New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2017 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Novos e interessantes registos portugueses de Lepidoptera em 2017 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Nuevas e interesantes citas portuguesas de Lepidoptera en 2017 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

M. F. V. Corley
Pucketty Farm Cottage, Reino Unido
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
S. Ferreira
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
D. Grundy
J. Nunes
P. Pires
J. Rosete
Urbanização Lourisol, Portugal

New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2017 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 46, no. 184, 2018

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 23 November 2018

Accepted: 03 December 2018

Published: 30 December 2018

Abstract: 24 species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna and two species deleted, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors and others in 2017. In addition, second and third records for the country, new province records and new food-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of recent papers affecting the Portuguese fauna is added.

Keywords: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribution, Portugal.

Resumo: Como resultado do trabalho de campo desenvolvido pelos autores e outros, principalmente no ano de 2017, são adicionadas 24 espécies de Lepidoptera à fauna de Portugal e duas são retiradas da lista nacional. Adicionalmente, são apresentados segundos e terceiros registos de espécies previamente conhecidas, bem como novas plantas alimentícias para algumas espécies. Amplia-se ainda a distribuição geográfica de várias espécies, indicando-se novas regiões de ocorrência. Finalmente, é apresentado um sumário dos mais recentes trabalhos relevantes para a fauna portuguesa.

Palavras-chave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribuição geográfica, Portugal.

Resumen: Con el trabajo de campo efectuado por los autores y otros, principalmente durante el año de 2017, se añaden 24 especies de Lepidoptera a la fauna de Portugal y se eliminan dos especies de la lista nacional. Además, se muestran segundos y terceros registros de especies ya conocidas del país y también nuevas plantas nutricias de algunas otras especies. Se amplía la distribución geográfica de varias especies, teniendo como base registros en nuevas provincias. Finalmente, se presenta un resumen de los más recientes trabajos que son relevantes para la fauna portuguesa.

Palabras clave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribución geográfica, Portugal.


This paper is the twelfth in the series of annual summaries of new knowledge of Portuguese Lepidoptera. It gives records of species of Lepidoptera added to the Portuguese fauna in 2017, together with new province records not included in the checklist (CORLEY, 2015). Additional data includes new information on larval food-plants within the country and second and third records of species for the country, which are only indicated when they are not in new provinces. Papers published in 2017 and part of 2018 that relate to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna are listed and briefly summarised. Finally, an Appendix lists nomenclatural changes together with the new species for Portugal, with numbers indicating their correct position in the checklist; new genera for Portugal have author and year of publication given.

24 species new for Portugal are listed below, of which two are new for the Iberian Peninsula. Two species are removed from the Portuguese list. A few of the new species listed here have been previously listed for Portugal, but the records were rejected in CORLEY (2015), as being erroneous or unsubstantiated.

In CORLEY et al. (2018) the number of Lepidoptera species recognised from Portugal was 2657. With the current paper and other papers mentioned herein, this total has risen to 2688, an increase of 100 species since the publication of CORLEY (2015).

Material and Methods

Most species were captured at light in traps of various kinds, often over or beside a white sheet. For specimens not taken at light, the means of capture is given. Specimens are retained in the collections of the original recorders, unless otherwise stated. However, a few records are based only on photographic evidence.

The order and nomenclature of families and species has been revised in accordance with the new Portuguese list (CORLEY, 2015). The nomenclature of plant names follows the EURO+MED PLANTBASE (2006) where possible.

The entry for species new for Portugal concludes with a summary of the known European distribution, and available information on the larval food-plant, given in square brackets if the information comes from outside Portugal.

Localities with UTM squares and altitude: (District in brackets)

The map below shows the 10x10 km UTM grid squares from which records cited in this paper were made.


Abbreviations and symbols


List of families and species


  1. Stigmella glutinosae (Stainton, 1858)

    1. TM: Ponte da Carba, 14-X-2017, leafmine on Alnus glutinosa, reared, Nunes, det. Corley.

  2. Stigmella paradoxa (Frey, 1858)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, leafmine on Crataegus monogyna, Nunes.

  3. Zimmermannia liguricella (Klimesch, 1953)

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 11-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.


  1. Opostegoides menthinella (Mann, 1855)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus


  1. * Infurcitinea minuscula Gozmány, 1960

    1. BL: Ansião, 17-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley. Previously known only from holotype male fromChiclana, Cádiz. Spain. Larva unknown.

  2. Infurcitinea karadaghica Zagulajev, 1979

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 11-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley. Previously recorded in Beira Litoral,Beira Alta and Trás-os-Montes, but all previous records were in montane localities.

  3. Novotinea muricolella (Fuchs, 1879)

    1. BL: Ansião, 20-V-2017, Rosete, det. Corley; BA: Ribeira de Pragueira, 23-VII-2017, Corley andNunes.


  1. Morophaga morella (Duponchel, 1838)

    1. TM: Estevais, 17-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  2. Nemapogon variatella (Clemens, 1859)

    1. BL: Corticeiro de Cima, 1-IX-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  3. Nemapogon agenjoi Petersen, 1959

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  4. Elatobia fuliginosella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846)

    1. BA: Vale de Zêzere, 10-IX-2017, Rosete.

  5. Tinea trinotella Thunberg, 1794

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus; E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 25-II-2017, Rosete; BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  6. Ateliotum petrinella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854)

    1. TM: França, 18-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.


  1. Bucculatrix alaternella Constant, 1890

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Vale Cova, larval signs on Rhamnus alaternus, 28-III-2017, Corley.


