First summary of Cossidae of Sierra Leone (West Africa) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

Primer resumen de los Cossidae de Sierra Leona (Oeste de África) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

R. V. Yakovlev
Altai State University Prospect Lenina, Rusia
Tomsk State University Prospect Lenina, Rusia
Gy. M. Laszlo
African Natural History Research Trust Street Court, Kingsland, Reino Unido

First summary of Cossidae of Sierra Leone (West Africa) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 47, no. 187, pp. 557-565, 2019

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 11 February 2019

Accepted: 12 June 2019

Published: 30 September 2019


Abstract: Present paper contains the list of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) collected in Sierra Leone. Sixteen species have been recorded, seven of them are found in the fauna of Sierra Leone for the first time: Macrocossus toluminus (Druce, 1887), Mirocossus politzari Yakovlev, 2011, Assegaj clenchi Yakovlev, 2006, Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gaede, 1930), Tarsozeuzera livingstoni Yakovlev, 2006, Strigocossus elephas Yakovlev, 2013, and Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Strand, [1913].

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Cossidae, new records, Sierra Leona, Afrotropics.

Resumen: El presente trabajo contiene una lista de Cossidae (Lepidoptera) colectados en Sierra Leona. Se han registrado dieciséis especies, siete de ellas se han encontrado, por primera vez, para la fauna de Sierra Leona: Macrocossus toluminus (Druce, 1887), Mirocossus politzari Yakovlev, 2011, Assegaj clenchi Yakovlev, 2006, Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gaede, 1930), Tarsozeuzera livingstoni Yakovlev, 2006, Strigocossus elephas Yakovlev, 2013 y Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Strand, [1913].

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Cossidae, nuevos registros, Sierra Leona, Afrotropical.


Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) are a relatively large Heterocera family, comprising over 1200 valid species worldwide (VAN NIEUKERKEN et al., 2011; YAKOVLEV, 2011). West Africa is one of the species diversity centres of Cossidae (YAKOVLEV, 2015) with high number of endemisms. Despite their generally large size and often conspicuous appearance, Cossidae of Africa are rather poorly studied, resulted in a fairly incomplete knowledge on their distribution. Relatively extensive faunistic overviews have only been published regarding the fauna of Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Swaziland and the Republic of South Africa (YAKOVLEV & LENZ, 2013; YAKOVLEV & MURPHY, 2013; YAKOVLEV, 2014; YAKOVLEV & WITT, 2016; MEY, 2015, 2016, 2017).

On the Cossidae fauna of Sierra Leone, only rather sporadic information is available in low number of publications. From the territory of the country, Phalaena (Noctua) crassa Drury, 1782, Zeuzera boisduvalii Herrich-Schäffer, 1854, Zeuzera auroguttata Herrich-Schäffer, [1854], Zeuzera moderata Walker, 1856, Duomitus lunifera Hampson, 1910 and Phragmataecia fuscifusa Hampson, 1910 were described. Also, the following species were indicated as member of the fauna of Sierra Leone: Pseudozeuzera biatra (Hampson, 1910), Eulophonotus elegans (Aurivillius, 1910), Eulophonotus armstrongi (Hampson, 1915), Eulophonotus myrmeleon Felder, 1874, Azygophleps inclusa (Walker, 1856), Alophonotus rauana (Strand, 1909), and Azygophleps pallens (Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]) (SCHOORL, 1990; YAKOVLEV, 2011; YAKOVLEV & WITT, 2018a, b).

During the course of studying Afrotropical Cossidae, further new materials collected in Sierra Leone have been found in the collections of the Natural History Museum, London, UK; African Natural History Research Trust, Leominster, UK; Museum Witt, Munich, Germany; Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium and the private collection of Manfred Ströhle, Weiden, Germany. This article presents the first summary of Cossidae recorded from Sierra Leone to date.

Materials and methods

Images of adults were taken by the digital camera of Apple iPhone 7, illuminated in lightbox.

List of species

Macrocossus toluminus (Druce, 1887) (Fig. 1)

Macrocossus toluminus (Drc., 1887), ♂, Ivory Coast, Tingi Hills (ANHRT).
Figure 1.
Macrocossus toluminus (Drc., 1887), ♂, Ivory Coast, Tingi Hills (ANHRT).

