1998).
Larentia clavaria (Haworth, 1809)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Xanthorhoini Pierce, 1914
Camptogramma bilineata (Linnaeus 1758)
New records: 29-31-VII-1986 (1); 20-22-VII-1987 (5).
Nycterosea obstipata (Fabricius, 1794)
X-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Xanthorhoe oxybiata (Millière, 1872)
11-17-X-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Xanthorhoe vidanoi Parenzan & Hausmann, 1994
X-1987 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Remark: in Apulia region known only from this locality.
Subfamily Sterrhinae Meyrick, 1892
Tribe Cosymbiini Prout, 1911
Cyclophora porata (Linnaeus, 1767)
IV-1986, 30-VI-1986, IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 12-13-VI-1985 (1), 2-4-VII-1985 (2); 16-22-VI-1986 (2), 23-27-VI-1986 (3), 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (1); 1-10-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (2), 8-11-VII-1987 (3), 12-16-VII-1987 (2), 17-19-VII-1987 (2).
Cyclophora puppillaria (Hübner, 1799)
IV-1986, VII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 12-13-V-1985 (1), 16-17-VI-1985 (2), 21-22-VI-1985 (4), 26-28-VI-1985 (19),2-4-VII-1985 (7), 19-21-VII-1985 (6), 6-9-VIII-1985 (1); 4-5-VII-1986 (1), 11-14-VII-1986 (2),22-24-VII-1986 (3), 13-16-IX-1986 (1), 23-25-IX-1986 (4); 24-30-V-1987 (1), 1-10-VI-1987 (3),22-25-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (7), 8-11-VII-1987 (22), 12-16-VII-1987 (2), 20-22-VII-1987 (3),25-28-IX-1987 (2).
Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897)
New records: 23-27-VI-1986 (10); 3-7-VII-1987 (2).
Remark: this is the first record for Apulia region, and southern Italy.
Cyclophora suppunctaria (Zeller, 1847)
VII-1986, VIII-1986, IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Tribe Idaeini Butler, 1881
Idaea consolidata (Lederer, 1853)
3-6-VIII-1986 (PARENZAN & HAUSMANN, 1992; PARENZAN, 1994)
Remark: in Apulia region known from Bosco Palazzi, and Serra degli Angeli (Lecce province)(PARENZAN & HAUSMANN, 1992). In southern Italy known only for another record in Calabriaregion: Tortora (PARENZAN et al., 1999)
Idaea degeneraria (Hübner, 1799)
IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Idaea distinctaria (Boisduval, 1840)
Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833)
VII-1986, VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Idaea filicata (Hübner, 1799)
VIII-1986, IX-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 20-23-V-1985 (16), 21-22-VI-1985 (1), 3-5-VIII-1985 (1), 10-12-VIII-1985 (3), 26-30-VIII-1985 (19), 3-6-IX-1985 (1), 13-16-IX-1985 (9), 22-25-IX-1985 (11); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (11), 5-7-VII-1986 (1), 29-31-VII-1986 (1), 22-25-VIII-1986 (78), 8-12-IX-1986 (25), 13-16-IX-1986 (3), 20-24-IX-1986 (5); 24-30-V-1987 (56), 3-4-VI-1987 (1), 25-28-IX-1987 (5).
Idaea infirmaria (Rambur, 1833)
3-6-VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Idaea obsoletaria dionigii Hausmann, 1991
VII-1986, VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Idaea rusticata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 26-28-VI-1985 (1), 19-21-VII-1985 (5); 23-27-VI-1986 (6), 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (1),11-14-VII-1986 (3), 29-31-VII-1986 (3); 8-11-VII-1987 (2), 17-19-VII-1987 (2), 25-28-IX-1987 (5).
Idaea seriata (Schrank, 1802)
18-IV-1987 (as I. albitorquata Püngeler, 1909) (PARENZAN, 1988; PARENZAN &HAUSMANN, 1992), VIII-1986, 2-X-1991 (as I. virgularia Hübner, 1799) (PARENZAN, 1994).Records of I. albitorquata in PARENZAN (1988) must be attributed to I. seriata (PARENZAN &HAUSMANN, 1992).
