Zygaena diaphana Staudinger, 1887 bona species (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)

Zygaena diaphana Staudinger, 1887 buena especie (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)

A. Nahirnić
National Museum of Natural History, Bulgaria

Zygaena diaphana Staudinger, 1887 bona species (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)

SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 47, no. 186, 2019

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 24/01/2019

Accepted: 13/05/2019

Published: 30/06/2019

Abstract: Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763), Z. minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887 with the same label data from Pelister National Park (Mt. Baba) in southwestern North Macedonia were discovered in the Witt collection (Zoologische Staatssammlung Munich). Consequently, on the basis of sympatry and good differences in male genitalia with Z. minos, Z. diaphana is reinstated to species rank. Zygaena smirnovi Christoph, 1884, is also treated as separate species.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Zygaena purpuralis, Z. minos, Z. diaphana stat. rev., Z. smirnovi stat. rev., sympatry, Pelister, Balkan Peninsula, North Macedonia.

Resumen: Fueron descubiertas en la colección Witt (Zoologische Staatssammlung, Múnich), Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763), Z. minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) y Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887 con la misma etiqueta y datos del Parque Nacional Pelister (Monte Baba) en el suroeste de Macedonia. Consecuentemente, sobre la base de simpatría y buenas diferencias en la genitalia del macho con Z. minos, se restituye al rango de especie a Z. diaphana. Zygaena smirnovi Christoph, 1884, también se restituye al rango de especie.

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Zygaena purpuralis, Z. minos, Z. diaphana stat. rev., Z. smirnovi stat. rev., simpatría, Pelister, Península Balcánica, Macedonia norte.


Zygaena Fabricius, 1775 is a Palaearctic genus represented by 108 species according to HOFMANN & TREMEWAN (2017). One of the most problematic groups in Zygaena is the Z. purpuralis complex. Z. purpuralis and Z. minos are cryptic species which can be distinguished only by male and female genitalia, larva and larval host-plants. Although initially described as species, they were considered conspecific in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century until REISS (1940, 1941) examined the genitalia and proved that they are in fact distinct species (Z. purpuralis and Z. pimpinellae Guhn, [1913] sensu Reiss). ALBERTI (1958-1959) gave priority to the taxon Z. diaphana over Z. pimpinellae; this was followed by REISS & TREMEWAN (1960, 1967). The correct identity and authorship of both species has been established by TREMEWAN (1981a, 1981b) as Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763) and Z. minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775). TREMEWAN (1981b) treated Zygaena diaphana Staudinger, 1887 as a subspecies of Z. minos. According to the last revision of this species group by NAUMANN et al. (1983) and NAUMANN & NAUMANN (1985) only two species were recognized, viz. Z. purpuralis and Z. minos. Another taxon that belongs to this group was also described as a species, Z. smirnovi Christoph, 1884. It was downgraded to a subspecies of Z. Minos (NAUMANN et al., 1983). CESARONI et al. (1989) did similar morphometric analysis to that of NAUMANN et al. (1983), but they used multivariate statistics and as a result got three clusters Z. purpuralis, Z. minos and Z. diaphana from Yozgat in Turkey. In the same study, results of allozymic analysis were confusing as gene flow seems to occur between sympatric populations of Z. purpuralis and Z. minos in Abruzzo in Italy. However, allozymes of Z. diaphana were not analyzed, nor of any population outside of Italy. The sample was not extensive and did not include many important populations. However, the results showed that a reasonable doubt still exists that more than two cryptic species are involved. HOFMANN & TREMEWAN (1996, 2010, 2017) and NAUMANN et al. (1999) followed their initial decisions that there are just two species: Z. purpuralis and Z. minos.

