New and interesting Portuguese Lepidopterarecords from 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Novos e interessantes registos portugueses de Lepidoptera em 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Nuevas e interesantes citas portuguesas de Lepidoptera en 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

M. F. V. Corley
Universidade do Porto Campus Agrário de Vairão, Brasil
J. Rosete
Urbanização Lourisol Rua Manuel Cerqueira Nobrega, Portugal
A. R. Gonçalves
Rua do Brasil, Portugal
J. Nunes
Rua Padre Miguel Paupério do Vale, Portugal
P. Pires
E. Marabuto
Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal

New and interesting Portuguese Lepidopterarecords from 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 44, núm. 176, 2016

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Recepción: 17 Octubre 2016

Aprobación: 09 Noviembre 2016

Publicación: 30 Diciembre 2016

Abstract: 39 species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna and one species deleted, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors and others in 2015. In addition, second and third records for the country, new province records and new food-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of recent papers affecting the Portuguese fauna is included.

Keywords: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribution, Portugal.

Resumo: Como resultado do trabalho de campo desenvolvido pelos autores e outros, principalmente no ano de 2015, são adicionadas 39 espécies de Lepidoptera à fauna de Portugal e uma é retirada. Adicionalmente, são apresentados segundos e terceiros registos de espécies para o país, bem como novas plantas alimentícias para algumas espécies. Amplia-se ainda a distribuição geográfica de várias espécies, indicando-se novas regiões de ocorrência. Finalmente, é apresentado um sumário dos mais recentes trabalhos relevantes para a fauna portuguesa.

Palavras-chave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribuição, Portugal.

Resumen: Como resultado del trabajo de campo efectuado por los autores y otros, principalmente durante el año de 2015, se añaden 39 especies de Lepidoptera a la fauna de Portugal y se elimina una especie. Adicionalmente, se presentan segundos y terceros registros de especies para el país y también nuevas plantas nutricias para algunas especies. Se amplía la distribución geográfica de varias especies, indicando su presencia en nuevas provincias. Finalmente, se presenta un resumen de los trabajos más recientes que son relevantes para la fauna portuguesa.

Palabras clave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribución, Portugal.


This paper is the tenth in the series of annual summaries of new knowledge of Portuguese Lepidoptera. It gives records of species of Lepidoptera added to the Portuguese fauna in 2015, together with new province records not included in the checklist (CORLEY, 2015b). Additional data includes new data on larval food-plants within the country and second and third records of species for the country, which are only indicated when they are not in new provinces. Papers and books mainly published in 2015 that relate to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna are listed and briefly summarised. Finally, an Appendix lists the new species for Portugal separately, with numbers indicating their correct position in the checklist; new genera for Portugal have author and year of publication given.

Following the publication of the new checklist (CORLEY, 2015b) there are some changes to the format used for these papers in recent years, e.g. CORLEY et al. (2008).

39 species new for Portugal are listed below, of which four are new for the Iberian Peninsula. Five of the species, marked (*) have been previously listed for Portugal, but the records were rejected in CORLEY (2015b), as being erroneous or unsubstantiated. One species is deleted from the Portuguese fauna.

In CORLEY (2015b) the number of Lepidoptera species recognised from Portugal was 2588. With the current paper and other papers mentioned herein, this total has risen to 2626.

Material and Methods

Most species were captured at mercury vapour light over or beside a white sheet. For specimens not taken at light, the means of capture is given. Specimens are retained in the collections of the original recorders, unless otherwise stated. However, a few records are based only on photographic evidence.

The order and nomenclature of families and species has been revised in accordance with the new Portuguese list (CORLEY, 2015b). The nomenclature of plant names follows CASTROVIEJO (1986- 2015) where possible and otherwise follows TUTIN et al. (1964-1980).

The entry for species new for Portugal concludes with a summary of the known European distribution, and available information on the larval food-plant, given in square brackets if the information comes from outside Portugal.

Localities with UTM squares and altitude: (Municipalities in brackets)

The map below shows the 10 x 10 km UTM grid squares from which records cited in this paper were made.


Albergaria, Serra do Gerês (Terras de Bouro)NG7127700 m
Alcoutim, 1 km S. of,PB344750 m
Alfanzina, Cabo Carvoeiro (Lagoa)NB490540 m
Alfarelos (Soure)NE294430 m
Algoso (Mogadouro)QF0092330 m
Almagreira, Rio Arunca (Pombal)NE302681 m
Ansião, 2 km E. of,NE5019250 m
Árvore (Vila do Conde)NF227510 m
Balsamão (Macedo de Cavaleiros)PF7993430 m
Barragem de Paradela (Montalegre)NG8725730 m
Batocas, 1 km S. of, (Sabugal)PE8282825 m
Benfeita, Mata da Margaraça (Arganil)NE9053420 m
Brotas (Moura)ND7301140 m
Buracas de Casmilo (Penela)NE4333300 m
Cabecico da Vinha, Freixiosa (Miranda do Douro)QF2489600 m
Cainheiras, Castro Laboreiro (Melgaço)NG7152970 m
Carrapateira (Vila do Bispo)NB080625 m
Carrazedo, 2 km N. of, (Bragança)PG7528750 m
Cerejais (Alfândega da Fé)PF7373475 m
Chão de Couce (Ansião)NE5218270 m
CoimbraNE475220 m
Condeixa-a-NovaNE4438100 m
Corte do Gago (Castro Marim)PB2828180 m
Cova da Lua (Bragança)PG8039790 m
Cruzes, W. of Rebordãos (Bragança)PG78241080 m
Dorna (Melgaço)NG6949830 m
Escampado de São Miguel (Ansião)NE4617250 m
Escarigo (Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo)PF8323590 m
Fonte do Cuco, Penha Garcia (Idanha-a-Nova)PE7035575 m
Fonte Fria, Mata do Buçaco (Mealhada)NE5370270 m
França, 5 km west of, (Bragança)PG8241750 m
Francelos (Vila Nova de Gaia)NF294830 m
Fresulfe (Vinhais)PG7140650 m
Furadouro (Condeixa-a-Nova)NE4235250 m
Gondesende (Bragança)PG7734790 m
Granja do Ulmeiro (Soure)NE284567 m
Herdade Ribeira Abaixo (Grândola)NC3718170 m
Ilha da Murraceira (Figueira da Foz)NE15423 m
Lagoaça (Freixo Espada-a-Cinta)PF9262700 m
Lama Grande, Serra de Montesinho (Bragança)PG83461390 m
Louriçal (Pombal)NE222840 m
LousadaNF6070290 m
Mata do Choupal (Coimbra)NE475215 m
Minas Santo Adrião (Vimioso)QG1000560 m
Mindelo (Vila do Conde)NF22745 m
Moinho do Caniço, Ponte de Castrelos (Bragança)PG7534600 m
Monte da Gorda (Aljezur)NB192950 m
Monte de Morais (Macedo de Cavaleiros)PF8798650 m
Monte do Guerrero (Castro Verde)NB9870165 m
Moura da Serra, Mata da Margaraça (Arganil)NE9252900 m
Noudar (Barrancos)PC6927255 m
Paços de FerreiraNF5269300 m
Pampilhosa (Mealhada)NE4965100 m
Parque Biológico de Gaia (Vila Nova de Gaia)NF3650110 m
Paúl de Madriz (Soure)NE31418 m
Peixeiro (Condeixa-a-Velha)NE4236220 m
Pena (Vouzela)NF7404880 m
Podre, Castro Laboreiro (Melgaço)NG6850800 m
Ponte de Santa Rufina, Pinheiro Novo (Vinhais)PG5247585 m
Ponte Nova, Assureira, Castro Laboreiro (Melgaço)NG6950750 m
Portas do Rodão (Nisa)PD1289150 m
Praia do Palheirão, Tocha (Cantanhede)NE157010 m
Praia do Samouco (Marinha Grande)NE00076 m
Rio Angueira, left bank, Castelo de Algoso (Mogadouro)QF0092335 m
Rio Angueira, right bank, Castelo de Algoso (Vimioso)QF0192335 m
Ribeira das Furnas, Salgueirais (Vinhais)PG6341920 m
Ribeiradio (Oliveira de Frades)NF5808340 m
Salema (Vila do Bispo)NB150230 m
Salema, 1 km N. of, (Vila do Bispo)NB151360 m
Santa Clara (Coimbra)NE465080 m
Santo Amaro, E. of Parâmio (Bragança)PG7940770 m
Sargaçal (Lagos)NB271030 m
Senhora das Pereiras (Vimioso)QG0504680 m
Serra de Janeanes (Penela)NE4533350 m
Terreiro das Bruxas, Serra da Lousã (Lousã)NE6437650 m
Trinta, by Rio Mondego, Serra da Estrela (Guarda)PE3785750 m
Vale da Couda (Alvaiázere)NE4810255 m
Vale de Águia (Miranda do Douro)QG3001680 m
Vale de Algoso (Vimioso)QG0507565 m
ValongoNF4159200 m
Vila Nova (Miranda do Corvo)NE6032850 m
VouzelaNF7408260 m