Idaea subsericeata (Haworth, 1809)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Idaea typicata (Guenée, 1858)
VII-1986, VIII-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 5-7-VII-1996 (2).
Tribe Rhodometrini Agenjo, 1951
Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767)
X-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 2-4-VII-1985 (1), 6-9-VIII-1985 (7), 10-12-VIII-1985 (1), 26-30-VIII-1985 (4), 3-6-IX-1985 (3), 17-21-IX-1985 (1), 26-IX-1985 (1); 29-31-VII-1986 (4), 13-16-IX-1986 (7), 13-19-X-1986 (1); 8-11-VII-1987 (1), 25-28-IX-1987 (3).
Tribe Scopulini Herbulot, 1963
Scopula decorata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 2-4-VII-1985 (2).
Scopula imitaria (Hübner, 1799)
VIII-1993, IX-1993 (PARENZAN, 1994).
Scopula marginepunctata (Goeze, 1781)
VII-1986, IX-1986, X-1986 (PARENZAN, 1994).
New records: 5-7-VII-1996 (4).
Superfamily Noctuoidea Latreille, 1809
Family Notodontidae Stephens, 1829
Subfamily Heterocampinae Neumögen & Dyar, 1894
Harpyia milhauseri (Fabricius, 1775)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (3).
Spatalia argentina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 13-15-VIII-1985 (1); 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (1).
Subfamily Notodontinae Stephens, 1829
Cerura vinula (Linnaeus, 1758)
11-V-1984 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Subfamily Phalerinae Butler, 1886
Peridea anceps (Goeze, 1781)
New records: 26-29-VII-1985 (2); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (3).
Phalera bucephaloides (Ochsenheimer, 1810)
New records: 3-7-VII-1987 (5).
Family Nolidae Bruand, 1846
Subfamily Chloephorinae Stainton, 1859
Tribe Nolini Bruand, 1846
Meganola togatulalis (Hübner, 1796)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (6).
Tribe Chloephorini Stainton, 1859
Bena bicolorana (Fuessly, 1775)
New records: 22-25-VIII-1986 (2).
Pseudoips prasinana (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 22-25-VIII-1986 (2).
Family Euteliidae Grote, 1882
Subfamily Euteliinae Grote, 1882
Eutelia adulatrix (Hübner, 1813)
New records: 3-5-VIII-1985 (2).
Family Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
Subfamily Eustrotiinae Grote, 1882
Metachrostis velox (Hübner, 1813)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (1), 8-12-IX-1986 (3).
Subfamily Plusiinae Boisduval, 1828
Tribe Argyrogrammatini Eichlin & Cunningham, 1978
Trichoplusia ni (Hübner, 1803)
New records: 3-7-VII-1987 (3), 12-16-VII-1987 (5).
Diachrysia chrysitis (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 13-16-IX-1986 (3).
Tribe Plusiini Boisduval, 1828
Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758)
8-13-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
New records: 26-30-VIII-1985 (9), 3-6-IX-1985 (14); 31-VIII-2-IX-1986 (3), 13-16-IX-1986 (1),20-24-IX-1986 (2); 24-30-V-1987 (2), 25-28-IX-1987 (7).
Subfamily Acontiinae Guenée, 1841
Tribe Acontiini Guenée, 1841
Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 20-22-VII-1987 (2).
Acontia trabealis (Scopoli, 1763)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
New records: 18-20-VI-1985 (1), 26-28-VI-1985 (11), 2-4-VII-1985 (2), 19-21-VII-1985 (2), 13-15-VIII-1985 (2), 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 23-27-VI-1986 (1), 22-25-VIII-1986 (2); 8-11-VII-1987 (5), 12-16-VII-1987 (3), 17-19-VII-1987 (10), 20-22-VII-1987 (5).
Subfamily Acronictinae Heinemann, 1959
Acronicta aceris (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 20-21-V-1985 (10); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (1); 24-30-V-1987 (7).