In Z. minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) two groups are recognized: the “minos-group” and the “diaphana-group” with differences in male genitalia, larvae and host-plants (NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, 2016; HOFMANN & TREMEWAN, 2017). Differences in genitalia are known only in males. In Z. diaphana the uncus is slender while the lamina dorsalis has a triangular shape. In Z. minos, the uncus is only slender and pointed at the top and the sides of the lamina dorsalis are convex. Z. minos final instar larvae are of very light mint blue to light grey. The final instar larvae of Z. diaphana from eastern Serbia and western Bulgaria are greenish bright yellow (NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, 2016), the final instar larvae from Chelmos are greyish dark olive-green (NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, 2016), while those from Turkey are light grey to dark grey, usually with a narrow and sometimes broad, pale yellow mediodorsal line (HOFMANN & TREMEWAN, 2017).

Populations of the “minos-group” feed on Pimpinella species, while those of the “diaphana-group” feed on Eryngium species. Both the “minos-group” in Crimea (EFETOV, 1990) and the “diaphana-group” on Toros dağlari in Turkey (HOFMANN & TREMEWAN, 2017) feed on Falcaria vulgaris Bernh.; the latter larvae accept Eryngium sp. in captivity (HOFMANN & TREMEWAN, 2017). The distribution of the “minos-group” includes Sweden, central and eastern Europe, western Balkan Peninsula to Russia and Transcaucasia, while the “diaphana-group” ranges from the southern, central and eastern Balkan Peninsula to Turkey and Transcaucasia. Since both taxa have never been found in sympatry they were considered to belong to the same species by many authors.

New investigations on the Z. purpuralis complex with special emphasis on the Balkans including extensive examination of specimens revealed a sympatry of the “minos-group” and the “diaphana-group” on Mt. Baba in North Macedonia.

Material and methods

Genitalia dissections were done according to ROBINSON (1976). Some of the genitalia were mounted in Euparal on slides, while others are preserved in micro-vials filled with glycerol. All specimens are deposited in the Witt collection in the Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich, Germany (ZSM). Photographs of genitalia slides were done with an Olympus E-4 camera mounted on an Olympus BH-2 stereo microscope.


New records of Z. minos and Z. diaphana from the wider area of their sympatry in the Balkans:

Zygaena minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA, Veles, Topolka Gorge, 150 m, 6 ♂♂, 27-V- 07-VI-1979, leg. (J. de Freina). Pelister [Mt. Baba], 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m, 1 ♂, 11-VII-1980, leg (P. Schaider). Pelister [Mt. Baba], 18 km W Bitola, 1800 m, 1 ♂, 11-VII-1980, leg (P. Schaider). ALBANIA, Devoll river, 2 ♂♂, VI-1934

Zygaena diaphana Staudinger, 1887 stat. rev.

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA, Pelister [Mt. Baba], 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m, 1 ♂, 11-VII-1980, leg. (P. Schaider). Pelister [Mt. Baba], 18 km W Bitola, 1800 m, 1 ♂, 11-VII-1980, leg (P. Schaider). Umgebung Bitola, Pelister [Mt. Baba], 1500-1750 m, 1 ♂, 07-08-VII-1979, leg. (J. de Freina)

These are the first reports of Z. minos in North Macedonia and Albania. The report of Z. minos from Albania in NAHIRNIĆ et al. (2013) has to be referred to Z. diaphana. The same applies to NAUMANN et al. (1983) for North Macedonia since the genitalia of all North Macedonian specimens are illustrated and belong to Z. diaphana. Zygaena purpuralis is found in the same series as Z minos and Z. diaphana mentioned above, except at Devoll river.