Rui Andrade Tiago Magalhães

Ricardo Cardoso Eduardo Marabuto

Catarina Carvalho Wolfram Mey

Martin Corley Tatiana Moreira

José Rodrigo Dapena João Nunes

Isaías Ferreira Pedro Pires

Jorge Gomes Fernando Romão

Ana Rita Gonçalves Jorge Rosete

Valter Jacinto Carlos Silva

Edmundo Jesus Peder Skou

Gérard Labonne Ana Valadares

Paulo Lemos

Abbreviations and symbols

coll. collection

comm. communicated by conf. confirmed by

det. determined by

ZMUC University of Copenhagen Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark

* New for Portugal, i.e. not listed for Portugal in CORLEY (2015b).

(*) As above but had previously been listed erroneously or questionably.

** New for the Iberian Peninsula.


AAL Alto Alentejo

ALG Algarve

BA Beira Alta

BAL Baixo Alentejo

BB Beira Baixa

BL Beira Litoral

DL Douro Litoral

E Estremadura

M Minho

TM Trás-os-Montes

List of families and species


** Stigmella desperatella (Frey, 1856)

DL: Leafmine on Malus, Valongo, 23-VII-2015, Nunes, conf. Z. Lastuvka. Middle latitudes of Europe, absent from much of the north, Spain, Greece and some Mediterranean islands.

Stigmella suberivora (Stainton, 1869)

DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, 5-IX-2015, Nunes, det. Corley.

Acalyptris platani (Müller-Rutz, 1934)

BL: Mata do Choupal, leafmines on Platanus, 3-VII-2015, Gonçalves.

Ectoedemia septembrella (Stainton, 1849)

DL: Valongo, leafmine on Hypericum, 1-VII-2015, Nunes.


Opostega salaciella (Treitschke, 1833)

DL: Mindelo, 10-VII-2015, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.


Antispila petryi Martini, 1898

Second record. TM: Moinho do Caniço, leafmines on Cornus sanguinea, 4-X-2015, Nunes; adult reared (fig. 1).


Tischeria dodonaea Stainton, 1858

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Gonçalves and Nunes; DL: Valongo, 1-VII-2015, leaf miner on

Quercus robur, Nunes.

Tischeria decidua Wocke, 1876

TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley.


Infurcitinea italica (Amsel, 1954)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley.

Infurcitinea karadaghica Zagulajev, 1979

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley.

Infurcitinea monteiroi Amsel, 1957

TM:Ribeira das Furnas, netted by day, 21-VI-2015, Andrade, det. Corley.

Stenoptinea cyaneimarmorella (Millière, 1854) BL: Ansião, 18-VII-2015, Rosete.

Tinea basifasciella Ragonot, 1895

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 22-VII-2015, Rosete

Niditinea fuscella (Linnaeus, 1758)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Gonçalves and Nunes; DL: Valongo, 9-V-2015, Nunes, det. Corley;


Epichnopterix plumella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) BA: Trinta, cases on wall, 15-VI-2015, Corley


Bucculatrix cidarella (Zeller, 1839)

Third record. TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.


(*) Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796)

TM: França, 21-VI-2015, larvae on Fraxinus angustifolia, Nunes and Corley; adult reared (fig. 2).

Earlier record unconfirmed (CORLEY, 2015b).

Caloptilia robustella Jäckh, 1972

DL: Valongo, larva on Quercus robur, 15-V-2015, Nunes, det. Corley.

Phyllonorycter endryella (Mann, 1855)

BL: Ansião, reared 24-I-2015 from leafmine on Quercus, Rosete, det. Corley.

Phyllonorycter cocciferella (Mendes, 1910)

BL: Ansião, 18-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870)

BL: Mata do Choupal, 3-VII-2015, leafmines on Platanus, Gonçalves.

Phyllonorycter cerasicolella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) M: Dorna, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller, 1846)

BL: Granja do Ulmeiro, reared 7-II-2015, from leafmine on Salix, Rosete, det. Corley.

Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Hübner, 1796)

TM: Ponte de Santa Rufina, leafmines on Prunus avium, 4-X-2015, Corley and Gonçalves.

Phyllonorycter parvifoliella (Ragonot, 1875)

DL: Valongo, leafmines on Adenocarpus, 21-II-2015, Nunes.

Phyllonorycter schreberella (Fabricius, 1781)

BL: Coimbra, leafmines on Ulmus, 6-IX-2015, Gonçalves.

Phyllonorycter ochreojunctella (Klimesch, 1942)

Second locality. TM: Moinho do Caniço, leafmines on Acer monspessulanum, 4-X-2015, Nunes and Gonçalves (fig. 3).