Subfamily Metaponiinae Herrich-Schäffer, 1851
Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
5-7-VII-1986, 22-24-VII-1986, 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 27-29-V-1985 (1), 12-15-VI-1985 (4), 16-20-VI-1985 (3), 21-22-VI-1985 (1), 2-4-VII-1985 (2), 19-21-VII-1985 (2), 26-29-VII-1985 (3), 26-30-VIII-1985 (1), 3-6-IX-1985 (1), 7-9-IX-1985 (1), 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 16-22-VI-1986 (1), 23-27-VI-1986 (10), 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (4), 22-25-VIII-1986 (3), 8-12-IX-1986 (5), 13-16-IX-1986 (2), 23-25-IX-1986 (3); 24-30-V-1987 (2), 1-10-VI-1987 (2), 26-28-VI-1987 (2), 3-7-VII-1987 (2), 8-11-VII-1987 (6), 12-16-VII-1987 (5), 17-21-VII-1987 (7).
Subfamily Amphipyrinae Guenée, 1837
Tribe Psaphidini Grote, 1896
Allophyes corsica (Spuler, 1905)
28-X-1985, 30-XI-1985; 15-XI-22-XII-1987; 21-XI-1996, 4-XII-1996 (PARENZAN &PORCELLI, 2007).
Valeria oleagina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 14-15-III-1987 (1).
Subfamily Heliothinae Boisduval, 1829
Tribe Heliothini Boisduval, 1829
Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 27-IV-1986 (2), 23-27-VI-1986 (3); 13-16-IX-1987 (2).
Subfamily Bryophilinae Guenée, 1852
Bryophila rectilinea (Warren, 1909)
5-7-VII-1996 (as Cryphia ravula Hübner, 1813) (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).Remarks: the records of C. ravula for central and southern Italy must be attributed to B. rectilinea(FIBIGER et al., 2009). This is the only locality known for the Apulia region. In Italy it is present inthe central-northern regions, and in Calabria, Sicily, and Sardinia (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Cryphia ochsi (Boursin, 1940)
5-7-VII-1986, 22-24-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Nyctobrya muralis (Forster, 1771)
22-24-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 3-5-VIII-1985 (3), 6-9-VIII-1985 (7), 13-15-VIII-1985 (1); 29-31-VII-1986 (3), 22-25-VIII-1986 (3); 20-22-VII-1987 (1).
Subfamily Noctuinae Latreille, 1809
Tribe Apameini Boisduval, 1828
Apamea monoglypha (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 12-13-V-1985 (4); 22-25-VIII-1986 (3).
Gortyna xanthenes (Germar, 1842)
19-23-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Luperina dumerilii (Duponchel, 1826)
3-23-X-1985; 17-19-IX-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 13-16-IX-1986 (6).
Luperina tiberina (Sohn-Rethel, 1929)
8-13-X-1985 (as L. nickerlii Freyer, 1845) (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).Remark: the reports of L. nickerlii for central and southern Italy are to be attributed to L. tiberinaSohn-Rethel, 1929 (ZILLI et al., 2005).
Luperina testacea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN et al., 2006).Remark: in Apulia region known only from this locality.
Tribe Caradrinini Boisduval, 1840
Athetis hospes (Freyer, 1831)
2-6-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Caradrina aspersa Rambur, 1834
New records: 29-31-VII-1986 (2).
Caradrina germainii (Duponchel, 1835)
25-IX-1984 (PARENZAN, 1984).New records: 12-25-IX-1985 (3), 3-7-X-1985 (1).Remarks: species from western Mediterranean; in Italy known only for Tuscany, Apulia, Sicily,and Sardinia regions (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2008).
Charanyca trigrammica (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 30-IV-2-V-1985 (10), 12-13-V-1985 (4), 16-17-V-1985 (10), 20-21-V-1985 (1), 7-9-IX-1985 (1); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (9); 24-30-V-1987 (12).
Hoplodrina ambigua (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
30-IX-31-X-1985; 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Dypterygiini Forbes, 1954
Polyphaenis sericata (Esper, 1787)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 21-22-VI-1985 (2), 26-28-VI-1985 (4), 2-4-VII-1985 (2); 6-10-VI-1986 (1), 16-22-VI-1986 (5), 23-27-VI-1986 (3), 23-25-IX-1986 (2); 1-10-VI-1987 (49), 3-7-VII-1987 (7), 12-16-VII-1987 (5), 17-19-VII-1987 (5), 20-22-VII-1987 (2).
