Checklist of grass-mining moths of Ukraine with description of one new species (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)

Lista de los elachístidos de Ucrania con descripción de una nueva especie (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)

O. Bidzilya
University Zoological Museum Vladimirskaya, Ucrania
Yu. Budashkin
Karadagh Nature Reserve Ukrainian Academy of Sciences p/o Kurortnoe, Ucrania
A Zh.
Center for Tourism and Local History of Students Nemirovicha-Dancheko, Ucrania

Checklist of grass-mining moths of Ukraine with description of one new species (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 44, núm. 173, 2016

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Recepción: 29 Septiembre 2014

Aprobación: 28 Enero 2015

Abstract: An annotated list of 71 species of Elachistidae of Ukraine is given. One species Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n. is described as new from the Eastern Ukraine (Luhansk region) and Volga area of Russia (Ulyanovsk, Saratov and Volgograd regions). Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000 is recorded from Europe for the first time and the hitherto unknown female of this species is illustrated. Eight species: Elachista grandella Traugott-Olsen, 1992, Elachista parvula Parenti, 1978, Elachista nitidulella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855), Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920, Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899), Elachista nolckeni Sˇulcs, 1992, Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938 = Elachista volgella Lastukhin, 2009, syn. n., and Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847) = Biselachista arzamastsevi Lastukhin, 2009, syn. n., are recorded from the Ukraine for the first time. Four species: Elachista regificella Sircom, 1849, Elachista anitella Traugott-Olsen, 1985, Elachista elegans Frey, 1859 and Biselachista albidella (Nylander, 1848), are removed from the Ukrainian fauna due to previous misidentification. One species Perittia sibirica Sinev, 1992 is removed from the European fauna. Type material is deposited in the collections of ZMKU (Kiev, Ukraine), FMNH (Helsinki, Finland), K. Nupponen (Espoo, Finland), V. Zolotuhin (Ulyanovsk, Russia).

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Elachistidae, checklist, new species, Ukraine.

Resumen: Se da una lista anotada de 71 especies de Elachistidae de Ucrania. Se describe una nueva especie Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n., del este de Ucrania (región de Lugansk) y del área Volga de Rusia (regiones de Uliánovsk, Sarátov y Volgogrado). Por primera vez, Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000 se registra como nueva para Europa y se describe e ilustra la hembra desconocida de esta especie. Ocho especies: Elachista grandella Traugott- Olsen, 1992, Elachista parvula Parenti, 1978, Elachista nitidulella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855), Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920, Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899), Elachista nolckeni Sˇulcs, 1992, Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938 = Elachista volgella Lastukhin, 2009, syn. n., y Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847) = Biselachista arzamastsevi Lastukhin, 2009, syn. n., se registran por primera vez para Ucrania. Cuatro especies: Elachista regificella Sircom, 1849, Elachista anitella Traugott-Olsen, 1985, Elachista elegans Frey, 1859 y Biselachista albidella (Nylander, 1848), se eliminan de la fauna ucraniana, debido a malas identificaciones anteriormente. Una especie Perittia sibirica Sinev, 1992 se retira de la fauna europea. El material tipo es depositado en las colecciones de ZMKU (Kiev, Ucrania), FMNH (Helsinki, Finlandia), K. Nupponen (Espoo, Finlandia), V. Zolotuhin (Uliánovsk, Rusia).

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Elachistidae, catálogo, nueva especie, Ucrania.


The study of Elachistidae in Ukraine goes back more than 150 years. NOWICKI (1860) was the first who mentioned 16 species of grass-mining moths in his fundamental “Enumeratio Lepidopterorum Haliciae orientalis” devoted to the Lepidoptera of eastern “Halicia” (now Lvov region). Three additional species were recorded from this region five years later (NOWICKI, 1865). This outstanding beginning was carried on by the next generation of Polish lepidopterists in the first third of XX century. KLEMENCIEWICZ (1898, 1899, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1906, 1907), GATNAR (1906), STÖKL (1908, 1922), BRUNICKI (1913) contributed greatly to the study of all groups of Lepidoptera, and Elachistidae among them, in the territories of present Lvov and Ivano-Fankovsk regions mainly. At the same time HORMUZAKI (1907, 1910) published two important papers on Microlepidoptera of Bukowina, mentioning seven Elachistidae species from Tchernovtsy region. KHRANEVICH (1927) reported one species from Khmelnitsky region. Nearly all the faunistic information obtained by these authors was summarized in a monograph “Fauna motyli Polski” by SHILLE (1930). As a result the number of Elachistidae species known by 1930 from the western Ukraine was 37. Shille’s monograph remains the most complete compilation on Lepidoptera of the western Ukraine up to now.

In the beginning of the XX century the first records of Elachistidae were taken from others regions. KSENZHOPOLSKY (1915) recorded one species from the vicinity of Zhitomir. LJUBOMUDROV (1917) and ZHIKHAREV (1928) found one species in Kiev. Later LEBEDEV (1937) and SOVINSKY (1938) listed four and five species of Elachistidae respectively for Kiev in their contributions to the Microlepidoptera fauna of Kiev region.

Incredible but true: more than 40 years passed before the study of Microlepidoptera (incl. Elachistidae) in Ukraine was recommenced. In 1981-1989 the late A. Zagulajev organized a series of collecting trips to the Crimea. It was the beginning of the integrated study of all families of micromoths in this region. In 1983 this initiative was taken up by Yu. Budashkin, who started the permanent twelvemonth study of diversity and ecology of Lepidoptera in Crimea. Concerning Elachistidae this work has yielded a first contribution directly devoted to the grass-mining moths of Ukraine (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991). In this paper, the authors compiled all known data on Elachistidae from the Crimea at that time. As a result a list of 24 species was provided for Karadagh Nature Reserve, and four species were described as new, two of which are now considered valid.

Since 1990, O. Bidzilya and A. Zhakov have been studying the Elachistidae mainly in the steppes regions of Ukrainian mainland. Kamennye Mogily Nature Reserve (Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions) was one of the first localities that has been intensively studied. The summarized list of Lepidoptera of this Nature Reserve includes nine species of grass-minning moths (BIDZILYA et al., 2001). In the mean-time 28 Elachistid species from the steppe zone and other regions have been mentioned in the series of faunistic papers (BIDZILYA, 1995, BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN, 1998, BIDZILYA et al., 2003, 2006).