Specimens of Z. purpuralis, Z. minos and Z. diaphana have the same label data from Pelister National Park (Mt. Baba). All three were collected at the same place at elevations of 1800 and 1900 m. There are not many roads “18 km west from Bitola” which lead to these elevations. In fact, there are two possibilities: the slope next to the road to Široka or the meadows above the Hotel “Molika” which is 12 km west from Bitola where the road ends and then a few kilometers uphill on the foot above the “Kopanki” mountain hut. Paul Schaider used frequently to collect around the hotel “Molika” in the 1980s (Predrag Jakšić, pers. comm.). As Z. minos and Z. diaphana were found to be sympatric and synchronic on one mountain range, and most probably syntopic, Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887 must be reinstated to species rank. Moreover, there are clear differences in male genitalia (Fig. 1) and habitus between the males of Z. minos and Z. diaphana from that series. However, on Mt. Baba determination based on habitus is not possible because Z. minos and Z. diaphana can’t be easily distinguished from Z. purpuralis due to its high variability. The male genitalia of Z. purpuralis are also illustrated on figure 1. De Freina collected only Z. diaphana on Mt. Baba at altitudes of 1500-1750 m. This locality could be above hotel “Molika” which is at 1450 m, and around mountain hut “Kopanki” which is at 1630 m. In the 1980s, Schaider and de Freina were both frequently collecting only above hotel “Molika” accompanied by Predrag Jakšić (Predrag Jakšić, pers. comm.). Although this was after the years when they collected Z. minos and Z. diaphana, the most accessible locality for collecting at that time was the area of hotel “Molika” and its surroundings.

Other discoveries of Z. minos in the Balkan Peninsula show that Z. minos is geographically closely distributed to Z. diaphana (Figure 2). COUTSIS (2017) found Z. diaphana on one more locality at Mt. Baba on its southern side which belongs to Greece (in Greece known as Varnús or Peristeri). COUTSIS (2017) reported it as Z. minos but according to his description of male genitalia it is clear that all specimens belong to Z. diaphana. In the West on the nearby Mt. Galigica, separated by Prespa Lake from Mt. Baba, Z. diaphana is a common species (NAUMANN et al., 1983, NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, unpublished). The southernmost occurrence of Z. minos in the Balkans is at Devoll River in Albania in the South-West from Mt. Galigica. Another locality in the southern distributional limit of Z. minos is the Topolka River Gorge in central North Macedonia. This population is quite isolated from others of Z. minos and Z. diaphana. In recent years, knowledge of the distribution of Z. minos and Z. diaphana has considerably improved. New localities and new country records in the Balkans have been published in NAHIRNIĆ et al. (2013), COUTSIS (2017) and NAHIRNIĆ et al. (2019). Nonetheless Z. minos has been reported as new for Belgium based on old museum material (RENNESON, 2018). The intensive ongoing research will probably reveal more closely distributed and sympatric populations.

1. Laminae dorsales (upper row) and uncus-tegumen
complexes (lower row) of Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763), Z. minos
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887
from Mt. Baba. a.– Z. purpuralis, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m;
b.– Z. minos, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m; c.– Z. minos,
Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1800 m; d.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, 18 km
W Bitola, 1800 m; e.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900
m; f.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, Umgebung Bitola, 1500-1750 m. Scales
for laminae dorsales and uncus-tegumen complexes are 1 mm. 2. Distribution
of Zygaena minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Z. diaphana
Staudinger, 1887 on the Balkan Peninsula. Squares - Z. minos, circles
- Z. diaphana, asterisk - Z. minos and Z. diaphana sympatric.
B&H - Bosnia and Herzegovina, MN - Montenegro, SRB - Serbia, RO - Romania, AL
- Albania, MK - Republic of North Macedonia, BG - Bulgaria, GR - Greece, TR - Turkey.
Locality in Romania is not on the Balkan Peninsula but it is very close to its border.
Figures 1-2.–
1. Laminae dorsales (upper row) and uncus-tegumen complexes (lower row) of Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763), Z. minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887 from Mt. Baba. a.– Z. purpuralis, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m; b.– Z. minos, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m; c.– Z. minos, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1800 m; d.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1800 m; e.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, 18 km W Bitola, 1900 m; f.– Z. diaphana, Mt. Baba, Umgebung Bitola, 1500-1750 m. Scales for laminae dorsales and uncus-tegumen complexes are 1 mm. 2. Distribution of Zygaena minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Z. diaphana Staudinger, 1887 on the Balkan Peninsula. Squares - Z. minos, circles - Z. diaphana, asterisk - Z. minos and Z. diaphana sympatric. B&H - Bosnia and Herzegovina, MN - Montenegro, SRB - Serbia, RO - Romania, AL - Albania, MK - Republic of North Macedonia, BG - Bulgaria, GR - Greece, TR - Turkey. Locality in Romania is not on the Balkan Peninsula but it is very close to its border.