Tribe Episemini Guenée, 1852
Cleoceris scoriacea (Esper, 1789)
30-IX-13-X-1984 (PARENZAN, 1984; PARENZAN, 1991).Remark: in Apulia region known only from this locality.
Episema glaucina (Esper, 1789)
3-28-X-1985; 11-17-X-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Hadenini Guenée, 1837
Anarta trifolii (Hufnagel, 1766)
11-17-X-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Conisania luteago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 30-IV-2-V-1985 (1), 12-13-V-1985 (5), 16-17-V-1985 (9), 20-21-V-1985 (5); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (28); 24-30-V-1987 (23).
Hadena bicruris (Hufnagel, 1766)
25-IV-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Hadena confusa (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 27-IV-2-V-1986 (3), 30-IX-5-X-1986 (7), 13-19-X-1986 (13).
Hadena magnolii (Boisduval, 1828)
New records: 30-IV-2-V-1985 (1), 12-13-V-1985 (1), 20-21-V-1985 (2); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (4); 24-30-V-1987 (1).
Tribe Leucaniini Guenée, 1837
Leucania punctosa (Treitschke, 1825)
8-13-X-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).
Leucania putrescens (Hübner, 1824)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 6-9-VIII-1985 (1), 10-12-VIII-1985 (3), 13-15-VIII-1985 (2), 26-30-VIII-1985 (12),3-6-IX-1985 (5), 10-15-IX-1985 (6); 22-25-VIII-1986 (12), 31-VIII-2-IX-1986 (3), 8-12-IX-1986 (9),13-16-IX-1986 (3), 20-24-IX-1986 (8); 25-28-IX-1987 (3).
Mythimna albipuncta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
8-7-VII-1986, 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 12-13-V-1985 (1), 20-21-V-1985 (1), 16-17-VI-1985 (2), 26-28-VI-1985 (4); 8-12-IX-1986 (1); 23-25-IX-1986 (5); 1-10-VI-1987 (2), 8-11-VII-1987 (2), 17-19-VII-1987 (1).
Mythimna ferrago (Fabricius, 1787)
22-24-VII, 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 19-21-VII-1985 (3), 26-29-VII-1985 (2), 3-5-VIII-1985 (3), 6-9-VIII-1985 (8), 10-15-VIII-1985 (11), 26-30-VIII-1985 (1), 3-6-IX-1985 (11), 7-9-IX-1985 (3); 29-31-VII-1986 (8), 22-25-VIII-1986 (3), 8-12-IX-1986 (3), 13-16-IX-1986 (8), 13-19-X-1986 (11); 3-7-VII-1987 (4), 8-11-VII-1987 (2), 12-16-VII-1987 (1).
Mythimna l-album (Linnaeus, 1767)
23-IV-1985; 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 22-23-V-1985 (2); 30-31-V-1985 (1), 26-28-VI-1985 (1), 2-4-VII-1985 (1), 19-21-VII-1985 (1); 22-25-VIII-1986 (2), 13-16-IX-1986 (2), 23-25-IX-1986 (2); 12-16-VII-1987 (3).
Mythimna sicula (Treitschke, 1835)
New records: 23-IV-1985 (3), 26-28-VI-1985 (7), 8-13-X-1985 (2); 23-27-VI-1986 (3), 11-14-VII-1986 (1), 22-25-VIII-1986 (4), 13-16-IX-1986 (3); 24-30-V-1987 (3).
Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth, 1809)
24-31-X-1985; 21-XI-4-XII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 18-20-VI-1985 (1); 3-7-VII-1987 (1), 17-19-VII-1987 (1).
Mythimna vitellina (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 30-IV-2-V-1985 (1), 12-13-V-1985 (3), 16-17-V-1985 (5), 20-23-V-1985 (15), 27-29-V-1985 (2), 30-31-V-1985 (4), 3-4-VI-1985 (1), 14-15-VI-1985 (2), 3-5-VIII-1985 (7), 6-9-VIII-1985 (9), 10-15-VIII-1985 (7), 26-30-VIII-1985 (1), 3-9-IX-1985 (4); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (2), 22-25-VIII-1986 (2); 24-30-V-1987 (15), 29-31-VII-1987 (9).