Triberta helianthemella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1860)

BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2014, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves.

Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834)

DL: Francelos, leafmine on Populus nigra, 30-VII-2015, Nunes.


Ocnerostoma friesei Svensson, 1966

BL: Almagreira, 12-III-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


Glyphipterix umbilici M. Hering, 1927

BA: Trinta, by R. Mondego, 15-VI-2015, Corley.

Acrolepiopsis vesperella (Zeller, 1850)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, larvae on Smilax aspera, 29-XII-2015, Pires, Nunes and Gonçalves.


Argyresthia perezi Vives, 2001

TM: Cabecico daVinha, 6-X-2015, Corley and Gonçalves.

Argyresthia albistria (Haworth, 1828)

Second record. TM: França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete.


Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa, 1836)

DL: Valongo, leafmine on Malus, 19-VII-2015, Nunes.


** Atemelia torquatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846)

TM: Fresulfe, larvae mining Ulmus minor, not reared, 27-IX-2005, Corley; Moinho do Caniço, larva mining leaf of Ulmus minor, 3-X-2015, parasitised, Gonçalves, det. Corley; larva photographed (fig. 4). Middle and northern latitudes of Europe, south to Bosnia-Herzegovina, but absent from a few countries.


Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller, 1847)

DL: Lousada, larvae on Calystegia sepium, 13-VII-2015, Cardoso.


Oegoconia quadripuncta (Haworth, 1828)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Nunes and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Symmoca tofosella Rebel, 1893

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Symmoca perobscurata Gozmány, 1957

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Symmocoides don (Gozmány, 1963)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Dysspastus fallax (Gozmány, 1961)

E: Praia do Samouco, 11-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


Eurodachtha siculella (Wocke, 1889)

BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stainton, 1849)

M: Ponte Nova, Assureira, 8-VIII-2015, Marabuto, Nunes and Gonçalves.

Pleurota ericella (Duponchel, 1839)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Pleurota honorella (Hübner, 1813)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete.


* Agonopterix aspersella (Constant, 1888)

ALG: Salema, 22-IX-2009, Skou, specimen in ZMUC, det. P. Buchner. Spain, France, Corsica, Sicily, Romania. [Cytisus].

Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870) BL: Louriçal, 13-I-2015, Rosete.

Agonopterix thapsiella (Zeller, 1847)

BA: Escarigo, larvae on Thapsia villosa, 27-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silva.

Agonopterix subpropinquella (Stainton, 1849)

M: Ponte Nova, Assureira, 8-VIII-2015, Marabuto, Nunes and Gonçalves; TM: Cova da Lua, larva on Cirsium arvense, 20-VI-2015, Nunes, det. Corley.

Agonopterix yeatiana (Fabricius, 1781)

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley.

Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth, 1811)

BL: Condeixa, 17-IX-2015, Ferreira, Jesus and Rosete, det. Corley.

Depressaria depressana (Fabricius, 1775)

Second record. TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

(*) Depressaria velox Staudinger, 1859

E: Praia do Samouco, larvae on Seseli tortuosum, 14-VI-2015, Rosete and Corley, det. P. Buchner.

Spain, France, Greece.

Depressaria ultimella Stainton, 1849

BL: Louriçal, 14-XII-2014, Rosete, det. Corley.

Depressaria ululana Rössler, 1866 TM: França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete.

Depressaria douglasella Stainton, 1849 TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

* Depressaria veneficella Zeller, 1847

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley. Spain, southern Balkan countries and several Mediterranean islands. [Thapsia].

(*) Ethmia fumidella (Wocke, 1850) ssp. delattini Agenjo, 1964

BAL: Noudar, 2-IV-2015, Gonçalves, det. Corley. Spain, France, Central Europe, extending to Poland and south-eastwards to Greece. Larva unknown.

Ethmia terminella Fletcher, 1938

BAL: Herdade Ribeira Abaixo, 13-V-2006, Marabuto.

Odites kollarella (Costa, 1832)

BL: Fonte Fria, Mata do Buçaco, 20-VIII-2015, Jesus, det. Corley.


Sorhagenia rhamniella (Zeller, 1839)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coccidiphila gerasimovi Danilevsky, 1950

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Vulcaniella grobowiella (Staudinger, 1859)

BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves, det. Corley.


Syncopacma sangiella (Stainton, 1863)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

** Syncopacma buvati Nel, 1995

BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley. France. [Coronilla minima].

Mesophleps corsicella Herrich-Schäffer, 1856

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Mesophleps silacella (Hübner, 1796) M: Podre, 22-VI-2015, Corley.

Anarsia lineatella Zeller, 1839

TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

1. Dichomeris helianthemi (Walsingham, 1903)

E: Praia do Samouco, 10-X-2014, Rosete, det. Corley. Spain, France, Sardinia. [Helianthemum lavandulaefolium].

Dichomeris acuminatus (Staudinger, 1876)

DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, 5-IX-2015, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

Brachmia blandella (Fabricius, 1798)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete.

Helcystogramma lutatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete.

Acompsia schmidtiellus (Heyden, 1848)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete.

Bryotropha vondermuhlli Nel & Brusseaux, 2003

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 22-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Bryotropha basaltinella (Zeller, 1839)

M: Ponte Nova, Assureira, 8-VIII-2015, Marabuto, Nunes and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Bryotropha senectella (Zeller, 1839)

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley.

Aristotelia brizella (Treitschke, 1833)

E: Praia do Samouco, 11-VI-2015, Rosete.

Isophrictis anthemidella (Wocke, 1871)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Monochroa lucidella (Stephens, 1834)

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley.

Monochroa hornigi (Staudinger, 1883) BL: Louriçal, 7-VIII-2015, Rosete.

Monochroa melagonella (Constant, 1895)

BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Ornativalva pseudotamariciella Sattler, 1967

The species name is incorrectly spelt pseudotamaricella on pages 28 and 89 of CORLEY (2015b); likewise the synonym tamariciella is also misspelt.

Neofriseria singula (Staudinger, 1876)

BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Mirificarma mulinella (Zeller, 1839)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Gelechia senticetella (Staudinger, 1859)

Second and third records. AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

Scrobipalpa acuminatella (Sircom, 1850)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Scrobipalpa corleyi Huemer & Karsholt, 2010

TM: França, 21-VI-2015, flying by day, Corley; larvae on Phalacrocarpum hoffmannseggi, 3-X- 2015, Corley and Gonçalves. Portuguese endemic previously known only from Serra da Estrela, where the food-plant is Phalacrocarpum oppositifolium.

Scrobipalpa instabilella (Douglas, 1846)

BL: Ilha da Murraceira, 23-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Scrobipalpa obsoletella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841) DL: Mindelo, 10-VII-2015, Nunes, det. Corley.