Genitalia slides of Z. minos from Mt. Baba were already prepared by Karl-Heinz Wiegel, though the date of these genitalia preparations remains unknown to the author of this paper. It is strange that Wiegel didn’t notice that NAUMANN et al. (1983) published Z. diaphana (then as Z. minos) from Mt. Galigica and illustrated the genitalia different that those he had done from nearby Mt. Baba. If he (or anyone else who could have seen these genitalia slides) had been triggered by the presence of two different genitalia on two nearby mountains and consequently examined more specimens from Mt. Baba they would likely have found Z. diaphana on Mt. Baba sympatric with Z. minos and resolved this problem a long time ago.

Preliminary field studies on Mt. Baba could not confirm the presence of Z. minos nor Z. diaphana. The visited localities were Kopanki at 1500-1900 m and the road to Široka. Overgrowing of vegetation was noticed in both visited areas. The reason for their possible absence may be that habitats favorable for Eryngium amethystinum L., which is the host-plant of Z. diaphana on nearby Mt. Galigica (Nahirnić, pers. obs.), or potential host-plant Eryngium campestre L. which was observed in lower altitudes on Mt. Baba, are both subject to succession. Eryngium campestre could have occupied early successional habitats made by construction of the ski center “Kopanki” which was officially put into operation on 04-XI-1975.

Differences in habitats occupied by Z. minos and Z. diaphana on the Balkan Peninsula are evident. If all Balkan populations of Z. diaphana were considered to belong to Z. minos, it would be very difficult to explain why would a xero-mesophilous species like Z. minos have made a sudden shift to xero-thermophilous habitats in the central Balkan Peninsula when proceeding to the South. In the Dinaric mountains Z. minos inhabits Mesobromion grasslands close to the coniferous forest at an altitude of 1200-1300 m. On Mt. Baba it probably inhabits clearings in Pinus peuce Griseb. forest. In the southern Balkans, Z. diaphana is found in dry rocky grasslands mainly between 1200-1800 m. In the eastern part of the Balkans it is found also in dry rocky grasslands from 350 to 1000 m (NAHIRNIĆ et al., 2019). Localities where Z. minos were found are sheltered and always in vicinity of the forest while those of Z. diaphana are open and windy, very often on exposed mountain slopes. Moreover, why should this species make a host-shift? At several localities where Z. minos occurs, E. amethystinum or E. campestre occur as well. The same applies for localities of Z. diaphana, where Pimpinella sp. were found.

Another question which could challenge reinstatement of Z. diaphana is what could be the refugium of each species during the Pleistocene glaciations? Z. diaphana is much more widely distributed in the Balkans than Z. minos. One of the reasons for this maybe the availability of the larval host-plants as E. campestre is common throughout all of the Balkans and E. amethystinum is common in the mountains in southern Balkans. Z. diaphana has a continuous range in the Balkans while Z. minos is very local with geographically distant populations. The majority of the localities of Z. minos on the Balkans are near or at refugial localities such as deep gorges or small gorges of east-west direction. Populations from North Macedonia and Albania are well-differentiated from other Balkan populations which means that they had time to differentiate and that they were present in the Balkans before the postglacial period. Dispersed distribution of Z. minos in the Balkans could well be explained as relict populations from Pleistocene which migrated over the Dinaric Alps and Scardo-Pindhic mountain system and found refugia there. As Z. minos occurs in Crimea, Georgia, Armenia and Dagestan, it is possible that one way of expansion during the glaciations to the south was along the Black Sea to Transcaucasia and further to the South. Another way could be along the Apennine Peninsula. A possible refugium of Z. diaphana could be southern Balkans and Turkey. Zygaena diaphana shows an expansion which is most probably postglacial. Apparently different origins of Z. minos and Z. diaphana in the Balkans indicate the possibility that they were already different species during the last Glacial Age. They must have been in contact during the glacial and interglacial stages, but in the whole Balkan Peninsula specimens with intermediate male genitalia have not been found so far.