  1. Parectopa ononidis (Zeller, 1839)

    1. BL: Ansião, 10-VI-2017, Rosete.

  2. Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796)

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 28-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  3. Caloptilia alchimiella (Scopoli, 1763)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  4. Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Zeller, 1839)

    1. BL: Quinta da Serra, larva on Plantago lagopus, 11-V-2017, Nunes.

  5. Povolnya leucapennella (Stephens, 1835)

    1. TM: Santa Luzia, 14-VII-2017, Corley, S. Ferreira and Mateus.

  6. * Metriochroa latifoliella (Millière, 1886)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete, det. Corley. Spain, France, Italy, Greece and larger Mediterranean islands. [Larva mining Olea, Phillyrea].

  7. Phyllonorycter roboris (Zeller, 1839)

    1. TM: Ponte da Carba, leafmine on Quercus pyrenaica, 18-X-2017, Nunes.

  8. Phyllonorycter messaniella (Zeller, 1846)

    1. BA: Picão, leafmine on Quercus robur, reared 7-VI-2017, Rosete.

  9. Phyllonorycter mespilella (Hübner, 1805)

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, leafmine on Pyrus, 13-V-2017, Nunes; BL: Casais do Porto, leafmine on Cydonia oblonga, 17-XII-2017, Rosete.

  10. Phyllonorycter klemannella (Fabricius, 1781)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  11. * Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, 1986

    1. BA: Hospital São Teotónio, leafmines on Aesculus hippocastanum, 8-IX-2017, Pires. All Europe except most Mediterranean islands.

  12. * Phyllocnistis xenia Hering, 1936

    1. ALG: Esteiramantens, leafmines on Populus alba, X-1993, Corley. Published under name of P. labyrinthella (CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995), but that species feeds on Populus tremula. The errorwas repeated in CORLEY (2015), where xenia is erroneously given as a synonym of labyrinthella.

      Delete Phyllocnistis labyrinthella (Bjerkander, 1790)

      The published Portuguese record (CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995; CORLEY, 2015) refers to P. xenia.


  1. Paradoxus osyridellus Millière, 1869

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 12-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  2. Cedestis subfasciella (Stephens, 1834)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 9-XII-2016, Rosete.


  1. Glyphipteryx fuscoviridella (Haworth, 1828)

    1. BL: Moura da Serra, 15-V-2016, Rosete.


  1. Argyresthia spinosella Stainton, 1849

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.


  1. Phyllobrostis fregenella Hartig, 1941

    1. DL: Valongo, leafmine on Daphne gnidium, 12-III-2017, reared, Nunes.


  1. Distagmos ledereri Herrich-Schäffer, 1854

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.


  1. Tinagma balteolella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841)

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira; TM: Vale do Porco, 24-IV-2016, Nunes, det. Corley


  1. Symmoca tofosella Rebel, 1893

    1. TM: Abreiro station, 16-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  2. Symmoca uniformella Rebel, 1900

    1. BAL: Moinho de Alferes, 27-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira; Ribeira de Vale Cova, 28-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  3. Symmocoides don (Gozmány, 1963)

    1. TM: Estevais, 17-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.


  1. Goidanichiana jourdheuillella (Ragonot, 1875)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  2. Kasyniana griseosericeella (Ragonot, 1879)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete.

  3. Batia lambdella (Donovan, 1793)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 30-VI-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  4. Alabonia herculeella Walsingham, 1903

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  5. * Pleurota andalusica Back, 1973

    1. ALG: Porto do Lagos, 22-V-2001, Corley; Ludo, 22-V-2002, Corley; TM: Santa Luzia, 14-VII-2017, Corley, S. Ferreira and Mateus. Algarve records of P. protasella Staudinger, 1883 in MONTEIRO & CARVALHO (1984) and CARVALHO & CORLEY (1995) almost certainly belong to P. andalusica. Spain. Food-plant unknown.

  6. Pleurota gallicella Huemer & Luquet, 1995

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.


  1. Agonopterix rotundella (Douglas, 1846)

    1. TM: Abreiro station, 16-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  2. Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 25-II-2017, Rosete.

  3. Agonopterix rutana (Fabricius, 1794)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  4. Agonopterix yeatiana (Fabricius, 1781)

    1. BA: Repeses, at street light, 6-VI-2017, Rosete.

  5. Depressaria depressana (Fabricius, 1775)

    1. ALG: Lagos, 1-VI-2016, Valadares, det. Corley.

  6. Ethmia terminella Fletcher, 1938

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.


  1. Carcina quercana (Fabricius, 1775)

    1. DL: Vairão, larva on Tilia, 14-VII-2017, Corley.


  1. Coccidiphila danilevskyi Sinev, 1997

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete.

  2. Eteobalea dohrnii (Zeller, 1847)

    1. BAL: Praia das Furnas, 15-V-2017, Grundy.

  3. Vulcaniella fiordalisa (Petry, 1904)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete; DL: Praia de Mindelo, 30-VI-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.


  1. Syncopacma polychromella (Rebel, 1902)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy.

  2. Pseudosophronia exustellus (Zeller, 1847)

    1. E: Bombarral, 12-VIII-2017, H. Cardoso, det. Corley from photo.

  3. Neofaculta ericetella (Geyer, 1832)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Vale Cova, 28-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira;

  4. Aristotelia ericinella (Zeller, 1839)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  5. Isophrictis meridionella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854)

    1. ALG: Salema camping, 19-IV-2017, Skou, det. Karsholt.

  6. Metzneria torosulella (Rebel, 1893)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Vale Cova, 28-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira; BL: Ansião, 13-V-2017, Rosete.

  7. Metzneria tristella Rebel, 1901

    1. BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  8. Eulamprotes immaculatella (Douglas, 1850)

    1. BA: Vale de Zêzere, 10-IX-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  9. Mirificarma interrupta (Curtis, 1827)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 25-II-2017, Rosete.