Cossus toluminus Druce, 1887: 684-685.

Type locality: Gambia.

Type material: Holotype in NHMUK, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083 / W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: From Ivory Coast to Malawi, Tanzania, Namibia, S. Africa (SCHOORL, 1990; VÁRI et al., 2002). New record for Sierra Leone.

Mirocossus politzari Yakovlev, 2011 (Fig. 2)

Mirocossus politzari Yakl.,
2011, ♂, Sierra Leone, Western area,
Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º 20.964/W 13º 10.706,
10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff
(coll. MSW).
Figure 2.
Mirocossus politzari Yakl., 2011, ♂, Sierra Leone, Western area, Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º 20.964/W 13º 10.706, 10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Mirocossus politzari Yakovlev, 2011: 14.

Type locality: Togo, Aretonou.

Type material: Holotype in ZSM, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Western area, Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º 20.964/W 13º 10.706, 10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria (YAKOVLEV, 2011). New record for Sierra Leone.

Assegaj clenchi Yakovlev, 2006 (Fig. 3)

Assegaj clenchi Yakl., 2006, male,
Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu,
near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º
57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).
Figure 3.
Assegaj clenchi Yakl., 2006, male, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Assegaj clenchi Yakovlev, 2006: 204.

Type locality: Congo, Cozala Nat. Park.

Type material: Holotype in MWM, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon (YAKOVLEV, 2011). New record for Sierra Leone.

Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gaede, 1930) (Fig. 4)

Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gde., 1930), ♂, NW Sierra-Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don
A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).
Figure 4.
Aethalopteryx grandiplaga (Gde., 1930), ♂, NW Sierra-Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).

Xyleutes grandiplaga Gaede, 1930: 547.

Type locality: Chad, Oubangui, Chari, Bangui [Central African Rep.].

Type material: Holotype in MNKB, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, NW Sierra-Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).

Distribution: Central African Rep., Congo. New record for Sierra Leone.

Aethalopteryx squameus (Distant, 1902) (Fig. 5)

Aethalopteryx squameus (Dist., 1902), ♂, NW Sierra Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don.
A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).
Figure 5.
Aethalopteryx squameus (Dist., 1902), ♂, NW Sierra Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don. A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).

Duomitus squameus Distant, 1902: 213.

Type locality: Transvaal, Pretoria (S. Africa).

Type material: Cotypes in NHMUK and DMP, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, NW Sierra Leone, Kenema, I-1975, don. A. Allaer (coll. RMCA).

Distribution: South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Ghana, Angola, Tanzania, CAR (PINHEY, 1979; VÁRI et al., 2002). New record for Sierra Leone.

Alophonotus rauana (Strand, 1909) (Fig. 6)

Alophonotus rauana (Str., 1909), male,
Sierra Leone, Goderich, Baoma,
N8º 25’ 41” / W 13º 15’ 47”, 12-XI-2014, R.W. Goff (ANHRT: 2019.♂) (coll. ANHRT).
Figure 6.
Alophonotus rauana (Str., 1909), male, Sierra Leone, Goderich, Baoma, N8º 25’ 41” / W 13º 15’ 47”, 12-XI-2014, R.W. Goff (ANHRT: 2019.♂) (coll. ANHRT).

Chalcidica (Duomitus) rauana Strand, 1909: 130.

Type locality: D[eutsch] O[stafrika] Afrika, Kilimanjaro [Tanzania].

Type material: Holotype in MNKB, examined.

Material examined: 2 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Goderich, Baoma, N8º 25’ 41” / W 13º 15’ 47”, 12-XI- 2014, R.W. Goff (ANHRT:2019.♂) (coll. ANHRT).

Distribution: Angola, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, S. Africa, Ruanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Southern Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe (VÁRI et al., 2002; YAKOVLEV & WITT, 2018a).

Paralophonotus auroguttatus (Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]) (Fig. 7)

Paralophonotus auroguttatus (H.-S., [1854]), 0, Congo, Kwango (coll. RMCA).
Figure 7.
Paralophonotus auroguttatus (H.-S., [1854]), 0, Congo, Kwango (coll. RMCA).