Scrobipalpa phagnalella (Constant, 1895)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 6-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Scrobipalpa artemisiella (Treitschke, 1833)

Second record. M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley. The first record, from saltmarsh in Algarve (CORLEY et al., 2012), is slightly questionable.

Teleiodes italica Huemer, 1992

Second to fourth localities. BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; TM: Ribeiro Angueira, 16-VI-2015, Corley; França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete.

Teleiodes albidorsella Huemer & Karsholt, 1999

BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Telphusa cistiflorella (Constant, 1890)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.


Elachista cinereopunctella (Haworth, 1828)

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 23-IX-2004, Corley. The earlier record for this species (CORLEY et al., 2007) is a misidentification of E. igaloensis, see below.

2. Elachista igaloensis Amsel, 1951

BL: Santa Clara, 12-V-2006, Corley and Pires. The specimen was previously misidentified as E. cinereopunctella (CORLEY et al., 2007). See the discussion in the Recent Literature section below, regarding the generic placement of this and other species that have been placed in Biselachista. Spain, Corsica, Sardinia, Balkans. Larva unknown.

Elachista stabilella Stainton, 1858

DL: Valongo, 9-V-2016, Nunes, det. Corley.

Blastodacna hellerella (Duponchel, 1838)

TM: Minas Santo Adrião, 1-V-2015, Marabuto, Gonçalves, Silva, Ferreira, Jesus and Dapena.

3. Haplochrois ochraceella (Rebel, 1903)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão, Nunes and Gonçalves, det. Corley. Spain, France, Central Europe and the Balkans. Larva unknown.


Coleophora luteochrella Baldizzone & Tabell, 2009 BL: Ansião, 18-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora lusciniaepennella (Treitschke, 1833)

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 25-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora binderella (Kollar, 1832)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Nunes and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

4. Coleophora staehelinella Walsingham, 1891

BL: Serra de Janeanes, 30-IX-2015, Rosete, Jesus and Ferreira, det. Corley. Spain, France. [Staehelina dubia].

Coleophora pterosparti Mendes, 1910

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley: M: Podre, 22-VI-2015, Corley; TM: França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora trifariella Zeller, 1849

M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Coleophora genistae Stainton, 1857

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora acrisella Millière, 1872

BL: Alfarelos, case on Cytisus, 8-III-2015, Gonçalves.

Coleophora hieronella Zeller, 1849 M: Podre, 22-VI-2015, Corley.

Coleophora zelleriella Heinemann, 1854

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 25-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão, Nunes and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Coleophora involucrella Chrétien, 1901

TM: Monte de Morais, larvae on Santolina semidentata, 3-V-2015, Marabuto, Silva, Gonçalves, Ferreira and Jesus.

5. Coleophora ononidella Millière, 1879

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley. Spain, France, central Europe and Balkans, Crete, absent from several countries. [Ononis].

Coleophora lixella Zeller, 1849

Second record. TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Coleophora caespititiella Zeller, 1839

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 25-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora alticolella Zeller, 1849

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 25-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora luteolella Staudinger, 1880

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 22-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Coleophora striatipennella Nylander, 1848

Second record. TM: Ribeira das Furnas, caught by day, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Coleophora saponariella Heeger, 1848

BA: Vouzela, cases on Saponaria, 25-VII-2015, Nunes, Pires, Jesus and Gonçalves.


Scythris parafuscoaenea Bengtsson, 1991

BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves.

Scythris cistorum (Millière, 1876)

BL: Louriçal, 9-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


6. Neomariania partinicensis (Rebel, 1937)

ALG: Alfanzina, 4-10-IX-2015, Mey. Spain, France, Greece, Sicily, Malta. Larva unknown.


Mompha epilobiella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

Urodeta hibernella (Staudinger, 1859)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.


Pterolonche albescens Zeller, 1847

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete.

Pterolonche inspersa Staudinger, 1859 M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley.


Agdistis heydeni (Zeller, 1852)

BL: Ansião, 18-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Agdistis satanas Millière, 1875

DL: Valongo, 13-VII-2015, Nunes, det. Corley.

7. Stenoptilia pterodactyla (Linnaeus, 1761)

TM: Ribeira das Furnas, caught by day, 21-VI-2015, Corley. Almost all Europe. [Veronica chamaedrys].

Crombrugghia distans (Zeller, 1847)

BL: Louriçal, 20-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley.

Merrifieldia malacodactylus (Zeller, 1847)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Gypsochares bigoti Gibeaux & Nel, 1989

BL: Serra de Janeanes, 30-IX-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


Ochromolopis ictella (Hübner, 1813)

M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Ochromolopis staintonellus (Millière, 1869)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley.


8. Choreutis pariana (Clerck, 1759)

DL: Valongo, cocoon on Malus, 20-V-2015, Nunes; adult reared (fig. 5). Most of Europe except for Ireland, Mediterranean islands and parts of the Balkans.


Isotrias hybridana (Hübner, 1917)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Avaria hyerana (Millière, 1858)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 6-X-2015, Corley, Andrade and Gonçalves.

Archips crataegana (Hübner, 1799)

TM: Gondesende, 2-VII-2014, Corley; Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley.

Lozotaenia cupidinana (Staudinger, 1859)

E: Praia do Samouco, larvae on Cytisus, 14-VI-2015, Corley.

Eana nevadensis (Rebel, 1928)

Third record. M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Cnephasia conspersana Douglas, 1846

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley; BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Cnephasia longana (Haworth, 1811)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

9. Cnephasia heinemanni Obraztsov, 1956

TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley. France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Sicily. Larva unknown.

10. Phalonidia affinitana (Douglas, 1846)

BL: Ilha da Murraceira, 23-VI-2015, Rosete, det. Corley. Most of Europe, but absent from most northerly parts, some Mediterranean islands and Greece. [Aster tripolium].

Phalonidia contractana (Zeller, 1847)

BL: Furadouro, 7-IX-2015, Ferreira, Gonçalves and Jesus.

Eupoecilia angustana (Hübner, 1799)

ALG: Alcoutim, 5-IV-2015, Labonne; BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 18-VI-2015, Rosete; Furadouro, 25-VI-2015, Ferreira and Jesus; TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley.

Aethes margarotana (Duponchel, 1836)

TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

Aethes tesserana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

11. Aethes flagellana (Duponchel, 1836)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley. South and middle latitudes of Europe north to Netherlands and Lithuania. [Eryngium campestre].

Aethes deaurana (Peyerimhoff, 1877)

TM: Lagoaça, 28-IV-2015, Marabuto, Silva and Moreira.

12. Cochylidia moguntiana (Rössler, 1864)

E: Praia do Samouco, 16-V-2015, 9-X-2015, Rosete, det. Corley. Spain, middle latitudes of Europe from Italy, Denmark and Sweden eastwards, absent from most of the west and the south-east. [Artemisia campestris].