  10. * Gelechia scotinella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854

    1. TM: Dine, 19-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  11. Scrobipalpa vasconiella (Rössler, 1877)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  12. Ephysteris promptella (Staudinger, 1859)

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 1-VIII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  13. Caryocolum arenbergeri Huemer, 1989

    1. TM: Estevais, 17-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.


  1. Perittia piperatella (Staudinger, 1859)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira; E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel,25-II-2017, Rosete.

  2. ** Elachista agelensis Traugott-Olsen, 1996

    1. M: Assureira, 27-VII-2011, Corley, det. Kaila; TM: França, 31-VIII-2016, Corley, det. Kaila. France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic. Food-plant unknown.

  3. * Elachista heringi Rebel, 1899

    1. TM: Rio Angueira, Castelo de Algoso, 16-VI-2015, Corley, det. Kaila. Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. [Larva on Stipa pennata].

  4. ** Elachista distigmatella Frey, 1859

    1. TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley, det. Kaila. France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania. [Larva on Festuca trachyphylla].

  5. * Elachista obliquella Stainton, 1854

    1. BL: Ansião, 3-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley. Most of Europe, absent from far north, Balkan countries, and Mediterranean islands. [Larva on various Poaceae].


  1. Coleophora conyzae Zeller, 1868

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  2. Coleophora perplexella Toll, 1960

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  3. Coleophora gredosella Baldizzone, 1985

    1. BB: Cântaro Raso, disturbed from Solidago virgaurea, 23-VII-2017, Nunes, det. Corley.

  4. * Coleophora turbatella Toll, 1944

    1. BA: Torre, 25-VII-2016, Rosete. Spain. [Food-plant unknown].

  5. Coleophora semicinerea Staudinger, 1859

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Vale Cova, 28-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira; BL: Figueiró do Campo, 20-IV-2017, I. Ferreira, det. Corley; BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  6. Coleophora pennella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  7. Coleophora insulicola Toll, 1942

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley; BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  8. Coleophora adelogrammella Zeller, 1849

    1. BA: Vale de Zêzere, 10-IX-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  9. Coleophora agenjoi Toll, 1960

    1. BB: Cântaro Raso, by road tunnel, resting on Dianthus lusitanus by day, 23-VII-2017, Nunes and Corley.


  1. Batrachedra praeangusta (Haworth, 1828)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley.


  1. Scythris subseliniella (Heinemann, 1876)

    1. TM: Bobal, 3-VI-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  2. Scythris grandipennis (Haworth, 1828)

    1. TM: Estevais, 17-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.


  1. Blastobasis decolorella (Wollaston, 1858)

    1. DL: Madalena, larva on dead flowers of Castanea sativa, 13-VIII-2017, adult 1-IX-2017, Nunes.

  2. Tecmerium spermophagia Walsingham, 1907

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 28-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.


  1. Neomariania partinicensis (Rebel, 1937)

    1. Second and third records. ALG: Lagos, 24-VIII-2016, Valadares, conf. Corley; BL: Quinta do Canal, flying at sunset, 22-VII-2017, Corley and Rosete.


  1. Mompha miscella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete.

  2. * Mompha langiella (Hübner, 1796)

    1. TM: França, 18-VII-2017, Corley, Nunes and S. Ferreira. Most of Europe, absent from most northern and southern regions and Mediterranean islands. [Larva on Circaea and Epilobium].

  3. Mompha propinquella (Stainton, 1851)

    1. Third record. TM: França, 18-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  4. Mompha subbistrigella (Haworth, 1828)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes; TM: Freixiel, 15-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  5. Mompha epilobiella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BL: Quinta do Canal, 5-VII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.


  1. Pterolonche inspersa Staudinger, 1859

    1. ALG: Carrapateira, 17-V-2017, Grundy.


  1. Agdistis adactyla (Hübner, 1819)

    1. Delete record from Beira Litoral (CORLEY et al., 2015) which belongs to A. heydeni (Zeller, 1852). In GIELIS (1996) the illustrations of female genitalia of A. adactyla and A. heydeni are transposed. Other records are based on male genitalia and are unaffected.

      Delete Agdistis bifurcatus Agenjo, 1952

      All Portuguese records (CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995; CORLEY et al., 2012a) belong to A. glaseri. In GIELIS (1996) the illustrations of female genitalia of A. bifurcatus and A. glaseri are transposed.

  2. Agdistis glaseri Arenberger, 1978

    1. ALG: Praia Verde, 20-IV-1992, Corley; Castro Marim, 18-V-2003, Corley; Cabo de São Vicente, 27-X-2010, Corley; Carrapateira, 28-X-2010, Corley. Spain. [Food-plant unknown].

  3. Marasmarcha lunaedactyla (Haworth, 1811)

    1. BAL: Pulo do Lobo, east side, 19-V-2017, Grundy.

  4. Merrifieldia tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BL: Chão de Couce, 18-IV-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.


  1. Epermenia aequidentellus (Hofmann, 1867)

    1. BB: Cântaro Raso, by road tunnel, larvae on Angelica major, 23-VII-2017, Nunes and Corley.

  2. * Epermenia ochreomaculella (Millière, 1854)

    1. TM: Freixiosa, 18-VI-2015, Corley; Ponta da Carba, 23-VII-2016, Pires, Gonçalves, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley. Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Ukraine. [Food-plant unknown].