Zeuzera auroguttata Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]: 58, [pl. 36], fig. 173.

Type locality: Sierra Leon. [Sierra Leone].

Type material: Syntype or holotype (HÄUSER et al., 2003) in SMNS, figured.

Distribution: Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Congo, Angola (AURIVILLIUS, 1925; SCHOORL, 1990).

Azygophleps boisduvalli (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) (Fig. 8)


boisduvalli (H.-S., 1854), ♂, Sierra
Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m,
11-15-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).
Figure 8.
Azygophleps boisduvalli (H.-S., 1854), ♂, Sierra Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m, 11-15-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).

Zeuzera boisduvalii Herrich-Schäffer, 1854: 58, Taf. 35: 167.

Type locality: Gatam (Sierra Leone).

Type material: Holotype in MNHN, examined.

Material examined: 8 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW); 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m, 11-15-VI- 2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).

Distribution: Africa (Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Malawi, Côte d’Ivoire) (FLETCHER, 1968; SCHOORL, 1990; YAKOVLEV, 2011).

Azygophleps scalaris (Fabricius, 1775) (Fig. 9)

Azygophleps scalaris (F., 1775), ♂, Sierra
Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m,
11-15-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).
Figure 9.
Azygophleps scalaris (F., 1775), ♂, Sierra Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m, 11-15-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).

Phalaena (Hepialus) scalaris Fabricius, 1775: 590.

Type locality: China.

Type material: Probably lost (YAKOVLEV, 2011).

Material examined: 1 ♀, Sierra Leone, Kalainkay nr. Kamabai, Northern Prov., 80 m, 3-6-XI- 2015, N09º 10’ 52” / W11º 56’ 44”, R. Goff coll., leg. Smith, R. & Takano, H. (ANHRT: 2018.20); 3 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Mansonia village at the foothills of Loma Mts., 420 m, 6-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 06”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18); 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Loma Mountains, farmland/forest mosaic, 420 m, 11-15-VI-2016, N09º 07’ 47” / W11º 05’ 24”, leg. Takano, Miles & Goff (ANHRT: 2017.18) (coll. ANHRT).

Distribution: Pakistan, India, China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Mauritania, Somali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Congo, Kenya, Angola, Namibia, Tanzania, Sudan, Malawi (ARORA, 1976; SCHOORL, 1990; YAKOVLEV, 2011; YAKOVLEV & WITT, 2016B).

Pseudozeuzera biatra (Hampson, 1910) (Fig. 10)

 Pseudozeuzera biatra (Hamps., 1910), ♂, Sierra Leone, Western
area, Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º
20.964/W 13º 10.706, 10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).
Figure 10.
Pseudozeuzera biatra (Hamps., 1910), ♂, Sierra Leone, Western area, Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º 20.964/W 13º 10.706, 10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Duomitus biatra Hampson, 1910: 131-132.

Type locality: S. Nigeria, Old Calabar [Calabar city].

Type material: Holotype, male in NHMUK, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Western area, Sussex S Freetown, 5 km E Sussex, 300 m, N 8º 20.964/W 13º 10.706, 10-11-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff; 2 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon, Togo, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon (SCHOORL, 1990; YAKOVLEV, 2011; YAKOVLEV & WITT, 2018 b).

Tarsozeuzera livingstoni Yakovlev, 2006 (Fig. 11)


livingstoni Yakl.,
2006, ♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu,
near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º
57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).
Figure 11.
Tarsozeuzera livingstoni Yakl., 2006, ♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Tarsozeuzera livingstoni Yakovlev, 2006: 211.

Type locality: Rep. Pop. Congo, Dimonica.

Type material; Holotype in MNHN, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg.Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: Congo, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia (YAKOVLEV, 2011; YAKOVLEV & MURPHY, 2013; YAKOVLEV, SOKOLOVA & WITT, 2018). New record for Sierra Leone.

Strigocossus moderata (Walker, 1856) (Fig. 12)

Strigocossus moderata (Wlk., 1856), Angola (coll. MWM).
Figure 12.
Strigocossus moderata (Wlk., 1856), Angola (coll. MWM).

Zeuzera moderata Walker, 1856: 1533.

Type locality: Sierra Leone.

Type material: Holotype in NHMUK, examined.

Material examined: 3 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroun, Gabon (PINHEY, 1979; VÁRI et al., 2002; YAKOVLEV, 2011; YAKOVLEV & MURPHY, 2013).

Strigocossus elephas Yakovlev, 2013 (Fig. 13)

Strigocossus elephas Yakl., 2013, Angola (coll.
Figure 13.
Strigocossus elephas Yakl., 2013, Angola (coll. MWM).

Strigocossus elephas Yakovlev, 2013: 381.

Type locality: Ouganda [Uganda], Gulu distr., Ajulu.

Type material: Holotype in coll. MWM, examined.

Material examined: 2 ♂♂, NW Sierra Leone, Kenema, 9-10-1974, don Allaer (coll. RMCA).

Distribution: Uganda, Malawi, Swaziland, Republic of South Africa (YAKOVLEV & MURPHY, 2013). New record for Sierra Leone.

Strigocossus crassa (Drury, 1782) (Fig. 14)

 Strigocossus crassa (Dry., 1782), Angola (coll. MWM).
Figure 14.
Strigocossus crassa (Dry., 1782), Angola (coll. MWM).

Phalaena (Noctua) crassa Drury, 1782: Pl. 2: fig. 1.

Type locality: Sierra Leon [Sierra Leone].

Type material: It is lost.

Material examined: 2 ♂♂, Sierra Leone, Tingi hills forest reserve, 800 m, Singi-Singi Mts., ca. 46 km NE Koido-Sefadu, near Bandaperei (KONO), N8º 57.083/W10º 44.751, 11-15-IV-2010, leg. Rudloff (coll. MSW).

Distribution: From Central to Southern Africa.

Phragmataecia fuscifusa Hampson, 1910 (Fig. 15)

Phragmataecia fuscifusa Hamps.,
1910, male, cotype (coll. NHMUK).
Figure 15.
Phragmataecia fuscifusa Hamps., 1910, male, cotype (coll. NHMUK).

Phragmataecia fuscifusa Hampson, 1910: 128.

Type locality: Sierra Leone.

Type material: Cotypes in NHMUK.

Material examined: two cotypes, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (coll. NHMUK).

Distribution: Sierra Leone, Nigeria.

Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Strand, [1913] (Fig. 16)

Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Str., [1913], ♂,
Ivory Coast, Tai NP (coll. ANHRT).
Figure 16.
Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Str., [1913], ♂, Ivory Coast, Tai NP (coll. ANHRT).

Holcoceroides ferrugineotincta Strand, [1913]: 36.

Type locality: Nkolentangan [Equatorial Guinea].

Type material: Holotype in MNKB, examined.

Material examined: 1 ♂, Sierra Leone, Goderich, Baoma, N8º 25’ 41” / W13º 15’ 47”, 24-X-2014, R.W. Goff (ANHRT: 2019.1) (coll. ANHRT).

Distribution: Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, SW Sudan, Burundi (YAKOVLEV, 2011). New record for Sierra Leone.


The authors express their gratitude to the following persons for providing opportunity to examine Cossidae materials and types deposited in their institutions: Didier Van den Spiegel, Alice Buset, Jurate and Willy De Prins (RMCA, Tervuren), Wolfram Mey (MNKB, Berlin), Manfred & Liliya Ströhle (Weiden), Richard Smith (ANHRT, Leominster), Geoff Martin, Alessandro Giusti (NHMUK, London) and Joel Minet (MNHN, Paris). The senior author is indebted to the NHMUK Council of Trustees for kindly granting permission to publish images of the type specimens preserved in the Natural History Museum, London. The authors are grateful to Anna Ustjuzhanina (Tomsk, Russia) for language improvements.


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ANHRT: African Natural History Research Trust, Leominster, UK

DMP: Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (formerly Transvaal Museum), Pretoria, South Africa

MNHN: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France)

MNKB: Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institut für Evolution und Biodiversitatsforschung (Berlin, Germany)

MSW: Collection of Manfred Ströhle, Weiden, Germany

MWM: Museum Witt, Munich, Germany

NHMUK (formerly BMNH) : The Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum of Natural History), London, UK

RMCA: Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium

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