Cochylis molliculana Zeller, 1847

ALG: Alcoutim, 5-IV-2015, Labonne.

Aleimma loeflingiana (Linnaeus, 1758)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 25-VII-2015, Rosete,

Acleris ferrugana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

13. Orthotaenia undulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley; França, 21-VI-2015, Corley. All Europe except Greece and some Mediterranean islands. [Larva polyphagous on trees and shrubs].

14. Hedya salicella (Linnaeus, 1758)

TM: França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete. All Europe except Ireland and some Mediterranean islands. [Salix and Populus].

Hedya atropunctana (Zetterstedt, 1839)

Third record. DL: Valongo, larva on Pyrus cordata, 1-VI-2015, Nunes.

15. Celypha striana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley. All Europe except some Mediterranean islands. [Taraxacum and Plantago lanceolata].

Lobesia quaggana (Mann, 1855)

E: Praia do Samouco, 15-V-2015, Rosete.

Ancylis achatana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Third locality. TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Epinotia immundana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1839)

BL: Pampilhosa, 20-IV-2015, Jesus and Ferreira, det. Corley.

Epinotia tenerana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, 22-V-2015, Nunes, Silva and Jesus.

Notocelia uddmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758)

BL: Paúl de Madriz, 25-VI-2015, Rosete.

Dichrorampha chavanneana (La Harpe, 1858) Second record. TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Cydia gilviciliana (Staudinger, 1859)

ALG: Alcoutim, 5-IV-2015, Labonne, det. J. Nel.

16. Grapholita tenebrosana (Duponchel, 1843)

TM: Carrazedo, 19-VI-2015, Corley. Almost all Europe, except a few Mediterranean islands. [Larva in fruits of Rosa].

Lathronympha strigana (Fabricius, 1775) TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

** Pammene gallicolana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846)

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley. Central and south-east Europe from Netherlands to Greece. [Larva in galls of Cynipidae on Quercus].


(*) Brachodes funebris (Feisthamel, 1833)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley. France, Spain. Larva unknown.


Synanthedon stomoxiformis (Hübner, 1790) TM: França, by day, 20-VI-2015, Nunes.


17. Heterogenea asella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BL: Benfeita, larvae on Castanea sativa, 26-VIII-2015, Lemos; adults emerged VI-2016. Almost all Europe, absent from Ireland and most Mediterranean islands. In Spain it appears to be confined to Catalonia. It is unlikely that this is a long overlooked native Portuguese species. More probably it is a recent accidental introduction resulting from international trade in young trees.


Zygaena hilaris Ochsenheimer, 1808

BL: Serra de Janeanes, by day, 10-VI-2015, Rosete.


Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758)

BL: Praia do Palheirão, 11-IX-2015, Rosete.

Stemmatophora combustalis (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1842) BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete.

Anerastia lotella (Hübner, 1813)

E: Praia do Samouco, 16-V-2016, Rosete.

Pempelia genistella (Duponchel, 1836)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke, 1832)

BL: Serra de Janeanes, 30-IX-2015, Rosete, Ferreira and Jesus.

Epischnia illotella Zeller, 1839

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley.

Ceutholopha isidis (Zeller, 1867)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete.

Moitrelia hispanella (Staudinger, 1859)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley, det. Slamka.

Pempeliella ornatella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Oxybia transversella (Duponchel, 1836)

BL: Vale da Couda, 8-X-2015, Corley, Rosete and Gonçalves.

Pseudacrobasis tergestella (Ragonot, 1901)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete.

Acrobasis tumidana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete, det. Corley.

** Acrobasis fallouella (Ragonot, 1871)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão, Jesus, Nunes, Silva and Gonçalves, det. Corley. France. [Quercus].

Eccopisa effractella Zeller, 1848

TM: Rio Angueira, right bank, 16-VI-2015, Corley.

Delete Ancylosis sareptalla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861)

The record belongs to A. albidella, see below. In the paragraph below the spelling of sareptalla or

sareptella follows whichever was used in the papers referred to.

(*) 1526 Ancylosis albidella (Ragonot, 1888)

ALG: Carrapateira, 18-IV-1993, Corley. Spain, Hungary, Slovakia. Larva unknown.

The record from Algarve given in CORLEY et al. (2000) was given under A. sareptalla in CORLEY (2015b), following the synonymisation of albidella and sareptalla by LERAUT (2014). It has now become clear that this synonymisation was unjustified. LERAUT (loc. cit.) claimed that ROESLER (1973) had made a mistake in his drawing of sareptella, but it is very clear from Roesler’s text that this was not the case.

The Algarve record has a complicated history. On 18-IV-1993, Corley collected a male and a female Ancylosis at Carrapateira. Examination of the genitalia of both sexes led to the erroneous conclusion that the species present was A. xylinella (Staudinger, 1870) and this was published as new for Portugal (CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995). A few years later both genitalia preparations were examined by Jan Asselbergs. He referred the male to A. albidella and the female to A. sareptella. These identifications were published, as two species new for Portugal, in CORLEY et al. (2000) and A. xylinella was deleted. Following Leraut’s synonymisation of albidella and sareptalla, the record based on the male of albidella was placed under sareptalla in CORLEY (2015b). Recently, Corley has re- examined the material and concluded that the male is unquestionably albidella. The female does not match the figures given by ROESLER (loc. cit.) for either sareptella or xylinella. However, Roesler does not figure the female genitalia of albidella, so it is reasonable to suppose, besides being the simplest answer, that the female is that of albidella. This concurs with the original supposition in CARVALHO & CORLEY (1995) that the male and female belonged to the same species.

Homoeosoma capsitanella (Chrétien, 1911)

BAL: Monte do Guerrero, 15-IV-2015, Labonne.

Phycitodes bentinckella (Pierce, 1937)

ALG: Monte da Gorda, 9-IV-2015, Labonne, det. T. Varenne; AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII- 2015, Rosete, det. Corley; TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.

Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, 1813)

TM: Cerejais, in house, 16-VI-2016, Corley.

Ephestia elutella (Hübner, 1796)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.


Pyrausta sanguinalis (Linnaeus, 1767) M: Podre, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Pyrausta neglectalis Caradja, 1916

AAL: Brotas, 10-V-2015, Marabuto; TM: Rio Angueira, left bank, 1-V-2015, Marabuto and Silva; Balsamão, 8-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Sitochroa palealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete.

Udea institalis (Hübner, 1819)

Third record. TM: Cabecico da Vinha, larva on Eryngium campestre, 18-VI-2015, Corley.

Herpetogramma licarsisalis (Walker, 1859)

E: Praia do Samouco, 9-X-2015, Corley and Rosete.

Scoparia subfusca Haworth, 1811

M: Albergaria, 12-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley.

Catoptria pinella (Linnaeus, 1758)

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires and Rosete.