The current study of Elachistidae is part of an ongoing project on prepearing “The Catalogue of Lepidoptera of the Ukraine”. During the work on this first compilation on Ukrainian Lepidoptera we revised all data already published, studied additional materials from the collections of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University and Karadagh Nature Reserve. We also critically checked all literature sources which deal with Elachsitidae from Ukraine. It turned out to be especially urgent due to the fact that the taxonomy of Elachistidae changed considerable over the last two decades. A number of new species have been described, several groups of closely related species have been revised, some species have been recognized as “species complexes” based on the study of type materials, etc. (KAILA et al., 2001, KAILA & JUNNILAINEN, 2002, KAILA et al., 2003, SUGISIMA, 2005, KAILA, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012).

The main aim of the present paper is to provide the final list of Ukrainian grass-mining moths updated in accordance to the latest changes in taxonomy and nomenclature of the family. The system of Elachistidae in the present list follows KAILA (1999) except for Dibrachia Sinev & Sruoga, 1992, Biselachista Traugott-Olsen & Nielsen, 1977 and Cosmiotes Clemens, 1860 that we treat as separate genera according to SINEV (2008). The sections on “Distribution” are arranged geographical from northwest to south-east and countries referred to by their current names. The doubtful records are mentioned with “(?)”.

List of species

Perittia farinella (Thunberg, 1794) Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (North-Western of the European Part) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Ivano-Frankovsk region (BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Perittia herrichiella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine is known only from Lvov region (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1905, 1906, SCHILLE, 1930).

Perittia weberella Whitebread, 1984 Distribution: Switzerland, Russia (Southern Ural) (WHITEBREAD, 1984, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, as sibirica Sin.). In Ukraine it is known only from the Donetsk reg. (BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN, 1998).Notes: The species was erroneously recorded from the Southern Ural as Perittia sibirica Sinev, 1992 (KAILA et al., 2003). Later this record was mentioned in the “Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia” (SINEV, 2008). P. sibirica is known only from the Irkutsk region (SINEV, 1992, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, SINEV, 2008) and must be removed from the European fauna.

Perittia karadaghella Sinev & Budashkin, 1991 Distribution: Crimea, Asia Minor (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, KAILA, 2009). In Ukraine it is known only from Crimea (Karadagh Nature Reserve) (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Stephensia brunnichella (Linnaeus, 1767) Material examined: 1♀, Crimea, Dobroe, Krasnolesie, forest road, 11-13, 20-IV-1989 (Zagulajev). Distribution: Europe, Asia Minor (FALKOVITSH, 1981, PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Ternopol regions as well as from Crimea (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1898, STÖKL,1922, SCHILLE, 1930, BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991).

Dibrachia kalki (Parenti, 1978) Distribution: Germany, Austria (?), Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia (Middle and Lower Volga, Southern Ural, Tuva), Kazakhstan (PARENTI, 1978, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, HUEMER, 2000, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, HUEMER, 2013). In Ukraine was known only from Donetsk region (BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN, 1998).

Elachista geminatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Material examined: 11 , Ivano-Frankovsk reg., Jaremche vic., 28-VI-2003 (Bidzilya). Distribution: Great Britain, Spain, France, Netherland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Latvia (KAILA et al., 2001). In Ukraine it was known only from Lvov región (NOWICKI, 1860). Notes: The Elachista regificella-complex comprises three closely related and possible sympatrically distributed species: E. regificella Sircom, 1849, E. tengstromi Kaila, Bengtsson, Sˇulcs & Junnilainen, 2001 and E. geminatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) (KAILA et al., 2001). As a result of the re-examination of the above cited specimen of “E. regificella” we found out that it actually referred to E. geminatella, whereas E. regificella must be removed from the fauna of Ukraine (BIDZILYA et al.,2006). It is unclear which species from this complex is referred to in the “Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia” (SINEV, 2008).

Elachista tengstromi Kaila, Bengtsson, Sˇulcs & Junnilainen, 2001 Material examined: 11, Ukraine, Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 14-VI-2008 (Nesterov). Distribution: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (North-East of the European Part, Karelia, South Kuril Islands), Japan (PARENTI, 1983, KAILA et al., 2001, SUGISIMA, 2005). In Ukraine it was known only from Lvov region (NOWICKI, 1860, as magnificella Z., KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1905, as magnificella Tgstr., BRUNICKI, 1913, as magnificella Tgstr., STÖKL, 1922, as magnificella Tgstr., SCHILLE, 1930, as magnificella Tgstr.).

Elachista gleichenella (Fabricius, 1781) Material examined: 10, Crimea, Demerdzhi, lavanda glade, on light, 14-VIII-2005 (Budashkin). Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-East and Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus, Southern Ural, South of Western Siberia, Altai, Amur reg., Primorskyi krai), Transcaucasia (Georgia) (SRUOGA, 1991, KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, KAILA et al., 2003, SUGISIMA, 2005,SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions as well as from Crimea (BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930, BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, SRUOGA, 1991, 2000, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista quadripunctella (Hübner, [1825]) Material examined: 1 1, Kiev reg., Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 6-VII-2008 (Nesterov). Distribution: Mainly Northern and Central Europe, Russia (?) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine was known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Kiev regions (NOWICKI, 1860, as quadrella Hb., BRUNICKI, 1913, as quadrella Hb., SCHILLE, 1930, as quadrella Hb., LEBEDEV, 1937, as quadrella Hb., SOVINSKY, 1938, as quadrella Hb., BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista tetragonella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Distribution: Spain, France, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Russia (Middle Volga, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (NOWICKI, 1860, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista biatomella (Stainton, 1848) Distribution: Central and partially Southern Europe, Russia (Southern Ural (?), Altai, Transbaikalia), Kazakhstan (SRUOGA, 1991, KAILA, 1992, PUPLESIS et al., 1992, PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, 2002, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine is known from Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions as well as from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BIDZILYA, 1995, BIDZILYA et al., 2001, BUDASHKIN, 2004). Notes: The record from Uzbekistan (KAILA, 1992) is based on the inadvertent double citation of locality from SRUOGA (1991) that actually must be referred to Kazakhstan.