  1. Pandemis cerasana (Hübner, 1786)

    1. TM: Bobal, larva on Quercus robur, 3-VI-2017, Nunes, det. Corley.

  2. Aphelia peramplana (Hübner, 1825)

    1. TM: Ribeira do Mosteiro, 31-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  3. Clepsis unicolorana (Duponchel, 1835)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  4. * Clepsis coriacanus (Rebel, 1894)

    1. E: Alto dos Moinhos, 13-X-2014, Marabuto; Torres Vedras, 17-III-2016, Rosete; BL: Louriçal, 26-VII-2017, Rosete. An adventive species, originally from Canary Islands, first recorded in Europe in Gibraltar in 2006. Spain, Germany, England. [Larva polyphagous].

  5. * Clepsis peritana (Clemens, 1860)

    1. ALG: Corte do Gago, 20-V-2017, Jacinto; Pêra, 23-XII-2017, Cunningham, det. Corley. (Fig. 1). An adventive species, originally from North America, first recorded in Spain in 1998. Spain, Denmark. [Larva polyphagous, mainly on dead plant material, but also on buds and young leaves].

  6. Cnephasia delnoyana Groenen & Schreurs, 2012

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira; BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III- 2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  7. Cnephasia stephensiana (Doubleday, 1849)

    1. TM: Bobal, 3-VI-2017, larva on Halimium, reared, Nunes, det. Corley.

  8. Cnephasia communana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 24-IV-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  9. Acleris hyemana (Haworth, 1811)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete.

  10. Phtheochroa simoniana (Staudinger, 1859)

    1. BB: Monte Barata, 29-III-207, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  11. Phtheochroa rugosana (Hübner, 1799)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 30-VI-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  12. Cochylimorpha peucedana (Ragonot, 1889)

    1. BAL: Monte Velho, larva on Santolina impressa, 14-V-2017, reared, Nunes, det. Corley.

  13. Cochylimorpha decolorella (Zeller, 1839)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 24-IV-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  14. Aethes languidana (Mann, 1855)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Vale Cova, 28-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  15. Cochylidia heydeniana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851)

    1. BL: Quinta da Serra, larva 12-V-2017 in shoots of Dittrichia viscosa, reared, Nunes, det. Goodey.

  16. Argyroploce unedana Baixeras, 2002

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 1-VIII-2017, Rosete, det. Corley.

  17. Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  18. * Lobesia reliquana (Hübner, 1825)

    1. DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, larva on Rubus, 17-IX-2017, reared 23-IV-2018, Nunes, det. Corley. (Fig. 2). Nearly all Europe, absent from parts of Balkans and Mediterranean islands. [Larva on Quercus, Betula, Carpinus, Cornus sanguinea and Prunus spinosa].

  19. Endothenia marginana (Haworth, 1811)

    1. BL: Corticeiro de Cima, 1-IX-2017, Rosete.

  20. Ancylis obtusana (Haworth, 1811)

    1. TM: Dine, 19-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  21. Ancylis apicella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  22. Eucosma cana (Haworth, 1811)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  23. Notocelia incarnatana (Hübner, 1800)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 30-VI-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  24. Pseudococcyx tessulatana (Staudinger, 1871)

    1. TM: Estevais, 17-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  25. Retinia resinella (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, conf. Corley. (Fig. 3).

  26. Dichrorampha letarfensis Gibeaux, 1983

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  27. Grapholita janthinana (Duponchel, 1843)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  28. Pammene splendidulana (Guenée, 1845)

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, larva on Quercus suber, 14-V-2017, Nunes.


  1. Brachodes gaditana (Rambur, 1866)

    1. BL: Ansião, 3-VII-2017, Rosete.


  1. Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy.


  1. Chamaesphecia aerifrons (Zeller, 1847)

    1. BA: Rossão, by day, 7-VI-2017, Rosete.


  1. Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus Bivar de Sousa & Quartau, 1998

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.


  1. Hoyosia codeti (Oberthür, 1883)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.


  1. Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. TM: Santa Luzia, 14-VII-2017, Corley, S. Ferreira and Mateus.

  2. Hypsopygia incarnatalis (Zeller, 1847)

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 28-VII-2017, Rosete.

  3. Stemmatophora combustalis (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1842)

    1. BAL: Corte Sines, 8-V-2017, Grundy.

  4. Hypsotropa vazquezi Gastón, Macià, Ylla & Huertas, 2016

    1. BL: Ansião, 23-VII-2016, Rosete, det. Corley; BB: Monte Barata, 3-VI-2017, Lemos, comm. Nunes, det. Corley.

      H. vulneratella was recently excluded from the Iberian fauna, see GASTÓN et al. (2016), with previous Portuguese records, all from Algarve, being assumed without examination to belong to the newly described H. vazquezi Gastón, Macià, Ylla & Huertas, 2016. The identity of Algarve records remains unconfirmed, but their assumption is likely to be correct.

  5. Oncocera semirubella (Scopoli, 1763)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  6. * Gymnancyla hornigii (Lederer, 1852)

    1. ALG: Praia da Mareta, Sagres, 5-IX-2017, Pires, det. Corley. Middle and southern Europe from Spain, France and Germany eastwards, absent from north and north-west Europe and Mediterranean islands. [Larva on Atriplex and Chenopodium].

  7. Asalebria geminella (Eversmann, 1844)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy.

  8. Epischnia illotella Zeller, 1839

    1. BL: Pampilhosa do Botão, 29-VI-2017, Jesus, det. Corley.

  9. Psorosa dahliella (Treitschke, 1832)

    1. DL: São Miguel, Lousada, 7-VII-2017, R. Cardoso, det. Corley.

  10. Acrobasis bithynella Zeller, 1848

    1. BL: Porto de Mós, larva on Cistus albidus, 22-III-2017, adult 1-IX-2017, Nunes, det. Corley.

  11. Acrobasis romanella (Millière, 1870)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 27-III-2017, Corley.

  12. Acrobasis advenella (Zincken, 1818)

    1. DL: Valongo, larva on Crataegus monogyna, 17-IV-2017, reared, Nunes.

  13. Metallostichodes nigrocyanella (Constant, 1865)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  14. (*) Ancylosis sareptalla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861)

    1. BL: Lagoa de São José, 27-VI-2017, Rosete, det. Corley. (Fig. 4). An earlier record of this species was rejected, see CORLEY et al. (2016). Southern Europe, extending north to Czech Republic. Larva unknown.