Xanthocrambus delicatellus (Zeller, 1863)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 22-VII-2015, Rosete.

Pediasia siculellus (Duponchel, 1836)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Ancylolomia tentaculella (Hübner, 1796)

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 4-IX-2015, Rosete.

Elophila feili Speidel, 2002

TM: Quinta de São Pedro, 17-VI-2015, Corley.


Falcaria lacertinaria (Linnaeus, 1758)

M: Ponte Nova, larva on Betula pubescens, 8-VIII-2016, Marabuto, Gonçalves and Nunes.


Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus, 1758)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.


Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1758)

TM: Quinta de São Pedro, larva on Euphorbia segetalis, 17-VI-2015, Corley.


Idaea lusohispanica Herbulot, 1991

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley.

Idaea obsoletaria (Rambur, 1833)

BL: Terreiro das Bruxas, 30-IV-2015, Rosete.

Idaea biselata (Hufnagel, 1767)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão, Jesus and Gonçalves.

Scopula decorata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) BL: Chão de Couce, 8-VII-2015, Rosete.

Cyclophora quercimontaria (Bastelberger, 1897)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves, det. Corley.

Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767)

TM: Vale de Algoso, larva on Polygonum aviculare, 6-X-2015, Corley.

Scotopteryx coelinaria (Graslin, 1863)

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires, Jesus and Rosete.

Xanthorhoe designata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Second record. M: Podre, 22-VI-2015, Corley.

Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete.

Pennithera firmata (Hübner, 1822)

TM: França, 3-X-2015, Corley, Nunes and Silva.

Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus, 1758)

BL: Moura da Serra, 6-XII-2015, Rosete; Buracas de Casmilo, 18-XII-2015, Pires, Nunes, Gonçalves and Moreira.

18. Hydrelia flammeolaria (Hufnagel, 1767)

M: Podre, 22-VI-2014, Corley. Most of Europe, absent from southernmost parts and most Mediterranean islands. [Acer and Alnus].

Horisme scorteata (Staudinger, 1901)

BA: Escarigo, 27-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silves.

Eupithecia oxycedrata (Rambur, 1833)

BA: Escarigo, 27-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silves.

19. Eupithecia rosmarinata Dardoin & Millière, 1865

ALG: Corte do Gago, 1-XII-2012, Jacinto, conf. Corley from photo (fig. 6). Spain, France. [Rosmarinus, Thymus].

20. Eupithecia semigraphata Bruand 1850

BL: Ansião, 18-VII-2015, Rosete, det. Corley. Southern and central Europe, north to Belgium and Poland. [Thymus, Calamintha, Origanum etc.].

Eupithecia nanata (Hübner, 1813)

BA: Pena, 25-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves.

Myinodes interpunctaria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1839) BL: Peixeiro, 27-III-2015, Pires and Rosete.

Lomaspilis marginata (Linnnaeus, 1758) BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Macaria artesiaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BA: Batocas, 27-VII-2015, Pires, Romão and Gonçalves.

Perigune convergata (de Villers, 1789)

BL: Vale da Couda, 8-X-2015, Corley, Rosete and Gonçalves.

Ennomos quercaria (Hübner, 1813)

BL: Vila Nova, 30-VII-2015, Pires, Jesus, Ferreira and Rosete.

Crocallis tuscaria (Borkhausen, 1793)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Chlorissa cloraria (Hübner, 1813)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete.


21. Clostera curtula (Linnnaeus, 1758)

TM: Fresulfe, 16-V-2012, Marabuto and Magalhães; Cova da Lua, 10-V-2015, Gonçalves, Andrade and Silva; Senhora das Pereiras, 30-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silva; DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, 9-IV-2015, Gomes, det. Marabuto. Almost all Europe, absent from Ireland and some Mediterranean islands. [Populus].


Cymbalophora pudica (Esper, 1785)

Unusual date. DL: Paços de Ferreira, 25-IV-2015 (adult), Carvalho, comm. Nunes.

Eilema depressa (Esper, 1787)

TM: França, 28-VI-2015, Rosete.

Paracolax tristalis (Fabricius, 1794)

BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Herminia tarsipennalis (Treitschke, 1835) BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Herminia tarsicrinalis (Knoch, 1782)

BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Odice pergrata (Rambur, 1858)

BA: Batocas, 15-VI-2015, Corley and Romão.

Eublemma pura (Hübner, 1813)

AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete.

Catocala nymphaea (Esper, 1787)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley.


Chrysodeixis acuta (Walker, 1858)

E: Praia do Samouco, 9-X-2015, Rosete.

22. Euchalcia modestoides Poole, 1989

TM: Cruzes, larva on Pulmonaria longifolia, 11-VI-2012, Marabuto, not reared, more than 2000 Copidosoma sp. (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) parasitoids emerged from the withered larva after 18 days; Carrazedo, adult 24-VI-2012, Rosete. Middle latitudes of Europe from Spain, Belgium and Finland eastwards.

Diloba caeruleocephala (Linnaeus, 1758)

TM: Lagoaça, larvae on Prunus avium and Pyrus cordata, 28-IV-2015, Marabuto, Silva and Moreira.

Panemeria tenebrata (Scopoli 1763)

Second record. M: Podre, larva on Cerastium fontanum, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

23. Cucullia reisseri Boursin, 1933

TM: Rio Angueira, left bank, 27-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silva. Spain, France. [Verbascum].

Calophasia hamifera Staudinger, 1863

BL: Buracas de Casmilo, 7-IV-2015, Gonçalves, Ferreira and Jesus, conf. Marabuto.

Stilbia andalusiaca Staudinger, 1892

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Amephana anarrhini (Duponchel, 1840)

BA: Escarigo, 27-IV-2015, Marabuto and Silva.

(*) Meganephria bimaculosa (Linnaeus, 1767)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, X-2015, Corley, Andrade and Gonçalves (fig. 7). South and middle latitudes of Europe, north to England and Poland, absent from several countries and Mediterranean islands. [Ulmus, Prunus].

Bryophila raptricula (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) AAL: Portas do Rodão, 10-VIII-2015, Rosete.

Dypterygia scabriuscula (Linnaeus, 1758) BA: Ribeiradio, 7-VI-2015, Marabuto.

Pseudenargia ulicis (Staudinger, 1859)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Unchelea myodea (Rambur, 1858)

E: Praia do Samouco, 18-IV-2015, Rosete.

Denticucullus pygmina (Haworth,1809)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Mesapamea didyma (Esper, 1788)

TM: Cabecico da Vinha, 18-VI-2015, Corley.

Conistra intricata (Boisduval, 1829)

Third locality. BL: Escampado de São Miguel, 1-XII-2015, Rosete.

Conistra erythrocephala (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BL: Moura da Serra, 6-XII-2015, Rosete; BA: Ribeiradio, 18-XI-2015, Marabuto.