A check list of the subspecies of Z. minos and Z. diaphana, primarily based on male genitalia morphology, is provided below. All these subspecies were treated as Z. minos by HOFMANN & TREMEWAN (1996) and EFETOV (2004).

Zygaena minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Z. minos minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Z. minos sareptensis Rebel, 1901

Z. minos normanna Verity, 1922

Z. minos viridescens Burgeff, 1926

Z. minos ingens Burgeff, 1926

Z. minos dagestana Sheljuzhko, 1936

Zygaena diaphana Staudinger 1887, bona sp., stat. rev.

Z. diaphana diaphana Staudinger, 1887, stat. rev.

Z. diaphana clavigera Burgeff, 1914, comb. n.

Z. diaphana peloponnesica Holik, 1937 comb. n.

Z. diaphana alagezi Holik & Sheljuzhko, 1953, comb. n.

Z. diaphana alanyca Reiss & Reiss, 1972, comb. n.

Z. diaphana tatvanica Reiss & Reiss, 1973, comb. n.

Further revision is needed as several taxa are provisionally treated here as Z. diaphana. Preliminary results of sequencing of the 658-bp region the COI mitochondrial gene Z. minos persica Burgeff, 1926, initially described as “Smirnowi [sic] Christoph var. persica n. v.” showed a distance of 5% from all other samples of Z. purpuralis, Z. minos and Z. diaphana which originated from Italy, Austria, Balkans, Ukraine and Turkey (NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, 2016; NAHIRNIĆ & TARMANN, unpublished). Based on the male and female genitalia and the external appearance persica and smirnovi are most probably conspecific, and this would lead to the reinstatement of Z. smirnovi because it has priority over persica. If Z. smirnovi would be accepted here as conspecific with Z. diaphana to which it is morphologically closer than to Z. minos this would cause synonymy of Z. diaphana as Z. smirnovi was described earlier. Z. smirnovi Christoph, 1884, stat. rev., is therefore also treated here as separate species and Z. smirnovi persica Burgeff, 1926 as subspecies of the same species. There is a constant difference in male and female genitalia between Z. smirnovi and other taxa from Z. purpuralis complex. Zygaena smirnovi has a slender uncus but it is not so slender as in Z. diaphana. The lamina dorsalis is close to that of Z. purpuralis but it is slightly triangular. Lastly, female genitalia are similar to those of Z. minos and Z. diaphana. The known larval host-plant of Z. smirnovi persica is Eryngium creticum Lam. (Keil, 2014). Even tatvanica could be closely related to Z. smirnovi. There is an ongoing research on Z. smirnovi which will reveal more detailed information. The genitalia morphology of alagezi is more similar to that of Z. diaphana than to that of Z. minos while its biology is unknown.

Based on this discovery the distribution of Z. minos is as follows: France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Armenia. Zygaena diaphana is distributed in Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Armenia and Iran.


I am thankful to Thomas Witt (†) (Museum Witt, Munich) for supporting my stay in ZSM, Gerhard Tarmann for valuable comments and for taking photos of genitalia slides, and Stoyan Beshkov and Predrag Jakšić for valuable comments. Colin Plant (Bishops Stortford, United Kingdom) is thanked for linguistic corrections. Antonio Vives (Madrid, Spain) is thanked for translating abstract to Spanish.


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