  15. Ancylosis oblitella (Zeller, 1848)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 26-V-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  16. Homoeosoma nimbella (Duponchel, 1837)

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus, det. Corley.

  17. Phycitodes bentinkella (Pierce, 1937)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  18. Phycitodes inquinatella (Ragonot, 1887)

    1. TM: Dine, 19-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.


  1. Sitochroa palealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BAL: Ponta da Galhofa, 14-V-2017, Grundy.

  2. Agrotera nemoralis (Scopoli, 1763)

    1. DL: Madalena, larva on Castanea sativa, 6-VIII-2017, Nunes.

  3. Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859)

    1. Third record. M: Midões, 16-VIII-2017, Carvalho, comm. Marabuto.

  4. Dolicharthria aetnealis (Duponchel, 1833)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  5. Anarpia incertalis (Duponchel, 1832)

    1. BA: Albergaria, 24-VII-2017, Corley, Nunes and S. Ferreira.

  6. Mesocrambus carectellus (Zeller, 1847)

    1. BB: Monte Barata, 3-VI-2017, Lemos, comm. Nunes, det. Corley.

  7. * Hyperlais siccalis (Guenée, 1854)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus; BL: Praia do Pedrogão, 17-VI-2017, Rosete. (Fig. 5). Spain, France. [Food-plant unknown].


  1. Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.


  1. Trichiura ilicis (Rambur, 1866)

    1. BB: Monte Barata, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.


  1. Idaea lusohispanica Herbulot, 1991

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy.

  2. Idaea nigrolineata (Chrétien, 1911)

    1. Second and third records. TM: São Lourenço, 14-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes; Freixiel, 15-VII-2017, Corley, Nunes, S. Ferreira and Mateus.

  3. Idaea incisaria (Staudinger, 1892)

    1. BAL: Praia das Furnas, 15-V-2017, Grundy.

  4. Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  5. Idaea obsoletaria (Rambur, 1835)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  6. Idaea robiginata (Staudinger, 1863)

    1. BA: Picão, 22-VI-2017, Rosete.

  7. Idaea lutulentaria (Staudinger, 1892)

    1. BL: Ansião, 10-VI-2017, Rosete.

  8. Idaea politaria (Hübner, 1799)

    1. ALG: Sargaçal, 19-VI-2017, Valadares.

  9. Idaea manicaria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851)

    1. Second and third records. BAL: Sobral da Adiça, 5-VI-2008, Corley, Marabuto and Rodrigues; Pulo do Lobo, eastern side, 19-V-2017, Grundy.

  10. Idaea subsaturata (Guenée, 1858)

    1. BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  11. Idaea aversata (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  12. Idaea deversaria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  13. Catarhoe basochesiata (Duponchel, 1831)

    1. BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  14. Euphyia frustata (Treitschke, 1828)

    1. BA: Covão do Vidual, 23-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  15. Anticlea derivata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. ALG: Corte do Gago, 28-II-2017, Jacinto.

  16. Nebula ibericata (Staudinger, 1871)

    1. BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  17. Perizoma flavofasciata (Thunberg, 1792)

    1. TM: Ribeira do Mosteiro, 31-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  18. Eupithecia dodoneata Guenée, 1858

    1. BB: Ribeiro da Azenha, 16-IV-2017, Sousa, det. Corley.

  19. Eupithecia massiliata Millière, 1865

    1. BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  20. Eupithecia scopariata (Rambur, 1833)

    1. BAL: Almograve, 16-V-2017, Grundy.

  21. Eupithecia innotata (Hufnagel, 1767)

    1. TM: Santa Luzia, 14-VII-2017, Corley, S. Ferreira and Mateus.

  22. Itame vincularia (Hübner, 1813)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy.

  23. Petrophora chlorosata (Scopoli, 1763)

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  24. Perigune narbonea (Linnaeus, 1767)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  25. * Ecleora solieraria (Rambur, 1834)

    1. BAL: Mértola, 1 km S. of, 9-V-2017, Grundy. (Fig. 6). Spain, France. [Larva on Juniperus and Cupressus].

  26. Hypomecis punctinalis (Scopoli, 1763)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  27. * Tephronia espaniola Schawerda, 1931

    1. TM: Dine, 19-VII-2017, Corley, Nunes, S. Ferreira and Mateus. France, Spain. [Larva on lichens].

  28. Cabera pusaria (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  29. Comibaena bajularia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. ALG: Sargaçal, 23-V-2017, Valadares.

  30. Phaiogramma etruscaria (Zeller, 1849)

    1. BL: Praia do Pedrogão, 17-VI-2017, Rosete.


  1. Dicranura ulmi (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  2. Drymonia ruficornis (Hufnagel, 1766)

    1. BB: Ribeiro da Azenha, 16-IV-2017, Sousa, det. Corley.

  3. Peridea anceps (Goeze, 1781)

    1. BB: Monte Barata, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.


  1. Eutelia adulatrix (Hübner, 1813)

    1. BAL: Praia das Furnas, 15-V-2017, Grundy.


  1. Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, larva, Grundy, Marabuto and Nunes.