Scotochrosta pulla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

BB: Fonte do Cuco, 7-X-2015, Corley, Gonçalves and Andrade.

Cosmia trapezina (Linnaeus, 1758)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 2-VII-2015, Rosete.

Orthosia gothica (Linnaeus, 1758)

TM: Santo Amaro, larva on Filipendula ulmaria, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Tholera decimalis (Poda, 1761)

BL: Vale da Couda, 8-X-2015, Corley, Rosete and Gonçalves.

Anarta trifolii (Hufnagel, 1766)

BL: Ilha da Murraceira, 23-VI-2015, Rosete.

Polia nebulosa (Hufnagel, 1766)

TM: França, 21-VI-2015, Corley.

Lacanobia contigua (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

TM: Lama Grande, at wine rope, 20-VI-2015, Corley.

Hadena silenides (Staudinger, 1895)

Third confirmed record. BAL: Noudar, 15-III-2015, Gonçalves and Silva.

(*) Lasionycta proxima (Hübner, 1809)

TM: Lama Grande, 19-VI-2004, Marabuto and Maravalhas; 20-VI-2015, Corley. Most of Europe including Fennoscandia, but missing from the north-west and Mediterranean islands. [Larva polyphagous on herbaceous plants]. The genus was given as Lasionhada Berio, 1981 in CORLEY (2015b).

Dichagyris constanti (Millière, 1860)

Third record. TM: França, 3-X-2015, Corley, Nunes and Silva.

Agrotis clavis (Hufnagel, 1766)

M: Cainheiras, 23-VI-2015, Corley.

Diarsia brunnea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

TM: Barragem de Paradela, 12-VII-2015, Rosete.

Noctua interposita (Hübner, 1790)

Second record. TM: Lama Grande, 20-VI-2015, Corley, Nunes and Silva.


Nola confusalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847)

DL: Árvore, 20-IV-2015, Gonçalves, Ferreira, Nunes and Jesus.

24. Nola thymula Millière, 1867

TM: Vale de Águia, 2-V-2015, Marabuto, Silva, Gonçalves, Ferreira, Jesus and Dapena (fig. 8).

Spain, France, Italy. [Thymus].

Nycteola asiatica (Krulikovsky, 1904)

DL: Parque Biológico de Gaia, 5-IX-2015, Silva, Nunes and Jesus.

25. Garella nilotica (Rogenhofer, 1882)

ALG: Sargaçal, 24-X-2015, Valadares, det. Marabuto, in coll. Marabuto. Spain, Malta, Greece. [Tamarix].


In CORLEY et al. (2014, 2015) the locality Praia do Samouco is incorrectly placed in Beira Litoral. It is actually in Estremadura.

Recent literature

CORLEY (2015a) gives the results of study of various historical collections, resulting in the addition of 12 species and the deletion of 93. These changes were incorporated in CORLEY (2015b).

CORLEY (2015b) provides an updated list of Portuguese Lepidoptera up to the end of 2014, with the first reliable record for each of 2588 accepted species and reasons for exclusion of 398 erroneous or unconfirmed species.

CORLEY et al. (2015) add 38 species to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna and delete three. These changes were incorporated in CORLEY (2015b).

KAILA (2015) has revised the Elachista dispunctella complex. This results in E. occidentella Traugott-Olsen, 1992 being reduced to synonymy with E. hispanica Traugott-Olsen, 1992. They were included as separate species in CORLEY (2015b).

LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA (2015) add Stigmella stettinensis (Heinemann, 1971) to the Portuguese fauna.

PARENTI & PIZZOLATO (2015) argue in favour of the resurrection of Biselachista Traugott- Olsen & Nielsen, 1977 from synonymy with Elachista. The Portuguese species affected are Elachista cinereopunctella (Haworth, 1828), E. igaloensis (Amsel, 1951), E. scirpi Stainton, 1887, E. utonella Frey, 1856 and E. contaminatella Zeller, 1847. Elachista juliensis (Frey, 1870), rejected as unconfirmed by CORLEY (2015b) is included for Portugal, but without data. Their views on Biselachista are not followed here. Whether to treat a group of similar species as a subgenus or genus is usually a subjective judgment. In this case the morphological circumscription of Biselachistais very clear, but largely based on a single character possibly not of great significance. The authors do not provide sufficient additional evidence for their opinion. It seems best not to change the status quo until such time as DNA-based evidence is available. Furthermore, recognition of Biselachistawould necessitate reconsideration of the generic position of the four Portuguese species formerly placed in Cosmiotes Clemens, 1860. Elsewhere in the Gelechioidea, for example in the large genera Coleophora and Depressaria, the relevant character (division of the gnathos into two separate parts) occurs in a few species, but is not currently regarded as worthy of separation at generic level.

SOBCZYK (2015) transfers the monotypic genus Pygmaeotinea Amsel, 1957 from Tineidae to Psychidae and finds it to be synonymous with Eumasia Chrétien, 1904. The sole species, which is endemic to Portugal, becomes Eumasia crisostomella (Amsel, 1957). Pygmaeotinea was already retained in Psychidae in CORLEY (2015b).

– 1. Antispila petryi Martini, 1898, Moinho do Caniços (J. Nunes). 2. Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796), França (J. Nunes). 3. Phyllonorycter ochreojunctella (Klimesch, 1942), Moinho do Caniço (J. Nunes). 4. Atemelia torquatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846), larva, Moinho do Caniço (A. Gonçalves). 5. Choreutis pariana (Clerck, 1759), Valongo (J. Nunes). 6. Eupithecia rosmarinata Dardoin & Millière, 1865, Corte do Gago (V. Jacinto). 7. Meganephria bimaculosa (Linnaeus, 1767), Cabecico da Vinha (A. Gonçalves). 8. Nola thymula (Millière, 1867), Vale de Águia (E. Marabuto).
Figures 1-8
– 1. Antispila petryi Martini, 1898, Moinho do Caniços (J. Nunes). 2. Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796), França (J. Nunes). 3. Phyllonorycter ochreojunctella (Klimesch, 1942), Moinho do Caniço (J. Nunes). 4. Atemelia torquatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846), larva, Moinho do Caniço (A. Gonçalves). 5. Choreutis pariana (Clerck, 1759), Valongo (J. Nunes). 6. Eupithecia rosmarinata Dardoin & Millière, 1865, Corte do Gago (V. Jacinto). 7. Meganephria bimaculosa (Linnaeus, 1767), Cabecico da Vinha (A. Gonçalves). 8. Nola thymula (Millière, 1867), Vale de Águia (E. Marabuto).