Tribe Noctuini Latreille, 1809
Agrotis bigramma (Esper, 1790)
22-VIII-1985 (sub A. crassa Hübner, 1803) (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 3-5-VIII-1985 (1), 10-15-VIII-1985 (22), 26-30-VIII-1985 (15), 3-6-IX-1985 (36),7-9-IX-1985 (27), 10-12-IX-1985 (11), 17-21-IX-1985 (3); 22-25-VIII-1986 (20), 31-VIII-2-IX-1986(6), 8-12-IX-1986 (18), 13-16-IX-1986 (1); 25-28-IX-1987 (2).
Agrotis lata Treitschke, 1835
20-22-VIII-1985 (PARENZAN, 2002).New records: 6-9-VIII-1985 (2), 10-12-VIII-1985 (1), 3-6-IX-1985 (6), 13-15-VIII-1985 (7), 26-30-VIII-1985 (15); 22-25-VIII-1986 (1).
Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 18-20-VI-1985 (2), 6-9-VIII-1985 (2), 26-30-VIII-1985 (2), 3-6-IX-1985 (18), 7-9-IX-1985 (1), 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 6-10-VI-1986 (2), 22-25-VIII-1986 (1), 20-24-IX-1986 (1); 1-10-VI-1987 (1).
Agrotis puta (Hübner, 1803)
21-23-IV-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 21-23-IV-1985 (7), 19-21-VII-1985 (4).
Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 3-5-VIII-1985 (3).
Cerastis faceta (Treitschke, 1835)
New records: 13-19-X-1986 (3).
Cerastis rubricosa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 24-31-III-1986 (2).
Epilecta linogrisea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 19-21-VII-1985 (2).
Euxoa temera (Hübner, 1808)
18-IX-1985, 8-13-X-1985; 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Noctua comes (Hübner, 1813)
14-18-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 6-10-VI-1985 (5); 20-24-IX-1986 (4), 23-25-IX-1986 (7).
Noctua janthina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 26-28-VI-1985 (3), 19-21-VII-1985 (1); 6-9-VIII-1987 (1).
Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758)
30-IX-23-XI-1985; 17-19-IX-1986; VI-1976; 4-VI-1992; 18-24-IX-1992; 16-VI-1999(PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 14-15-VI-1985 (1), 7-12-IX-1985 (4), 17-21-IX-1985 (5), 22-25-IX-1985 (4); 6-10-VI-1986 (2), 8-12-IX-1986 (1), 13-16-IX-1986 (2), 25-29-IX-1986 (3), 13-19-X-1986 (5); 24-30-V-1987 (1), 25-28-IX-1987 (1), 9-14-XI-1987 (1).
Noctua tirrenica Biebinger, Speidel & Hanigk, 1983
28-VI, 25-IX-1984 (PARENZAN, 1984; ZILLI, 2007); 30-IX-3-X-1985 (PARENZAN &PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 3-7-VII-1987 (2).
Peridroma saucia (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 2-4-VII-1985 (3); 13-16-IX-1986 (2); 9-14-XI-1987 (2).
Xestia c-nigrum (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 3-6-IX-1985 (3).
Xestia castanea (Esper, 1798)
3-18-X-1985; 30-IX-23-X (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996; ZILLI, 2007).
Xestia xanthographa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
21-IX-31-X-1985; 17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Orthosiini Guenée, 1837
Egira conspicillaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
21-23-IV-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Orthosia cruda (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 24-31-III-1986 (2), 10-IV-1986 (3).
Orthosia gothica (Linnaeus, 1766)
New records: 16-22-II-1986 (5).
Orthosia miniosa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
24-31-III-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 11-15-VI-1986 (1).
Orthosia cerasi (Fabricius, 1775)
New records: 26-IX-1986 (8).
Perigrapha rorida (Frivaldszky, 1835)
20-III-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Tribe Phlogophorini Hampson, 1918
Phlogophora meticulosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
28-31-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 27-29-V-1985 (1), 13-16-IX-1985 (3).