  2. Orgyia aurolimbata Guenée, 1835

    1. TM: Freixiel, 15-VII-2017, Corley, Nunes, S. Ferreira and Mateus.

  3. * Thumatha senex (Hübner, 1808)

    1. TM: Cova da Lua, in actinic trap, 19-VII-2017, Corley, S. Ferreira and Mateus. All Europe except some Balkan countries and Mediterranean islands. [Larva on lichens].

  4. Schrankia costaestrigalis (Stephens, 1834)

    1. BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  5. Eublemma parva (Hübner, 1808)

    1. BL: Ilha da Murraceira, 14-VI-2017, Rosete.

  6. Catocala mariana Rambur, 1858

    1. BAL: Praia do Malhão, 12-V-2017, Marabuto, Grundy, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  7. Clytie illunaris (Hübner, 1813)

    1. BAL: Herdade do Pulo do Lobo, 11-V-2017, Grundy.


  1. Acronicta psi (Linnaeus, 1758)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, larva, 13-V-2017, Grundy.

  2. Craniophora ligustri (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. DL: Praia de Mindelo, 26-V-2017, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  3. * Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834

    1. BAL: Lagoa de Santo André, larva on Santolina impressa, 14-V-2017, reared, Nunes. (Figs. 7, 8). Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Corsica, Sicily.

  4. Calophasia almoravida Graslin, 1863

    1. ALG: Cruzinha, 5-V-2017, Grundy and Banza.

  5. Lophoterges millierei (Staudinger, 1871)

    1. BL: Ansião, 20-V-2017, Rosete.

  6. Bryonycta pineti (Staudinger, 1859)

    1. BAL: Corte Sines, 8-V-2017, Grundy; BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  7. Callopistria juventina (Stoll, 1782)

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus; BA: Ponte de Jugais, 25-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  8. Callopistria latreillei (Duponchel, 1827)

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

  9. Bryophila raptricula (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1. BA: Poço do Inferno, 24-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  10. Polyphaenis sericata (Esper, 1787)

    1. BAL: Herdade do Pulo do Lobo, 11-V-2017, Grundy.

  11. Photedes minima (Haworth, 1809)

    1. TM: Quintã, 13-VII-2016, Fernandes and Gonzalez, det. Corley.

  12. Oligia versicolor (Borkhausen, 1792)

    1. TM: França, 18-VII-2017, Corley and Nunes.

  13. Agrochola meridionalis (Staudinger, 1871)

    1. ALG: Sargaçal, 5-XII-2017, Valadares, conf. Corley.

  14. Lacanobia thalassina (Hufnagel, 1766)

    1. DL: Vairão, 31-V-2017, S. Ferreira, det. Corley.

  15. Hadena magnolii (Boisduval, 1829)

    1. BAL: Ribeira de Torgal, 13-V-2017, Grundy, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  16. Hadena sancta (Staudinger, 1859)

    1. E: Crastinha, São Pedro do Moel, 24-IV-2017, Rosete; BB: Quinta das Valsas, 29-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  17. Hadena silenides (Staudinger, 1895)

    1. BB: Segura, praia fluvial, 30-III-2017, Corley, Mata and S. Ferreira.

  18. Euxoa oranaria (Bang-Haas, 1906)

    1. BAL: Ponta da Galhofa, 14-V-2017, Grundy.


  1. Nola cicatricalis (Treitschke, 1835)

    1. BAL: Moinhos de Paneiro, 13-V-2017, Marabuto, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

  2. Nola subchlamydula Staudinger, 1871

    1. BAL: Moinho do Alferes, 25-III-2017, Corley and S. Ferreira.

1. Clepsis peritana (Clemens, 1860), Corte do Gago (V. Jacinto). 2.Lobesia reliquana (Hübner, 1825), Gaia (J. Nunes). 3. Retinia resinella (Linnaeus, 1758), (J. Nunes). 4.Ancylosis sareptalla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861), Lagoa de São José (J. Rosete). 5.Hyperlais siccalis (Guenée, 1854) (J. Nunes). 6.Ecleora solieraria (Rambur, 1834), Mértola (D. Grundy). 7. Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834 (J. Nunes). 8. Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834, larva on Santolina impressa (J. Nunes)
Figures 1-8
1. Clepsis peritana (Clemens, 1860), Corte do Gago (V. Jacinto). 2.Lobesia reliquana (Hübner, 1825), Gaia (J. Nunes). 3. Retinia resinella (Linnaeus, 1758), (J. Nunes). 4.Ancylosis sareptalla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861), Lagoa de São José (J. Rosete). 5.Hyperlais siccalis (Guenée, 1854) (J. Nunes). 6.Ecleora solieraria (Rambur, 1834), Mértola (D. Grundy). 7. Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834 (J. Nunes). 8. Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834, larva on Santolina impressa (J. Nunes)

Recent literature affecting the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna

ANON (2017). The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has finally made a decision regarding the proposal to conserve Maculinea Eecke, 1915 over Phengaris Doherty, 1891. It has rejected the proposed conservation of Maculinea. The Portuguese species therefore becomes Phengaris alcon (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775).

ARNSCHEID & WEIDLICH (2017) provide a new treatment of European Psychidae. Portuguese records of Typhonia ciliaris are referred to T. melana (Frivaldszky, 1837); Brevantennia is treated as a subgenus of Dahlica, with the Portuguese species D. estrela (Arnscheid, 2012). In the Distribution Catalogue, Narycia duplicella is omitted for Portugal, Dahlica triquetrella is given as present in Portugal but explicitly rejected in the main text and the Portuguese Typhonia species is stilllisted as T. ciliaris.

BUCHNER et al. (2017) include a new species Agonopterix carduncelli Corley, 2017 with holotype and paratypes from Portugal.