Elachista argentella (Clerck, 1759) Material examined: 11, Kiev, Kirillovskie ovragi, 31-V-1922 (Sheljuzhko); 1 1, 10, Ukraine, Kiev reg., Kievo-Svjatoshinskiy distr., Kruglik, forest-steppe, 14-VIII-1980 (Nesterov); 3 11, Kiev vic., Belichi, 1-VI-2006 (Nesterov); 10, Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 1-V-2009 (Nesterov); 211, Odessa reg., N vic. of Kotovsk (Nikolaevskiy forest), 7-V-2010 (Khalaim); 11, Kiev reg., Mironovskiy distr., Velikiy Bukrin, 20-V-2011 (Kostjuk). Distribution: Europe, Russia (West, North-West and Central of the European Part, Volga region, Western Caucasus) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Ternopol, Tchernovtsy, Zhitomir and Kiev regions (GATNAR, 1905, HORMUZAKI, 1907, BRUNICKI, 1913, KSENZHOPOLSKY, 1915, LJUBOMUDROV, 1917, SCHILLE, 1930, SOVINSKY, 1938).

Elachista rutjani Kaila, 2011 Distribution: Russia (Lower Volga, Southern Ural, Tuva) (KAILA, 2011). In Ukraine it is known only from Donetsk region (KAILA, 2011).

Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000 (det. L. Kaila) (Figs. 1, 14, 19, 20) Material examined: 60 11 , 4 00, Crimea, Karadagh, biostation, on light and in the evening in steppes and meadow-steppes habitats, 23-V–6-VI-1985, 16-V–2-VI-1986, 31-V–22-VI-1987, 19- V–13-VI-1988, 8-V–7-VI-1989 (Budashkin). Distribution: Kazakhstan (SRUOGA, 2000). New for Europe. Notes: This species was recorded from Karadagh Nature Reserve as Elachista festucicolella Zeller, 1853 (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991). The latter must be excluded from the fauna of Crimea.

Elachista festucicolella Zeller, 1853 Distribution: Belgium (?), Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic (?), Slovakia (?), Hungary, Greece (?), Bulgaria, Russia (?), Asia Minor (FALKOVITSH, 1981, PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it is known only from Tchernovtsy region (HORMUZAKI, 1907, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista nitidulella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Material examined: 11, Donetsk reg., Novoazovsk distr., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 15-V-1996 (Bidzilya). Distribution: France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Russia (Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). New for Ukraine.

Elachista dispilella Zeller, 1839 Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-East of the European Part) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1902, 1906, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista flavescens Parenti, 1981 Material examined: 1 1, Kherson reg., Tchernomorskiy Nature Reserve, Ivano-Rybal’chanskiy loc., on light, 24-V-2000 (Rutjan). Distribution: Russia (Lower Volga, Southern Ural), Transcaucasia (Armenia), Asia Minor (PARENTI, 1981, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Kherson region (BIDZILYA et al., 2003). Notes: Records from Zaporozhie and Donetsk region (BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN, 1998, BIDZILYA et al., 2001) must be referred to the next species.

Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920 (det. L. Kaila) (Figs. 3, 15, 21) Material examined: 1♀, Crimea, Sevastopol’, 28-VII-1981 (Nesterov); 11 , Ukraine, Kamennye Mogily Nature Reserve, 18-VI-1991 (Zhakov); 3 11, 1♀, Ukraine, Kamennye Mogily Nature Reserve, 14-19-VII-1994 (Bidzilya); 11, Donetsk reg., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 15-V-1996 (Bidzilya); 10, Luhansk reg., Stanichno-Luhanskoe, 14-V-2000 (Bidzilya); 14 11, 4 00, Crimea, Tarkhankut, on light, 6-VII-2003 (Budashkin); 311, 2 00, Crimea, Kazantip, on light, 10-VII-2005 (Budashkin); 711 , Crimea, S Prisivashie, Lvovo vic., halophyte steppe, evening collection, 12-V- 2007, 17-V-2013 (Budashkin); 2 11, Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., Kushugum vic., on light, 30- IV-2014 (Zhakov). Distribution: Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Russia (Southern Ural, Altai), Kazakhstan (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, SˇUMPICH,2013). New for Ukraine.

Elachista grandella Traugott-Olsen, 1992 (det. L. Kaila) (Fig. 2) Material examined: 7 11 , Kherson reg., Tsjurupinsk distr., Proletarka vic., on light, 24–25-IV- 2014 (Zhakov). Distribution: Germany, Austria, Hungary (PARENTI, 1996). New for Ukraine.

Elachista deceptricula Staudinger, 1880 Distribution: Spain, former Yugoslavia, Greece, Asia Minor (NIELSEN & TRAUGOTT-OLSEN,1978, PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it is known only from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991).

Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel, 1843) Material examined: 2 11 , Crimea, Ai-Petri, jaila, evening collection, 24-25-VI-2002 (Budashkin). Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Russia (Middle and Lower (?) Volga) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Zaporozhie, Donetsk and Luhansk regions as well as from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BIDZILYA et al., 2001, 2003). Notes: Records from Zaporozhie, Donetsk and Luhansk regions (BIDZILYA et al., 2001, 2003)must partially be referred to E. spumella.

Elachista parvula Parenti, 1978 (det. L. Kaila) (Fig. 18) Material examined: 3 11, Crimea, Karadagh, biostation, on light, 19-V, 14-VII-1987 (Budashkin); 11, Crimea, Ai-Petri, jaila, evening collection, 26-VI-2004 (Budashkin). Distribution: France, Belgium (?), Switzerland, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria (PARENTI, 1978, 1996). New for Ukraine. Notes: The species has erroneously been recorded from Karadagh Nature Reserve as Elachista anitella Traugott-Olsen, 1985 (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991). The latter must be excluded from the fauna of Ukraine.

Elachista dumosa Parenti, 1981 (Fig. 4) Material examined: 11, Crimea, Sevastopol’ vic., Kolkhoznoe, on light, 25-VI-2006 (Budashkin). Distribution: Macedonia (PARENTI, 1981, 1996). In Ukraine it is known from Zaporozhie, Donetsk and Luhansk regions as well as from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, as kimmeriella sp. n., BIDZILYA et al., 2001, as kimmeriella Sin. & Bud., 2003, as kimmeriella Sin. & Bud., BUDASHKIN, 2004, 2006).

Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n.

Type material: Holotype: 1, S-E Ukraine, z-k Provalskaya steppe, 17-V-2000 (Bidzilya) (gen. prep. 142/13, O. Bidzilya) (ZMKU). Paratypes: 7 11, S-E Ukraine, z-k Provalskaya steppe, 17-V- 2000 (Bidzilya) (ZMKU); 11 , [Russia], Ulyanovsk, 12-VI-1994 (Isajeva) (L. Kaila prep. 4132) (coll. V. Zolotuhin); 5 11, Russia, 140 km S Ulyanovsk, Srednikovo, steppe, 23-V-1996 (Zolotuhin) (L. Kaila prep. 3959, 3967-70) (Coll. MZH, Helsinki; coll. V. Zolotuhin); 11 , 52º 50’N, 48º 19’E [Russia], 168 km S Ulyanovsk, 8 km S Vjazovka, Radishchevo distr., 3-6-VI-1998 (Zolotuhin) (L. Kaila prep. 3966) (coll. V. Zolotuhin); 11 , 54º 36’N 47º 05’E, [Russia], 120 km W Ulyanovsk, Bolshoy Kuvay, 31-V, 4-VI-1999 (Zolotuhin) (L. Kaila prep. 3962) (coll. V. Zolotuhin); 2 11, Russia, Volga reg., Prov. Saratov, distr. Krasnyi Kut, prope pag. Djakovka, fl. Eruslan 9-13-V-2004 (Rutjan) (L. Kaila prep. 4785, 4442, DNA sample 20860 Lepid. Phyl.) (ZMKU); 11, Russia, Volgograd distr., nr. Olhovka village 12-V-2005 (Nupponen) (L. Kaila prep. 4837, DNA sample 20847 Lepid. Phyl.) (Coll. Nupponen).

Additional material: 1 1, Donetsk reg., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, on light, 21-V- 1996 (Bidzilya).

Description (Fig. 5): Wingspan 9.5-10.1 mm. Head white, tufts of scales on patagia off-white. Labial palpus rather large, outer surface white mixed with yellow, inner and upper surface white. Scapus and flagellum off-white. Thorax and tegulae white mottled with reddish. Forewing off-white with three broad diffuse reddish transversal fascias, apex shaded with reddish, dark scales sparsely scattered over the wing. Cilia reddish-white with brown marking line along apex and rather big offwhite pattern near the thornal angle. Hindwing dark brown, cilia light, yellowish-grey. Abdomen moderately light, greyish-brown.

Male genitalia (Fig. 25): Uncus lobes nearly hairless, moderately big, inner margin weakly narrowed towards rounded apex, divided by deep emargination that is rather narrow in basal half and broadened in distal half. Tegumen of moderate width and length. Distal sclerite of gnatos fusiform. Valva rather broad, of moderate length, cucullus not broadened distally, costal margin broadly bulged before middle. Juxta lobes subrectangular, terminating posteriolaterally into long and narrow beakshaped projection, medial incison deep and narrow. Labidae digitate, wide, of moderate length. Vinculum triangular, saccus not developed. Phallus of moderate length and width, evenly curved dorsoventrally, distal 1/4 tapered towards pointed apex, caecum small, no cornuti.

Female genitalia: Unknown.

Diagnosis: New species resembles Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003 (Fig. 6), that was recently described from the Southern Ural, but ground colour of forewings, hindwing and particularly their cilia are lighter. The male genitalia are similar to those of E. olschwangi too (Fig. 23), but uncus lobes more prolonged and narrower, with deeper medial incision, costal margin of valva weaker bulged, cucullus not broadened distally, labidae thicker and shorter, and phallus narrower.

Biology: Adults have been collected from the first decade of May to the beginning of the second decade of June.

Distribution: Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk regions: Khomutovskaya and Proval’skaya steppe Nature Reserves), Russia (Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Volgograd regions).

Etymology: The species is named in honor of key specialist for Elachistidae, Finnish lepidopterologist Dr. Lauri Kaila.

Notes: Holotype and eight paratypes are kept in the Zoological Museum, Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University (ZMKU), three paratypes in Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki (FMNH), one paratype in the collection of K. Nupponen (Espoo, Finland), rest of paratypes in the collection of V. Zolotuhin (Ulyanovsk, Russia).

Elachista sp. pr. olschwangi Kaila, 2003 (Figs. 7, 24) Material examined: 8 11, Crimea, Kazantip, on light, 24-V-1994, 23-V-2007 (Budashkin); 10, Crimea, S slope of Uzun-Syrt, steppes habitats, evening collection, 11-V-2014 (Budashkin). Notes: New species related to Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003 which will be described soon (L. Kaila, pers. comm.). This species was recorded from Kazantip as Elachista pollinariella Zeller, 1839 (BUDASHKIN, 2006). The latter must be excluded from the fauna of Crimea.

Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899) (det. L. Kaila) (Figs. 8, 22) Material examined: 19 11, Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., balka Nizhnjaja Khortitsa, daytime in steppe, 21-V-1990, 20, 27-V-1991, 2-VI-1992 (Budashkin); 11, Donetsk reg., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, on light, 21-V-1996 (Bidzilya); 11, Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., Razumovka, balka Nizhnjaja Khortitsa, 17-V-1998 (Zhakov); 11, Zaporozhie reg., Tokmak distr., Zhovtneve, in grass, 24-V-1998 (Ivko); 2 111, Luhansk reg., Provalskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 17, 18-V-2000 (Bidzilya); 1 1, Luhansk reg., Provalskaya steppe Nature Reserve, on light, 28-30-VI-2011 (Rutjan). Distribution: Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Russia (Southern Ural, Altai) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, SˇUMPICH, 2013). New for Ukraine. Notes: This species was recorded from Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions as Elachista pollinariella Zeller, 1839 (BIDZILYA et al., 2001, 2003). The latter must be removed from the fauna of these regions.