Tribe: Prodeniini Forbes, 1954
Spodoptera exigua (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 24-31-III-1986 (1), 22-24-VII-1986 (2); 20-X-1987 (3).
Tribe Xylenini Guenée, 1837
Agrochola helvola (Linnaeus, 1758)
14-X-23-XI-1985; 21-XI-4-XII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Agrochola litura (Linnaeus, 1761)
27-X-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO 1996).New records: 20-X-1987 (2).Remark: in Apulia region known only of this locality.
Agrochola lychnidis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
3-X-1985; 3-I-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 20-25-I-1986 (7), 27-I-2-II-1986 (5), 9-15-II-1986 (20), 16-22-II-1986 (12); 9-14-XI-1987 (226).
Agrochola pistacinoides (d’Aubuisson, 1867)
17-IX-1984 (PARENZAN, 1984; PARENZAN, 1991).New records: 30-IX-1985 (8), 31-X-1985 (6).Remark: in Apulia region known only of this locality.
Ammoconia senex (Geyer, 1828)
New records: 11-17-X-1987 (2), 9-14-XI-1987 (1).
Aporophyla australis (Boisduval, 1829)
8-X-16-XI-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Aporophyla canescens (Duponchel, 1826)
24-X-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Aporophyla lutulenta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 13-19-X-1986 (1).Remark: in Apulia known only from San Paolo (Taranto province), 1-X, 4-XI (PARENZAN,1979; BERIO, 1985).
Aporophyla nigra (Haworth, 1809)
8-X-16-XI-1985; 21-XI-4-XII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Atethmia ambusta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
17-21-IX-1985, 25-IX-1985, 3-7-X-1985 (PARENZAN, 2002).New records: 8-12-IX-1986 (2).Remarks: this species in Apulia is known only from San Paolo, 18-IX-1971 (PARENZAN, 1979).In southern Italy it is present only in Apulia, and Basilicata: fiume Camastra (Potenza province)(PARENZAN, 1979).
Conistra ligula (Esper, 1791)
24-30-XI-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 1993).Remark: this is the only locality known for the Apulia region.
Conistra rubiginea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
15-22-XII-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Conistra rubiginosa (Scopoli, 1763)
New records: 9-15-II-1986 (1), 11-14-III-1986 (2).
Conistra vaccinii (Linnaeus, 1761)
9-15-III-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).Remark: in Apulia known only from this locality.
Conistra veronicae (Hübner, 1813)
17-30-XI-1985; 5-11-I-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Dicycla oo (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 30-31-V-1985 (4), 10-13-VI-1985 (18), 14-17-VI-1985 (13), 18-20-VI-1985 (3), 21-22-VI-1985 (2); 6-10-VI-1986 (38), 11-15-VI-1986 (8), 16-22-VI-1986 (11), 23-27-VI-1986 (3), 23-25-IX-1986 (1); 1-4-VI-1987 (4), 22-25-VI-1987 (24), 3-7-VII-1987 (7).
Dryobotodes carbonis (Wagner, 1931)
8-X-16-XI-1985; 30-IX-23-X-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Dryobotodes servadeii Parenzan, 1982
17-25-IX-1984 (PARENZAN, 1984); 8-13-XI-1985 (RONKAY et al., 2001).New records: 7-IX-18-X-1985 (2).Remark: in Italy only known from Apulia and Basilicata; its presence for Sardinia is to be verified(PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Dryobotodes tenebrosa (Esper, 1789)
3-6-XI-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).
Jodia croceago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
28-31-X-1985; 15-25-XI-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Mesogona acetosellae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
18-IX-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Mniotype solieri (Boisduval, 1840)
22-IX-31-X-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 3-6-IX-1985 (1); 25-28-IX-1987 (5).
Oria musculosa (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 16-22-VI-1986 (1), 13-19-X-1986 (2).
Polymixis rufocincta (Geyer, 1828)
28-X-16-XI-1985; 21-XI-4-XII-1986; 15-XI-14-XII-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 28-X-16-XI-1985 (2); 21-XI-4-XII-1986 (7); 15-XI-14-XII-1987 (2).