We are grateful to all those who have allowed us to include their records and photographs, to Colin Plant for pointing out the erroneous synonymisation of Ancylosis albidella in LERAUT (2014), and to Zdenek Lastuvka, Frantisek Slamka, Peter Buchner, Thierry Varenne and Jacques Nel for identifications. We also thank Ernestino Maravalhas for preparing the map. E. M. M. was funded by Portuguese national funds under the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grant SFRH/BD/102801/2014; fieldwork of M. F. V. C. benefitted from funds of EDP Biodiversity Chair.


CARVALHO, J. PASSOS DE, & CORLEY, M. F. V., 1995.– Additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve, Portugal.– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 23(91): 191-230.

CASTROVIEJO, S., 1986-2015.– Flora Iberica: .: 575 pp., .: 897 pp., .: 730 pp., .: 730 pp., .: 320 pp., .: 592 pp., 7: 1119 pp., .: 375 pp., .: 564 pp., 10: 498 pp., 11: 672 pp., 12: 650 pp., 13: 677 pp., 14: 251 pp., 15: 449 pp., 16: 734 pp., 17: 298 pp., 18: 420 pp., 20: 651 pp., 21: 366 pp. Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid.

CORLEY, M. F. V., 2015a.– The Lepidoptera collections of deceased Portuguese lepidopterists. II.– Entomologist’s Gazette 66: 25-49.

CORLEY, M. F. V., 2015b.– Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. A fully revised list. 288 pp. Martin Corley, Faringdon.

CORLEY, M. F. V., CARDOSO, J. P., DALE, M. J., MARABUTO, E., MARAVALHAS, E., PIRES, P., 2012.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2010. (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 40(157): 5-21.

CORLEY, M. F. V., GARDINER, A. J., CLEERE, N. & WALLIS, P. D., 2000.– Further additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve, Portugal (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 28(111): 245-319.

CORLEY, M. F. V., MARABUTO, E. & PIRES, P., 2007.– New Lepidoptera for the fauna of Portugal (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 35(139): 321-334.

CORLEY, M. F. V., MARABUTO, E., MARAVALHAS, E., PIRES, P. & CARDOSO, J. P., 2008.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2007. (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 36(143): 283-300.

CORLEY, M. F. V., ROSETE, J., MARABUTO, E., MARAVALHAS, E., PIRES, P., 2014.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2013. (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 42(168): 587-613.

CORLEY, M. F. V., ROSETE, J., ROMÃO, F., DALE, M. J., MARABUTO, E., MARAVALHAS, E., & PIRES, P., 2015.– New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2014. (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 43(172): 583-613.

KAILA, L., 2015.– The Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel) complex (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) revisited, with exceptional level of synonymy.– Zootaxa, 3980(3): 301-358.

LASTUVKA, A. & LASTUVKA, Z., 2015.– New records of Lepidoptera from the Iberian Peninsula for 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, 43(172): 633-644.

LERAUT, P., 2014.– Moths of Europe. Pyralids 2, .: 440 pp. N. A. P. Editions. Verrières-le-Buisson.

PARENTI, U. & PIZZOLATO, F., 2015.– Revision of European Elachistidae. The genus BiselachistaTraugott- Olsen & Nielsen, 1977, stat. rev. (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 43(172): 537-575.

ROESLER, R. U., 1973.– Phycitinae 1. Trifine Acrobasiina-. In H. G. AMSEL, F. GREGOR & H. REISSER (eds). Microlepidoptera Palaearctica, .: XVI + 752+ 137 pp., 170 pls. Verlag Georg Fromme & Co, Wien.

SOBCZYK, T., 2015.– Transfer of Pygmaeotinea crisostomella Amsel, 1957 from Tineidae to Psychidae and its taxonomic status (Lepidoptera).– Nota lepidopterologica, 38: 127-131.

TUTIN, T. G., HEYWOOD, V. H., BURGES, N. A., MOORE, D. M., VALENTINE, D. H., WALTERS, S. M. & WEBB, D. A., 1964-1980.– Flora Europaea, .: xxxii + 464 pp., .: xxvii + 455 pp., .: xxix + 370 pp., .: xxix + 505 pp., .: xxxvi + 452 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Appendix: Additions to the Portuguese fauna

Species added to the Portuguese fauna listed in this paper are summarised here, each with a number indicating their placement in the checklist (CORLEY, 2015b). New genera for the Portuguese fauna show the author and year of publication of the genus.

0025.1 Stigmella desperatella (Frey, 1856)

0220.1 Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796)

Atemelia Herrich-Schäffer, 1853

0360.1 Atemelia torquatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) 0441.1 Agonopterix aspersella (Constant, 1888)

0475.1 Depressaria velox Staudinger, 1859

0476.1 Depressaria veneficella Zeller, 1847

0480.1 Ethmia fumidella (Wocke, 1850) ssp. delattini Agenjo, 1964

0521.1 Syncopacma buvati Nel, 1995

0545.1 Dichomeris helianthemi (Walsingham, 1903)

0734.1 Elachista igaloensis (Amsel, 1951)

0744.1 Haplochrois ochraceella (Rebel, 1903)

0771.1 Coleophora staehelinella Walsingham, 1891

0803.1 Coleophora ononidella Millière, 1879

0901.1 Neomariania partinicensis (Rebel, 1937)

0935.1 Stenoptilia pterodactyla (Linnaeus, 1761)

0975.1 Choreutis pariana (Clerck, 1759)

1030.1 Cnephasia heinemanni Obraztsov, 1956

1059.1 Phalonidia affinitana (Douglas, 1846)

1074.1 Aethes flagellana (Duponchel, 1836)

1080.1 Cochylidia moguntiana (Rössler, 1864)

Orthotaenia Stephens, 1829

1095.1 Orthotaenia undulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) 1097.1 Hedya salicella (Linnaeus, 1758)

1098.1 Celypha striana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) 1201.1 Grapholita tenebrosana (Duponchel, 1843) 1206.1 Pammene gallicolana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) 1212.1 Brachodes funebris (Feisthamel, 1833)

Heterogenea Knoch, 1783

1255.1 Heterogenea asella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) 1506.1 Acrobasis fallouella (Ragonot, 1871)

1526 Ancylosis albidella (Ragonot, 1888) (sareptalla sensu Corley, 2015 nec Herrich-Schäffer, 1861)

Hydrelia Hübner, 1825

1882.1 Hydrelia flammeolaria (Hufnagel, 1767)

1912.1 Eupithecia rosmarinata Dardoin & Millière, 1865 1926.1 Eupithecia semigraphata Bruand 1850

2086.1 Clostera curtula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Euchalcia Hübner, 1821

2221.1 modestoides Poole, 1989

2259.1 Cucullia reisseri Boursin, 1933

Meganephria Hübner, 1821

2282.1 Meganephria bimaculosa (Linnaeus, 1767)

Lasionycta Aurivillius, 1892

2505.1 Lasionycta proxima (Hübner, 1809)

2578.1 Nola thymula Millière, 1867

Garella Walker, 1864

2585.1 Garella nilotica (Rogenhofer, 1882)

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