CORLEY (2017) describes a new species, Chrysoclista soniae from Serra da Estrela based on the specimen treated as C. splendida Karsholt, 1997 in CORLEY (2015).

CORLEY (2018) describes a new species, Cacochroa rosetella from Beira Litoral.

CORLEY & BUCHNER (2018) describe Depressaria villosae with holotype from Trás-os-Montes. This replaces D. pimpinellae Zeller, 1839 which was previously misidentified in Portugal.

CORLEY & FERREIRA (2017) describe the hitherto unknown female of Isotrias penedana Trematerra, 2013.

CORLEY et al. (2017a) record Borkhausenia crimnodes Meyrick, 1912 from Beira Litoral, new to Europe. This is a southern hemisphere species now established in Portugal.

CORLEY et al. (2018) add 32 species to the Portuguese fauna.

GASTÓN et al. (2017) describe a new species Clepsis razowskii which appears to have a wide distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. It has been overlooked as C. consimilana until now. The distribution of the two species in Portugal requires investigation.

GLOBIZ (NUSS et al., 2003-2017), the online inventory of Pyraloidea, transfers the species formerly placed in Pleuroptya Meyrick, 1890 to genus Patania Moore, 1888. This follows ROSE & SINGH (1989) who resurrected the forgotten genus Patania and transferred eight Indian species into it. Their paper left considerable uncertainty as to whether all Pleuroptya species should be placed in Patania, so the Portuguese species were left in Pleuroptya in CORLEY (2015). The Portuguese species of Patania are ruralis (Scopoli, 1763) and balteata (Fabricius, 1798). The latter species was given as Pleuroptya crocealis (Duponchel, 1834) in CORLEY (2015) following the view of LERAUT (2012) that crocealis showed genitalia differences from balteata. More recently SLAMKA (2013) concluded that crocealis should be treated as a junior synonym of balteata as supposed genitalia differences were not significant.

HACKER et al. (2012) split eastern and western Mediterranean populations of Nola chlamitulalis (Hübner, 1813) into separate species. N. infantula Kitt, 1926 replaces N. chlamitulalis in the west.

HASLBERGER & SEGERER (2016) discuss the status of Aporophyla lutulenta and A. lueneburgensis, following work on barcodes, concluding that they are separate species. This conclusion is the opposite of that of ORHANT (2012) which was followed by CORLEY (2015), but it appears that ORHANT’s work was flawed as he did not have true lutulenta available. The conclusion in CORLEY (2015) must therefore be reversed, with Portuguese material referred to A. lueneburgensis.

HUERTAS-DIONISIO et al. (2017) in describing the life histories of three Sciota species, pointout that S. rungsi Leraut, 2002 is a junior synonym of S. elegiella (Zerny, 1928).

KAILA (2011) placed Urodeta in family Elachistidae. This was overlooked by CORLEY (2015).

LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA (2017) add Coleophora gredosella Baldizzone, 1985, Coleophora changaica Reznik, 1975 and Brachodes laeta (Staudinger, 1863) to the Portuguese fauna.

MARABUTO (2018) adds Polyommatus celina (Austaut, 1879) to the Portuguese list with useful comments on its status and identification; he also gives fuller data on several species previously listed for Portugal for the first time from Serpa in various earlier papers.

REGIER et al., (2014) raise the subfamilies Dryadaulinae and Meessiinae of the Tineidae to family level as Dryadaulidae and Meessiidae.

TABELL (2017) describes Coleophora septembra with paratypes from Trás-os-Montes and Beira Alta.


We are most grateful to Dr Lauri Kaila for identification of several Elachista specimens, to Sjaak Koster for pointing out the correct family for Urodeta, to Frantisek Slamka for help with Ancylosis, to Brian Goodey for a genitalia preparation and identification of Cochylidia heydeniana and to Ernestino Maravalhas who kindly prepared the map. We also thank all those who have contributed records for this review.


ANON., 2017.– Opinion 2399 (Case 3508) - Maculinea Van Eecke, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): precedence over Phengaris Doherty, 1891 not granted.– The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 74: 117-119.

ARNSCHEID, W. R. & WEIDLICH, M., 2017.– Psychidae.– In O. KARSHOLT, M. MUTANEN & M. CORLEY. (Eds.). Microlepidoptera of Europe, 8. 1-423.

BUCHNER, P., CORLEY, M. & JUNNILAINEN, J., 2017.– Three new species and a new subspecies of Depressariinae (Lepidoptera) from Europe.– ZooKeys, 684: 119-154.

CARVALHO, J. PASSOS DE, & CORLEY, M. F. V., 1995.– Additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve, Portugal.– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 23(91): 191-230.

CORLEY, M. F. V., 2015.– Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. A fully revised list. 288 pp. Martin Corley, Faringdon.

CORLEY, M. F. V., 2017.– Chrysoclista soniae (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae, Parametriotinae), a new species from Portugal.– Entomologist’s Gazette, 68: 130-134.

CORLEY, M. F. V., 2018.– Taxonomic notes on Portuguese Microlepidoptera I. Cacochroa rosetella sp. n. (Depressariidae: Cryptolechiinae).– SHILAP Revista lepidopterología, 46(181): 75-79.

CORLEY, M. & BUCHNER, P., 2018.– Depressaria villosae sp. nov., a new species from Portugal, Spain and Greece (Depressariidae).– Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation, 130: 105-11.

CORLEY, M. F. V. & FERREIRA, S., 2017.– DNA Barcoding reveals sexual dimorphism in Isotrias penedana Trematerra, 2013 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Chlidanotinae).– Zootaxa, 4221(5): 594-600.

CORLEY, M. F. V., FERREIRA, S., LVOVSKY, A. L. & ROSETE, J., 2017a.– Borkhausenia crimnodes Meyrick, 1912 (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae), a southern hemisphere species resident in Portugal.– Nota lepidopterologica, 40: 15-24.

CORLEY, M. F. V., ROSETE, J., GONÇALVES, A. R., MATA, V., NUNES, J., & PIRES, P., 2018.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2016 (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista lepidopterología, 46(181): 33-56.

CORLEY, M. F. V., ROSETE, J., GONÇALVES, A. R., NUNES, J., PIRES, P. & MARABUTO, E., 2016.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 44(176): 615-643.

EURO+MED PLANT-BASE, 2006.– Available from (accessed 23 September 2018).

GASTÓN, F. J., MACIÀ, R., YLLA, J. & HUERTAS-DIONISIO, M., 2016.– El genéro Hypsotropa Zeller, 1848 en la Península Ibérica, con la descripción de una especie nueva (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae, Peoriini).– Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 58: 75-88.

GASTÓN, J., VIVES MORENO, A. & REVILLA, T., 2017.– Descripción de tres especies nuevas de la Familia Tortricidae en la Península Ibérica (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 45(180): 689-698.

GIELIS, C., 1996.– Pterophoridae.– In P. HUEMER, O. KARSHOLT & L. LYNEBORG (eds). Microlepidoptera of Europe, 1: 1-222.

HACKER, H. H., SCHREIER, H.-P. & GOATER, B., 2012.– Revision of the tribe Nolini of Africa and the Western Palaearctic Region (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae, Nolinae).– Esperiana 17: 1-614.

HASLBERGER, A. & SEGERER, A. H., 2016.– Systematische revidierte und kommentierte Checkliste der Schmetterlinge Bayerns (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– Mitteilung der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 106 (Supplement): 1-336.

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Appendix: Changes to the Portuguese fauna list

Species added to the Portuguese fauna listed in this and other papers are summarised here, each with a number indicating their placement in the checklist (CORLEY, 2015). New genera for the Portuguese fauna show the author and year of publication of the genus.

Name changes due to changes at genus level or to new synonymy are given, with each species retaining its list number. In a case where a new name is provided for a previously misidentified species, the new species retains the number of the misidentified species. Thus Nola infantula Kitt, 1926 replaces Nola chlamitulalis (Hübner, 1813) which HACKER et al. (2012) show to be absent from western Europe, but the new species retains the number 2577 in the checklist.

  1. Dahlica Enderlein, 1912 (Brevantennia Sieder, 1953)

    0114 estrela (Arnscheid, 2012)

    0121 Typhonia melana (Frivaldszky, 1837) (ciliaris auct. nec Ochsenheimer, 1810)

    0154.1 Infurcitinea minuscula Gozmány, 1960

  2. Metriochroa Busck, 1900

    0240.1 latifoliella (Millière, 1886)

  3. Cameraria Chapman, 1902

    0295.1 ohridella Deschka & Dimic, 1986

    0409.1 Borkhausenia crimnodes Meyrick, 1912

    0425.1 Pleurota andalusica Back, 1973

    0444.1 Agonopterix carduncelli Corley, 2017

    0475 Depressaria villosae Corley & Buchner, 2018 (pimpinellae auct. nec Zeller, 1839)

  4. Cacochroa Heinemann, 1854

    0479.1 rosetella Corley, 2018

    0648.1 Gelechia scotinella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854

    0719.1 Elachista agelensis Traugott-Olsen, 1996

    0719.2 Elachista heringi Rebel, 1899

    0722.1 Elachista distigmatella Frey, 1859

    0725.1 Elachista obliquella Stainton, 1854

    0747 Chrysoclista soniae Corley, 2017 (splendida auct. nec Karsholt, 1997)

    0778.1 Coleophora gredosella Baldizzone, 1985

    0779.1 Coleophora septembra Tabell, 2017

    0800.1 Coleophora changaica Reznik, 1975

    0816.1 Coleophora turbatella Toll, 1944

    0902.1 Mompha langiella (Hübner, 1796)

    0931 Agdistis glaseri Arenberger, 1978 (bifurcatus auct. nec Agenjo, 1952)

    0969.1 Epermenia ochreomaculella (Millière, 1854)

    1006.1 Clepsis razowskii (Gastón, Vives & Revilla, 2017)

    1007.1 Clepsis coriacanus (Rebel, 1894)

    1007.2 Clepsis peritana (Clemens, 1860)

    1106.2 Lobesia reliquana (Hübner, 1825)

    1212.2 Brachodes laeta (Staudinger, 1863)

  5. Phengaris Doherty, 1891 (Maculinea Eecke, 1915)

    1398 alcon (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    1405.1 Polyommatus celina (Austaut, 1879)

    1455 Sciota elegiella (Zerny, 1928) (rungsi Leraut, 2002)

    1461.1 Gymnancyla hornigii (Lederer, 1852)

    1526.1 Ancylosis sareptalla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861)

  6. Patania Moore, 1888 (Pleuroptya Meyrick, 1890)

    1583 ruralis (Scopoli, 1763)

    1584 balteata (Fabricius, 1798) (crocealis Duponchel, 1834)

    1679.1 Hyperlais siccalis (Guenée, 1854)

  7. Ecleora Wehrli, 1941

    2003.1 solieraria (Rambur, 1834)

    2022.1 Tephronia espaniola Schawerda, 1931

  8. Thumatha Walker, 1866

    2133.1 senex (Hübner, 1808)

    2253.1 Cucullia santolinae Rambur, 1834

    2433 Aporophyla lueneburgensis (Freyer, 1848) (lutulenta auct. nec Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

    2577 Nola infantula Kitt, 1926 (chlamitulalis auct. nec Hübner, 1813)

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