Polymixis serpentina (Treitschke, 1825)
30-IX-23-XI-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).New records: 11-17-X-1987 (2).
Scotochrosta pulla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)30-IX-23-X-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).
Spudaea ruticilla (Esper, 1791)
New records: 23-IV-1985 (2), 7-XII-1985 (3); 16-22-II-1986 (6).
Trigonophora flammea (Esper, 1785)
24-X-4-XII-1985 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 27-29-V-1985 (7), 13-XI-1985 (1), 7-XII-1985 (4).
Xylena exsoleta (Linnaeus, 1758)
3-6-XI-1985 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).
Subfamily Dilobinae Aurivillius, 1889
Diloba caeruleocephala (Linnaeus, 1758)
8-14-XII-1985; 5-11-I-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Subfamily Oncocnemidinae Forbes & Franclemont, 1954
Stilbia faillae Püngeler, 1891
30-IX-23-X-1985; 18-22-X-1987 (PARENZAN & SCALERCIO, 1996).Remark: in Apulia is known only from Monte Camplo (province of Taranto) (PARENZAN, 1979).
Family Erebidae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Rivulinae Grote, 1895
Zebeeba falsalis (Herrich-Schäffer 1838)
New records: 6-9-VIII-1985 (1); 11-14-VII-1986 (2), 13-16-IX-1986 (7).
Subfamily Hypeninae Herrich-Schaffer, 1851
Hypena lividalis (Hübner, 1796)
19-23-X-1985; 2-X-1991 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 8-12-IX-1986 (3).
Subfamily Lymantriinae Hampson, 1893
Tribe Lymantriini Hampson, 1893
Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 23-27-VI-1986 (7), 28.VI-2.VII.1986 (1); 3-7.VII.1987 (1), 8-11.VII.1987 (1), 12-16.VII.1987 (9), 17-19.VII.1987 (6), 20-22.VII.1987 (7).
Tribe Nygmiini Holloway, 1999
Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linnaeus, 1758)
5-7-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 26-28-VI-1985 (3).
Tribe Orgyiini Wallengren, 1861
Ocneria rubea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 1-10-VI-1987 (1), 17-19-VII-1987 (3).
Subfamily Herminiinae Leach, 1815
Zanclognatha zelleralis (Wocke, 1850)
30-VII-1996 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007)
Subfamily Boletobiinae Guenée, 1858
Tribe Phytometrini Hampson, 1913
Colobochyla salicalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 16-22-VI-1986 (1).
Tribe Eublemmini Forbes, 1954
Eublemma parva (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 23-27-VI-1986 (5).
Eublemma ostrina (Hübner, 1808)
New records: 29-31-VII-1986 (8).
Subfamily Arctiinae Leach, 1815
Tribe Arctiini Leach, 1815
Arctia villica (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 12-13-V-1985 (13), 16-17-V-1985 (20), 20-23-V-1985 (34), 25-26-V-1985 (2), 27-29-V-1985 (23), 30-31-V-1985 (6), 12-13-VI-1985 (4); 27-IV-2-V-1986 (4); 24-30-V-1987 (72), 3-4-VI-1987 (1).
Cymbalophora pudica (Esper, 1785)
17-19-IX-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 3-6-IX-1985 (1), 17-21-IX-1985 (5).
Diaphora mendica (Clerck, 1759)
24-30-III-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda, 1761)
New records: 29-31-VII-1986 (1).
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 13-15-VIII-1985 (1), 10-12-IX-1985 (3), 13-16-IX-1985 (7); 8-12-IX-1986 (17), 13-16-IX-1986 (3), 20-24-IX-1986 (2); 25-28-IX-1987 (4).
Spilosoma luteum (Hufnagel, 1766)
New records: 11-14-VII-1986 (3).Remark: in Apulia known only from Gargano area (ZANGHERI, 1956; PARENZAN, 1977).