Elachista pollinariella Zeller, 1839 Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West and Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus, Middle Volga, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov and Tchernovtsy regions (HORMUZAKI, 1907, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista gormella Nielsen & Traugott-Olsen, 1987 (Fig. 9) Material examined: 2 11, Crimea, Ai-Petri, 14-VI, 5-VII-2002 (Budashkin); 9 11, Crimea, Dvujakornaja bukhta, halophilic steppe, evening collection, 17-VI-2006 (Budashkin); 311, 10, Crimea, 1-st km of Arabatskaya strelka, halophilic-sand steppe with saline, on light, 19-V-2007 (Budashkin); 2 11 , 2 00, Crimea, Shchebetovka vic., Vodjanaja balka, forest meadows, evening collection, 22-V-2007 (Budashkin). Distribution: Balearic Islands, Portugal, Spain, France, Austria, Italy (and Sardinia), Czech Republic, Slovakia, former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Russia (Middle Volga (?)) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista subocellea (Stephens, 1834) Material examined: 6 11, Crimea, Krymskiy Nature Reserve, Bolshaja Chuchel’ Mt., jaila, evening collection, 3-VI-2006 (Budashkin). Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Russia (Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov, Ternopol regions and Crimea (NOWICKI, 1860, as disertella F. R., SCHILLE, 1930, as disertella H.-S., TOLL, 1936, as subcollutella sp. n., BIDZILYA et al., 2003).

Elachista nolckeni Sˇulcs, 1992 (det. L. Kaila) (Figs. 10, 26) Material examined: 1 1, Kiev reg. [Vyshgorod distr.], vic. of Staroselie [now under the water of Kiev storage pond], on light, 19-VI-1919 (Sovinsky). Distribution: France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). New for Ukraine.

Elachista latipenella Sinev & Budashkin, 1991 Distribution: The species was described from Crimea (Karadagh Nature Reserve) (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, PARENTI, 1996). There are no records from other regions yet.

Elachista rudectella Stainton, 1851 Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Russia (Southern Ural, Altai, Tuva) (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, based on our materials). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Kherson regions (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1901, BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930, BIDZILYA et al., 2003).

Elachista pullicomella Zeller, 1839 Material examined: 11, Ukraine, Nikolaev reg., Yuzhnyi Bug river near Pervomaisk, 22-V-1980 (Nesterov); 1 0, Kiev reg., Kievo-Svjatoshinskiy distr., Kruglik, forest-steppe, 11-VII-1980 (Nesterov); 11, Kherson reg., Tsjurupinskiy distr., N. Majachka, 27-V-1984 (Nesterov); 1 1, Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., balka Nizhnjaja Khortitsa, day-time in steppe, 21-V-1990 (Budashkin); 1 1, Zaporozhie reg., Orekhovskiy distr., 5 km N of Kirovo, 20-VII-2000 (Zhakov); 1 0, Ukraine, Kamennye Mogily Nature Reserve, on light, 7-V-2002 (Rutjan); 1 1, Crimea, Krymskiy Nature Reserve, kordon Zelenyi Gai, on light, 2-VI-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, Krymskiy Nature Reserve, Shakhty, on light, 25-VII-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1, Kiev reg., Kiev vic., Belichi, 1-VI-2006 (Nesterov); 13 11, Kiev reg., Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 22-V, 27-VII, 1-VIII-2006, 12, 21-VII- 2007, 16-VII-2008, 10-VIII-2010 (Nesterov); 2 11, Kiev reg., Mironovka distr., Velikiy Bukrin vic., on light, 20-V-2011 (Kostjuk); 1 1, Zaporozhie reg., Primorskiy distr., Azov, on light, 8, 9-VII-2011 (Zhakov); 1 0, Kiev reg., Obukhov distr., Dmitrovichi, on light, 17-V-2013 (Kostjuk). Distribution: Western Europe, Russia (West, North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Southern Ural), Kazakhstan (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov, Ternopol, Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions as well as from Crimea (NOWICKI, 1860, as pulella F. R. and pullicomella Z., KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1898, 1899, as pullella H.-S., SCHILLE, 1930, BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, SRUOGA, 1991, BIDZILYA et al., 2001, 2003, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista bedellella (Sircom, 1848) Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Southern Ural, Burjatia, Transbaikalia), Central Asia (Kirgizia (?)) (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, KAILA et al., 2003, KAILA, 2007, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Tchernovtsy and Zaporozhie regions (HORMUZAKI, 1907, BIDZILYA et al., 2003).

Elachista hedemanni Rebel, 1899 Material examined: 6 11, 4 00 Crimea, Tepe-Oba, steppe habitats, evening collection, 16-V- 2006, 5-V-2007, (Budashkin); 3 00, Crimea, S slope of Uzun-Syrt, steppe biotopes, evening collection, 7, 11-V-2014 (Budashkin). Distribution: Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia (Middle Volga, Southern Ural, Tuva), Mongolia (PARENTI, 1991, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, KAILA, 2012). In Ukraine it is known from Kherson and Luhansk regions as well as from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, as tauricella sp. n., BIDZILYA et al., 2003, as tauricella Sin. & Bud., BUDASHKIN, 2004, KAILA, 2012).

Elachista exigua Parenti, 1978 (Fig. 11) Material examined: 2 11, Crimea, Ai-Petri, 14-VI, 5-VII-2002 (Budashkin). Distribution: France, Switzerland, Italy, Albania (PARENTI, 1978, 1996). In Ukraine it was known only from Crimea (Karadagh Nature Reserve) (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938 (Figs. 12, 16, 27) = Elachista volgella Lastukhin, 2009, syn. nov. Material examined: 1 1, Ukraine, Donetsk reg., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 11-V- 1996 (Bidzilya); 1 1, Crimea, Karadagh, biostation, on light, 15-VI-1998 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, Dvujakornaya bukhta, halophilic steppe, at day-time, 3-IX-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, S Prisivashie, Lvovo vic., evening collection in halophilic steppe, 3-VI-2007 (Budashkin); 1 1, 1 0, Kiev reg., Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 31-VII-2008, 10-VIII-2010 (Nesterov); 1 0, Odessa reg., SW vic. Of Kotovsk, Tokarskiy garden, 5-V-2010 (Khalaim). Distribution: Great Britain, France, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (Middle and Lower Volga, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, LASTUKHIN, 2009). New for Ukraine. Notes: Elachista volgella was described from the single male collected on the light trap in Astrakhanskiy Nature Reserve (Russia, Astrakhan’ region) (LASTUKHIN, 2009). In the original description the species is compared with E. pullicomella. However, as far as one can judge from the rather unclear photographs of adult and the genitalia, the habitus, phallus, valva and other characters of E. volgella are indistinguishable from those of E. littoricola. We therefore synonymyze it with the latter.

Elachista squamosella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Material examined: 1 1, Ukraine, Luhansk reg., Provalskaya steppe Nature Reserve, on light, 27- VIII-1987 (Kostjuk & Pljushch); 3 11, Donetsk reg., Khomutovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 5, 7-V- 1996 (Bidzilya); 1 1 , Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., balka Krylovskaya, 13-V-1997 (Zhakov); 3 11 , Luhansk reg., Melovoe distr., Strel'tsovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 6-8-VII-2002 (Bidzilya); 1 1, Crimea, Sevastopol’ vic., Kolkhoznoe, on light, 25-VI-2006 (Budashkin); 11, Zaporozhie reg., Melitopol’ distr., balka Troitskaya, on light, 30-VII-2012 (Zhakov). Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Russia (Southern Ural, Altai) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine is known from Lvov, Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions as well as from Crimea (NOWICKI, 1860, SCHILLE, 1930, BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, SRUOGA, 1991, BIDZILYA, 1995, as chrysodesmella Z., BIDZILYA et al., 2001, 2003, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista chrysodesmella Zeller, 1850 Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Russia (North-West and Central of the European Part), Asia Minor (FALKOVITSH, 1981, PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991). Notes: The record from Luhansk region (BIDZILYA, 1995) must be referred to E. squamosella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855).

Elachista gangabella Zeller, 1850 Material examined: 11, Ukraine, Kiev reg., Irpen’, forest edge, 30-VI-1980 (Nesterov). Distribution: Central and partially Southern Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Kiev regions (NOWICKI, 1860, KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1898, SCHILLE, 1930, LEBEDEV, 1937, as taeniatella Stt., SOVINSKY, 1938, as taeniatella Stt.).

Elachista bisulcella (Duponchel, 1843) Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West of the European Part, Middle Volga, Altai) (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (NOWICKI, 1860, SCHILLE, 1930, as zonariella Tgstr.).

Elachista obliquella Stainton, 1854 Material examined: 11, Ukraine, Luhansk reg., Proval’skaya steppe Nature Resreve, 17-V-2000(Bidzilya); 10, Luhansk reg., Melovoe distr., Strel’tsovskaya steppe Nature Reserve, 7-VII-2002(Bidzilya). Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West and Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus, Middle Volga, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Ivano-Frankovsk, Kiev and Luhansk regions as well as from Crimea (BRUNICKI, 1913, as megerlella Stt., SCHILLE, 1930, as megerlella Stt., LEBEDEV, 1937, as megerlella Stt., SOVINSKY, 1938, as megerlella Stt., BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, as megerlellaHb., BIDZILYA et al., 2003, as megerlella Hb., BUDASHKIN, 2004, as megerlella Hb.).

Elachista adscitella Stainton, 1851 Distribution: Europe, Russia (North-West and Central of the European Part, Eastern Caucasus, Southern Ural, Irkutsk reg., Primorskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Ivano-Frankovsk region (BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista cingillella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Material examined: 11, Kiev reg., Obukhov distr., Malye Dmitrovichi, 11-VII-2013 (Kostjuk). Distribution: Great Britain, Norway, Finland, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia (Karelia, Southern Ural, Primoskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA & JUNNILAINEN, 2002, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, LASˇTU°VKA & LISˇKA, 2011). In Ukraine it was known only from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991).

Elachista fasciola Parenti, 1983 Material examined: 3 11, Kiev reg., Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 27, 30-VII-2007, 13-VI-2008 (Nesterov). Distribution: Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Russia (Middle Volga, Southern Ural, Primorskyi krai), Japan (PARENTI, 1983, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, KAILA, JUNNILAINEN, 2002, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known only from Ivano- Frankovsk region (BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista subalbidella Schläger, 1847 Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Southern Ural, Irkutsk reg.), North America (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Ivano-Frankovsk region (BIDZILYA et al., 2006). Records from Lvov and Ternopol regions (SCHILLE, 1930) need confirmation.

Elachista apicipunctella Stainton, 1849 Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (North-West and North of the European Part, Southern Ural, Transbaikalia), Japan (PARENTI, 1983, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008, based on our material). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Ternopol regions (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1898, STÖKL 1922, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista dimicatella Rebel, 1903 Material examined: 2 11, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk reg., Carpathian Mts., Tchornogora Range, Pip Ivan Mt., 2000 m, 27-VI-2003 (Bidzilya). Distribution: France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Romania (PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it was known only from Ivano-Frankovsk region (BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista bifasciella Treitschke, 1833 Material examined: 5 11, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk reg., Jaremtche distr., Vorokhta vic., Pozhezhevskaya Mt., 1500 m, 27-VII-1989 (Ermolenko); 1 0 , Zakarpatskiy reg., Rakhov distr., Karpatskiy Nature Reserve, Goverla Mt., 200 m, Picea-Fagus forest, 7-VIII-1989 (Ermolenko). Distribution: Central Europe, Russia (Central of the European Part, Middle Volga) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions (NOWICKI, 1865, BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930, BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista albifrontella (Hübner, [1817]) Material examined: 1 1, Ukraine, Kiev vic., Irpen’, 15-VI-1980 (Nesterov); 1 0 , Kiev vic., Romanovka, 30-VI-1980 (Nesterov); 1 0 , Kiev reg., Kievo-Svjatoshinskiy distr., Kruglik, foreststeppe, 14-VII-1980 (Nesterov). Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Southern Ural, Altai, Irkutsk reg., Transbaikalia) (KAILA, 1992, BUDASHKIN & KOSTJUK, 1994, PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Ternopol regions (NOWICKI, 1860, KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1899, STÖKL, 1908, BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista atricomella Stainton, 1849 Distribution: Europe, Russia (Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine was known from Kiev region and from Crimea (LEBEDEV, 1937, as holdenella Stt., SOVINSKY, 1938, as holdenella Stt., BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista luticomella Zeller, 1839 Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West and Central of the European Part) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). Records from Transbaikalia, Primorskyi krai and probably from Mongolia should be referred to closely related Elachista baikalica Kaila, 1992 (SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, KAILA et al., 2003). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1902, 1906, BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930, BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista griseella (Duponchel, 1843) Material examined: 3 11 , Crimea, Karadagh Nature Reserve, talweg of balka Karadagskaya, evening collection, 21-V-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1,Crimea, Kazantip, at day-time in meadow steppe, 23- V-2006 (Budashkin); 3 11, Crimea, Shchebetovka vic., Vodjanaya balka, evening collection, 15, 17-V- 2007, 21-V-2008 (Budashkin). Distribution: France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, former Yugoslavia, Romania, Russia (Irkutsk reg.) (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known only from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BUDASHKIN, 2004).

Elachista subnigrella Douglas, 1853 Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (?) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista humilis Zeller, 1850 Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Transbaikalia (?)) (PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions (NOWICKI, 1865, HORMUZAKI, 1910, as perplexella, BRUNICKI, 1913, as perplexella Stt. and humilis Z., SCHILLE, 1930, as perplexella Stt. and humilis Z., BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista herrichii Frey, 1859 Material examined: 1 1, Crimea, Ai-Petri, in the evening on jaila, 26-VII-1989 (Budashkin); 1 1, Ukraine, Zaporozhie vic., balka Nizhnjaja Khortitsa, at day-time in steppe, 12-VI-1991 (Zhakov); 6 11, Zaporozhie, Khortitsa Island, at day-time in steppe, 15, 20, 25-VI-1991 (Zhakov); 1 1, Zaporozhie reg., Gusarka vic., Sukhaya Konka river, 22-VI-1998 (Zhakov); 11, Crimea, Kazantip, on light, 10- VII-2005 (Budashkin). Distribution: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Russia (West and North-West of the European Part, Southern Ural, Altai, Tuva) (PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 2002, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Zaporozhie regions as well as from Crimea (BRUNICKI, 1913, as reuttiana Frey, SCHILLE, 1930, as reuttiana Frey, BIDZILYA et al., 2003, as elegans Frey, KAILA et al., 2008). Notes: This species was erroneously recorded from Crimea and Zaporozhie region as Elachista elegans Frey, 1859 (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BIDZILYA et al., 2003, BUDASHKIN, 2004, 2006). Material from Crimea (Karadagh Nature Reserve) has been authentically re-determined by L. Kaila (KAILA et al., 2008), hence E. elegans must be removed from both Crimea and Ukraine.

Elachista canapennella (Hübner, [1813]) Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions (NOWICKI, 1860, as incanella F. R., KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1901, as obscurella Stt., SCHILLE, 1930, as incanella H.-S., BIDZILYA et al., 2006).

Elachista alpinella Stainton, 1854 Material examined: 1 1, Ukraine, Sumy reg., Konotop distr., Jurievka, on light, 8-VIII-2000 (Govorun); 1 0, Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 21-VII-2008 (Nesterov); 1 1, Zhitomir reg., Emil’chino vic., h=204 m, on light, 18-VIII-2012 (Kostjuk). Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known only from Lvov region (BRUNICKI, 1913, as monticola Wck., SCHILLE, 1930, as montícola Wck., STÖKL, 1936, as monticola Wck.).

Elachista anserinella Zeller, 1839 Material examined: 1 1, Ukraine, Kiev vic., Glevakha, 13-VII-2005 (Bidzilya). Distribution: Europe, Russia (Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Southern Ural, South of the Western Siberia, Transbaikalia) (KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov and Ternopol regions (NOWICKI, 1860, KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1898, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista rufocinerea (Haworth, 1828) Distribution: Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor (FALKOVITSH, 1981, PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov and Tchernovtsy regions (KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1902, HORMUZAKI, 1907, SCHILLE, 1930).

Elachista maculicerusella Bruand, 1859 Material examined: 15 11, Ukraine, Kiev, 2, 6-VI, 7-24-VII-1927; 8-IX-1928 (Zhikharev); 1 1, Lvov reg., Morshin, 26-V-1998 (Rutjan); 1 1, Kiev vic., Muzychi, on light, 13-VI-2008 (Nesterov). Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Middle Volga, Southern Ural, South of the Western Siberia), Asia Minor,Kazakhstan (FALKOVITSH, 1981, KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Ivano-Frankovsk and Kiev regions (BRUNICKI, 1913, as cerusella Hb., ZHIKHAREV, 1928, as cerusella Hb., SCHILLE, 1930, as cerusella Hb., STÖKL, 1936, as cerusella Hb.).

Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller,1847) (det. L. Kaila) (Figs. 13, 17, 28) = Biselachista arzamastsevi Lastukhin, 2009, syn. nov. Material examined: 1 1, Crimea, Karadagh, biostation, on light, 11-VI-1977 (Falkovitsh); 2 1, 2 ♀♀, Crimea, Karadagh, biostation, on light, 15-V-1985, 21-VII-1987, 3-VII-1989 (Budashkin); 2 11, 1 1, Zaporozhie reg., Zaporozhie distr., Konka river, Rybkhoz, on light, 17-VII-1987 (Zhakov); 3 11, Luhansk reg., Stanichno-Luhanskoe, 14-V-2000 (Bidzilya); 3 11, Zaporozhie reg., Akimovka distr., Bogatyr, 9, 11, 22-VII-2000 (Getmanchuk); 7 11; Crimea, Dvujakornaja bukhta, evening collection, 16, 17-V-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, S Prisivashie, Lvov vic., halophilic steppe, evening collection, 25-V-2006 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, 1-st km of Arabatskaya strelka, halophilic-sand steppe with saline, on light, 19-V-2007 (Budashkin); 1 1, Crimea, Kazantip, on light, 23-V-2007 (Budashkin);1 0, Odessa region, Belaevo distr., 7 km W of Majaki, Nizhnednestrovskiy National Park, 7-V-2012 (Khalaim); 1 1, Luhansk reg., S vic. of Severedonetsk, dacha near Kleshnja lake, on light, 7-VIII-2013 (Demijanenko). Distribution: Canary Islands, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy (including Sicilia and Sardinia Islands), Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Russia (Lower Volga, Southern Ural) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV, 2008, LASTUKHIN, 2009), Turkmenistan (SRUOGA, 1990). Notes: The species was erroneously recorded as Biselachista albidella (Nylander, 1848) from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991), Zaporozhie and Luhansk regions (BIDZILYA et al., 2003). New for Ukraine.

Biselachista arzamastsevi was described from two males collected on the light trap in Astrakhanskiy Nature Reserve (Russia, Astrakhan’ region) (LASTUKHIN, 2009). The drawing of the holotype and the photograph of the male genitalia of B. arzamastsevi in the original description fully agree in all details with B. contaminatella, so that there remains no doubt of the synonymy of these species.

Biselachista cinereopunctella (Haworth, 1828) Distribution: Europe, Russia (Primorskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930).

Biselachista utonella (Frey, 1856) Material examined: 1 1, Ukraina m., Nikolajev (in urbe), lum, 1-VIII-1932 (Obraztsov); 1 1, Odessa reg., Belaevo distr., 7 km W of Majaki, Nizhnednestrovskyi National Park, 7-V-2012 (Khalaim); 1 1, Nikolaev reg., Pervomaisk distr., S vic. of Kuripchino, 8-VI-2012 (Khalaim). Distribution: Europe, Russia (Kaliningrad reg., North-West and North of the European Part, Middle and Lower Volga, Southern Ural, Primorskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, KAILA et al., 2003, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known from Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Zaporozhie and Donetsk regions (STÖKL 1908, as paludum Frey, BRUNICKI, 1913, as paludum Frey, SCHILLE, 1930, as paludum Frey, BIDZILYA et al., 2001).

Cosmiotes consortella (Stainton, 1851) Material examined: 4 11, Crimea, Dvujakornaja bukhta, halophilic steppe, evening collection, 2- VI-2007 (Budashkin). Distribution: Europe, Transcaucasia, (Georgia), Central Asia (Tadzhikistan) (SRUOGA, 1991, KAILA, 1992, PARENTI, 1996). In Ukraine it was known from Zaporozhie region and from Crimea (BUDASHKIN & SINEV, 1991, BIDZILYA et al., 2003).

Cosmiotes exactella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Material examined: 1 1 , Crimea, cape Sarych, mountains slopes, 7-V-1991 (Lvovsky). Distribution: Europe, Russia (North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Transbaikalia, Sakhalin Island, South Kuril Islands, Primorskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it was known only from Lvov region (NOWICKI, 1860, as parvulella F. R., BRUNICKI, 1913, SCHILLE, 1930). New for Crimea.

Cosmiotes stabilella (Stainton, 1858) Distribution: Mainly Central Europe, Russia (Altai, Transbaikalia, Sakhalin Island, Primorskyi krai) (PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, BIDZILYA et al., 1998, 2002, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known only from Lvov region (SCHILLE, 1930).

Cosmiotes freyerella (Hübner, [1825]) Distribution: Europe, Russia (North-West, North and Central of the European Part, Western Caucasus, Middle Volga, Primorskyi krai) (KAILA & JALAVA, 1994, PARENTI, 1996, SINEV & SRUOGA, 1997, SINEV, 2008). In Ukraine it is known from Lvov, Tchernovtsy and Khmelnitskiy regions (NOWICKI, 1865, as arundinella Z., KLEMENCIEWICZ, 1907, as nigrella Hw. 1 ab. Elutella m., HORMUZAKI, 1907, as nigrella Hw., BRUNICKI, 1913, as nigrella Hw., KHRANEVITCH, 1927, as nigrella Hw., SCHILLE, 1930, as nigrella Hw. and arundinella Z.).

Adults. 1. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 2. Elachista grandella Traugott-Olsen, 1992. 3. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 4. Elachista dumosa Parenti, 1981. 5. Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n. 6. Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 7. Elachista sp. pr. olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 8. Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899). 9. Elachista gormella Nielsen & Traugott-Olsen, 1987. 10. Elachista nolckeni Sˇ ulcs, 1992. 11. Elachista exigua Parenti, 1978.
Figs. 1-11
Adults. 1. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 2. Elachista grandella Traugott-Olsen, 1992. 3. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 4. Elachista dumosa Parenti, 1981. 5. Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n. 6. Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 7. Elachista sp. pr. olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 8. Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899). 9. Elachista gormella Nielsen & Traugott-Olsen, 1987. 10. Elachista nolckeni Sˇ ulcs, 1992. 11. Elachista exigua Parenti, 1978.

Adults. 12. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 13. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847). 14-17. Female genitalia. 14. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 15. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 16. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 17. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847).
Figs. 12-17
Adults. 12. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 13. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847). 14-17. Female genitalia. 14. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 15. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 16. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 17. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847).

Male genitalia. 18. Elachista parvula Parenti, 1978. 19, 20. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 21. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 22. Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899). 23. Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003.
Figs. 18-23
Male genitalia. 18. Elachista parvula Parenti, 1978. 19, 20. Elachista purella Sruoga, 2000. 21. Elachista spumella Caradja, 1920. 22. Elachista heringi (Rebel, 1899). 23. Elachista olschwangi Kaila, 2003.

Male genitalia. 24. Elachista sp. pr. olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 25. Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n. 26. Elachista nolckeni Sˇ ulcs, 1992. 27. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 28. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847).
Figs. 24-28
Male genitalia. 24. Elachista sp. pr. olschwangi Kaila, 2003. 25. Elachista laurii Bidzilya & Budashkin, sp. n. 26. Elachista nolckeni Sˇ ulcs, 1992. 27. Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938. 28. Biselachista contaminatella (Zeller, 1847).


We cordially thank U. Parenti (†), S. Sinev (Sankt-Petersburg, Russia), V. Sruoga (Vilnius, Lithuania), L. Aarvik (Oslo, Norway) and K. Nupponen (Espoo, Finland) for helping with literatura sources and species identification. We are indebted to L. Kaila (Helsinki, Finland) for important faunistic information, invaluable help with identification of some species and critical comments on MS. We are happy to express our gratitude to our Ukrainian colleagues Z. Gershenzon and V. Korneev for assistance during our work with the collection of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, I. Kostjuk and V. Fursov for taking the photographs of adults and genitalia slides of some species as well as to all who kindly provided materials in our disposal.


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