Tribe Lithosiini Billberg, 1820
Eilema caniola (Hübner, 1808)
11-17-X-1987 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 30-31-V-1985 (13), 3-6-IX-1985 (4), 17-21-IX-1985 (3); 6-10-VI-1986 (8), 14-15-VI-1986 (6) 23-27-VI-1986 (12), 11-14-VII-1986 (8), 22-25-VIII-1986 (4), 8-12-IX-1986 (11), 13-16-IX-1986 (8), 1-5-X-1986 (3); 24-30-V-1987 (4), 22-25-VI-1987 (9), 3-7-VII-1987 (5), 12-16-VII-1987(3), 17-19-VII-1987 (4), 20-22-VII-1987 (3), 25-28-IX-1987 (5).
Lithosia quadra (Linnaeus, 1758)
New records: 19-21-VII-1985 (4).
Tribe Syntomini Herrich Schaffer, 1846
Dysauxes famula (Freyer, 1836)
New records: 21-22-VI-1985 (1), 10-12-VIII-1985 (2), 13-15-VIII-1985 (9); 16-22-VI-1986 (1),22-25-VIII-1986 (32).
Dysauxes punctata (Fabricius, 1781)
20-IX-1995 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Subfamily Erebinae Leach, 1815
Tribe Catocalini Boisduval, 1828
Catocala conversa (Esper, 1787)
22-24-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).
Catocala nymphagoga (Esper, 1787)
5-7-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 21-22-VI-1985 (1), 26-28-VI-1985 (2), 6-9-VIII-1985 (1); 16-22-VI-1986 (3), 23-27-VI-1986 (2), 23-25-IX-1986 (5); 1-10-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (1), 12-16-VII-1987 (4), 17-19-VII-1987 (5), 20-22-VII-1987 (1).
Tribe Ophiusini Guenée, 1837
Dysgonia algira (Linnaeus, 1767)
18-VI-1985; 5-7-VII-1986 (PARENZAN & PORCELLI, 2007).New records: 2-4-VII-1985 (1), 26-29-VII-1985 (4), 6-9-VIII-1985 (3), 10-12-VIII-1985 (1), 17-21-IX-1985 (1); 6-10-VI-1986 (4), 29-31-VII-1986 (4), 22-25-VIII-1986 (4), 23-25-IX-1986 (2); 22-25-VI-1987 (1), 3-7-VII-1987 (1), 8-11-VII-1987 (1), 12-16-VII-1987 (4), 17-19-VII-1987 (3).
Grammodes stolida (Fabricius, 1775)
New records: 21-22-VI-1985 (2), 26-28-VI-1985 (1), 3-6-IX-1985 (1), 7-9-IX-1985 (1); 28-VI-2-VII-1986 (1); 1-10-VI-1987 (1), 12-16-VII-1987 (1), 17-19-VII-1987 (5), 20-22-VII-1987 (6).
Minucia lunaris (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
New records: 25-26-V-1985 (2); 27-IV-02-V-1986 (1).
Concluding considerations
Based on current knowledge, about 695 species of macroheterocera are currently known in the Apulia region, belonging to 17 families, of the total of about 1996 species reported in Italy.
Overall, our lepidopterological surveys lead to 207 the number of macromoths currently known for the “Bosco Palazzi” area. It is interesting to note that on the total of the collected species in this locality, 100 (48,30 %) are those with larvae that feed on trees of the genus Quercus.
Among the most significant species found in this site, Hemaris fuciformis (Sphingidae), Idaea consolidata (Geometridae), Atethmia ambusta, and Caradrina germainii (Noctuidae) are sporadically found in southern Italy. Moreover, the geometrid Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897) is reported for the first time from Apulia region and in southern Italy. Among the reported species, twelve are known for the Apulia region only from Bosco Palazzi area, and others six only in one other locality.
The great natural importance of the Bosco Palazzi area is due to the presence of the Macedonian Oak, a species with an eastern origin (TRIGGIANI, 1984-85). The richness of lepidopteran species recorded should be considered a priority for the protection of this area and other fragments of woods with Quercus trojana in Apulia and Basilicata regions in southern Italy. The known biology of the moth species reported in the present study should help to develop future plans for the conservation and management of the local and regional biodiversity.
We sincerely thank Prof. Oreste Triggiani (Bari, Italy) for providing us with the material that is the subject of this study.
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Table I
Author notes
*Autor para la correspondencia / Corresponding author: