Re-evaluation of some problematic taxa of Palaearctic Scythrididae, with two new synonyms and descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

Reevaluación de algunas taxa problemáticas de Scythrididae paleárticos con dos nueva sinonimias y descripción de tres nuevas especies (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

K. Nupponen 1
Práctica privada, Finlandia

Re-evaluation of some problematic taxa of Palaearctic Scythrididae, with two new synonyms and descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 48, no. 190, pp. 363-374, 2020

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 06 January 2020

Accepted: 20 February 2020

Published: 30 June 2020


Abstract: Some problematic taxa of Palaearctic Scythrididae were re-evaluated using a combination of morphological and genetical methods for determination. Three new species are described: Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. and Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. from Kazakhstan, and S. kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. from Uzbekistan. Scythris rotundella Nupponen, 2010 is synonymized with S. cretacella Nupponen & Nupponen, 2000, syn. n., and S. parenthesella Bengtsson, 2002 with S. aciella Bengtsson, 1997, syn. n.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Scythrididae, new species, new synonyms, Palaearctic region.

Resumen: Fueron reevaluadas algunas taxa problemáticas de Scythrididae paleárticos usando métodos morfológicos y genéticos para la determinación. Se describen tres nuevas especies: Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. y Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. de Kazajstán y S. kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. de Uzbekistán. Scythris rotundella Nupponen, 2010 se sinonimiza con S. cretacella Nupponen & Nupponen, 2000, syn. n. y S. parenthesella Bengtsson, 2002 con S. aciella Bengtsson, 1997, syn. n.

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Scythrididae, nuevas especies, nuevas sinonimias, región Paleártica.


The Central Asian and Turanian fauna of Scythrididae has studied intensively by the author since 2008. The majority of the results of these investigations have been published earlier in several separate articles. However, records of species comprising various kinds of hitherto unresolved taxonomical problems have remained unpublished, mainly due to insufficient materials, but also a few misinterpreted specimens or material determined tentatively. Recent studies on the new material with morphological and genetical methods revealed interesting results, including discovery of three undescribed species and new synonyms of two species. The results of re-evaluations are summarized in the present paper.

Material and methods

The new materials originate mainly from intensive collecting by the author from different parts of Kazakhstan during the last ten years. Some misidentified specimens from Uzbekistan were reevaluated. Additionally, a few important specimens from Oman were donated to me by Aidas Saldaitis and Alessandro Floriani.

Tissue samples (dried legs) of several specimens were shipped to the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding in Guelph for DNA sequence analysis. The barcodes are preserved in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD; see, and were used to calculate genetic distances reported below. The holotypes of new species were chosen from specimens with the 621–658 bp long fragment of the mitochondrial DNA barcode region (COI), on the other hand to support the morphological differences presented, but also to allow genetical determinations and comparisons in the future. The material is deposited in the research collection of Kari and Timo Nupponen (Espoo, Finland). The types are available for loan via the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland, or directly from the author.


NUPP = research collection of Kari and Timo Nupponen, Espoo, Finland.

FMNH = Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Descriptions of new species

Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n.

Type material: Holotype , SW KAZAKHSTAN, 42º 36’ 25-35” N 54º 08’ 35-59” E, 0-47 m, Ustyurt Nature Reserve, Onere spring, 16-V-2011, K. Nupponen leg. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/28-XII-2019. DNA sample (Lepid. Phyl., green label): KN00463. In coll. NUPP (FMNH). Paratypes (31 ♂♂): Ibidem, 16-V-2011, 19 ♂♂, 17-V-2011, 11 ♂♂, K. Nupponen leg.; 16-V-2008, 1 , P. Gorbunov leg. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/06-II-2010. DNA samples (Lepid. Phyl., green labels): KN00461, KN00462, KN00671, KN00672. In coll. NUPP.

Diagnosis A. ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. is the largest known species of the genus, and characteristic by the chalk white forewings with very indistinct streaks. Fresh specimens may possible to determine only by external characters (see Remarks). The male genitalia of A. ustyurtensis differ from those of the other Apostibes by combination of details: the spatulate valva is broad (similar to that of A. dhahrani), the phallus a little longer than valva (much shorter than in A. afghana and A. inota; longer than in A. dhahrani), the uncus is broad and quadrangular without ventral sclerotizations and pegs, the gnathos arm is long and distally distinctly upcurved with three apical horn-like extensions. The aforesaid morphological differences are well supported by the DNA barcodes, which reveal distinct K2P divergences between the four taxa of Apostibes with barcodes available: A. ustyurtensisA. griseolineata 3.45 %, A. ustyurtensis - A. dhahrani 4.91 %, and A. ustyurtensis - A. halmyrodes 4.75%. The five DNA barcodes of A. ustyurtensis are identical to each other.

Description (Fig. 1): Wingspan 15-18.5 mm (most specimens 17-18 mm). Head, haustellum, neck tuft, collar, tegula, thorax and scape chalk white shallowly suffused with pale fuscous. Scape dorsally chalk fuscous, ventrally chalk white; pecten at ventral surface chalk white, longer than diameter of scape. Flagellum 0.7 x length of forewing, pale fuscous; in male ciliate, sensillae as long as diameter of flagellum. Labial palp chalk white, lower surfaces of segments II and III suffused with pale fuscous. Legs chalk white, upper surfaces more or less mixed with pale fuscous. Abdomen dorsally pale fuscous, ventrally chalk white. Forewing chalk white, on veins sparsely pale grey scales forming very indistinct streaks (visible only in fresh specimens). Hindwing fuscous white, a little darker than forewing.

1. Adults of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (up: male, holotype; down: male, paratype). 2. Male genitalia of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/28-XII-2019 KN). 3. Male genitalia of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (up: holotype, uncus - gnathos complex; down: paratype, gnathos arm).
Figs 1-3
1. Adults of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (up: male, holotype; down: male, paratype). 2. Male genitalia of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/28-XII-2019 KN). 3. Male genitalia of Apostibes ustyurtensis Nupponen, sp. n. (up: holotype, uncus - gnathos complex; down: paratype, gnathos arm).

Male genitalia (Figs. 2-3): Uncus quadrangular, laterally sparsely setose. Basal plate of gnathos hood-shaped, posteriorly heavily sclerotized and about 0.7 x width of uncus; gnathos arm long and narrow, ventrally a membrane attached to tegumen; distal 0.2 of arm upcurved 45º, tip with three bent horn-like processes, two directed upstairs and one downstairs. Phallus 1.1 x length of valva, slender, bent at middle third. Juxta 0.4 x length of valva. Valvae symmetrical and straight, more than twice longer than tegumen, distal half broadly spatulate. Sternum VIII triangular, anterior margin concave; sub-anteriorly a narrow transverse sclerotized reinforcement, anterolaterally a pair of converging processes. Tergum VIII subtrapezoid, three times wider than high, with rounded posterior corners and reinforced anterior margin.

Female genitalia: Unknown.

Bionomy: The moth is nocturnal. The flight period is in May, and probably extends to June. The habitat is a xerotermic gypsum desert. The type locality is illustrated in KAILA et al. (2019; Fig. 12 b).

Distribution: SW Kazakhstan. Only known from the type locality.

Etymology: The name of the species refers to its geographical origin.

Remarks: The genus Apostibes Walsingham, 1907 comprise eight described species in the Old World: A. afghana Passerin d’Entrèves & Roggero, 2003, A. deckerti Bengtsson, 2014, A. dhahrani Passerin d’Entrèves & Roggero, 2003, A. griseolineata Walsingham, 1907, A. halmyrodes (Meyrick, 1921), A. inota (Meyrick, 1924), A. raguae Bengtsson, 1997 and A. samburensis Bengtsson, 2014. According to the original description A. dhahrani, its longitudinal striae of forewings are imperceptible. However, based on new material: UAE, Abu Dhabi, Sameih, 1 , I-2013, 2 ♀♀, 31-V-2013, R. Breithaupt leg.; Genitalia slide: Wf. 11.889 ; DNA sample (Lepid. Phyl., green labels): KN00638; (coll. NUPP), the striae are distinct, and the moths are easily separable from A. ustyurtensis. The new taxon was tentatively reported as A. griseolineata Walsingham, 1907 (NUPPONEN, 2010, 2012). However, all specimens collected in Ustyurt Nature Reserve belong to A. ustyurtensis.

Scythris kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n.

Type material: Holotype , UZBEKISTAN, Buchara district, 40º 44’ 59.6” N 63º 47’ 07.5” E, 404 m a.s.l., Kuldchuktau Mts., Churuk village 7 km N, 02-V-2008, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/12-XII-2008. DNA sample (Lepid. Phyl., green label): KN00557. In coll. NUPP (FMNH).

Diagnosis: Externally S. kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. is quite easily separated from other taxa of the caroxylella species complex by its large size, and broad unicolor pale cream white forewings. The male genitalia of S. kuldchuktaui are superficially similar to those of the caroxylella species complex, but readily separated from those by peculiar broad and apically cut off gnathos with extensions upwards and downwards, as well as by straight and broad valvae. The aforesaid morphological differences are well supported by the DNA barcodes, which reveal distinct K2P divergences between the five taxa of barcodes available: kuldchuktaui-cretacella 3.50 %; kuldchuktaui-praecox 3.86 %; kuldchuktaui-caroxylella 4.40 %; kuldchuktaui-cramella 4.57 %; kuldchuktaui-fluxilis 4.92 %.

Description (Fig. 4): Wingspan 17.5 mm. Head, haustellum, labial palp, neck tuft, collar, tegula, thorax and legs unicolor, pale cream white (same colour as forewing). Scape pale cream white, pecten longer than diameter of scape. Flagellum 0.55 x length of forewing, pale fuscous; in male ciliate, length of sensillae about 1.1 x diameter of flagellum. Abdomen dorsally pale cream fuscous, ventrally cream white. Forewing pale cream white, unicolor without pattern, moderately broad. Hindwing cream white, a little paler than and as broad as forewing.

4. Adult (holotype) of Scythris kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. 5. Male genitalia of Scythris kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/12-XII-2008 KN).
Figs 4-5
4. Adult (holotype) of Scythris kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. 5. Male genitalia of Scythris kuldchuktaui Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/12-XII-2008 KN).

Male genitalia (Fig. 5): Uncus stout, Y-shaped, posterior branches rather short, circular. Gnathos broad, subbasally large semicircular extension upwards, and another shallow extension subapically upwards; apex cut off with extensions directed upwards and downwards, of which latter one longer. Tegumen wide, semicircular, dorsal V-shaped depression 0.65 x length of tegumen. Phallus 0.85 x length of valva, curved 90º at basal half; distal half evenly tapered, straight, tip pointed. Valva spatulate, broad, more or less straight, apex with nine short and thick thorns. Vinculum labiate, 0.6 x length of valva. Sternum VIII triangular; posteriorly blunt, anterior margin medially concave. Tergum VIII subpentagonal, about 2.5 times wider than high, posterior margin medially shallowly concave, anterior margin widely incurved.

Female genitalia: Unknown.

Bionomy: The moth is nocturnal. The habitat is a stony desert with sparse vegetation. The habitat is illustrated in NUPPONEN (2009: Fig. 1).

Distribution: Uzbekistan.

Etymology: The species name refers to the type locality, the Kuldchuktau Mts., a low mountain range located at middle of the Kyzylkum desert.

Remarks: The present specimen was originally misidentified and reported as S. pallidella Passerin d’Entrèves & Roggero, 2006 (NUPPONEN, 2009). The mistake was later detected while barcoding Turanian Scythrididae. The barcode gap between S. kuldchuktaui and S. pallidella is 6.02 %, and the two species are readily separated by both externally and details in the genitalia. The caroxylella species complex comprising six species: S. caroxylella Falkovitsh, 1969, S. fluxilis Falkovitsh, 1986, S. cretacella K. Nupponen & T. Nupponen, 2000 (= S. rotundella K. Nupponen, 2010 [see below]), S. cramella K. Nupponen, 2010, S. kuldchuktaui K. Nupponen, sp. n. and S. praecox K. Nupponen, sp. n. [see below]. In addition, S. parafluxilis Passerin d’Entréves & Roggero, 2007 may belongs to the same complex, but it cannot be confirmed until a male of the species is found. Male genitalia of the six species are superficially of each other, but readily separated by details, particularly shape of the gnathos, and characterized by spatulate valvae with short thick apical thorns. The caroxylella complex is tentatively placed to the heterogeneous pascuella species-group.

Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n.

Type material: Holotype , KAZAKHSTAN, 43º 46’ 43” N 79º 55’ 16” E, 515 m a.s.l., desert near Rakhat Kuduk by Ketmen Mts., 04-VI-2014, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/20-XII-2019. DNA sample (Lepid. Phyl., green label): KN00501. In coll. NUPP (FMNH). Paratypes (19 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀): Idem, 10 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; KAZAKHSTAN, 43º 47’ 03” N 68º 03’ 15” E, 540 m a.s.l., Karatau Mts., Turkestan town 50 km N, 1 , 8-V-2010, K. Nupponen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 47º 12’ 02” N 55º 29’ 13” E, 45 m a.s.l., Emba River, Besbai village 2 km E, 1 , 11-V-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; Kazakhstan, 43º 32’ 52” N 67º 30’ 09” E, 170 m a.s.l., Syr-Darya River, tugai forest, Talap station 13 km SW, 1 , 19-IV-2014, K. Nupponen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 47º 26’ 23” N 60º 49’ 04” E, 150 m a.s.l., Malye Barsuki sands, Karachokat village 5 km NW, 1 , 30-IV-2014, K. Nupponen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 43º 59’ 37” N 79º 34’ 20” E, 495 m a.s.l., Ili River valley, Aidarly sands, Aidarly village 6 km SE, 1 , 6 ♀♀, 02-VI-2017, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 44º 07’ 50” N 79º 23’ 44” E, 792 m a.s.l., foothills of Katutau Mts., Konyrolen River, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, 04-VI-2017, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; Kazakhstan, 44º 00’ 04” N 79º 31’ 00” E, 515 m a.s.l., sand dunes by Ili River, Aidarly village 3 km S, 1 ♀, 03-VI-2017, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 43º 46’ 08” N 80º 03’ 51” E, 518 m a.s.l., Rakhat Kuduk, desert & sand dunes, 2 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, 05-VI2017, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg. Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 8/30-XI-2010 , 2/24-VIII-2014 ♀, 1/23-XII-2019 ♀. Four genitalia preparations preserved in glycerol. DNA samples (Lepid. Phyl., green labels): KN00500, KN00502. In coll. NUPP.

Diagnosis: Externally S. praecox Nupponen, sp. n. is separable from other taxa of the caroxylella species complex by its narrow and elongate pale grey forewings with characteristic darker patches along dorsum, and medium size (S. kuldchuktaui, S. fluxilis and S. parafluxilis are distinctly larger, and S. cretacella, S. caroxylella and S. cramella smaller). The male genitalia of S. praecox are superficially similar to those of the caroxylella species complex, but readily separated by a peculiar gnathos with a large subbasal extension and apical processes, as well as a short phallus. The female genitalia of S. praecox resemble those of S. cramellla, but differ by narrower sterigma with a larger ostium. In S. praecox, the ostium is opening near anterior margin of the sterigma, while in S. fluxilisand S. parafluxilis the sterigma is anteriorly widely open and the ostium is situated at anterior incisure. In S. praecox, medioposterior incision of the sternum VII is narrower than that of S. parafluxilis, but much deeper than in S. fluxilis. The aforesaid morphological differences are well supported by the DNA barcodes, which reveal distinct K2P divergences between the five taxa of barcodes available: praecox cretacella 2.24 %; praecox-kuldchuktaui 3.86 %; praecox-fluxilis4.54 %; praecox-caroxylella 4.93 %; praecox-cramella 5.99 %.

Description (Fig. 6): Wingspan 11.5-14 mm. Head, collar, neck tuft, haustellum and thorax pale grey mixed with fuscous. Scape fuscous; pecten dirty white, about 1.5 x longer than diameter of scape. Flagellum 0.55 x length of forewing, fuscous; in male ciliate, sensillae as long as diameter of flagellum. Labial palp dirty white, posterior half of segment II and segment III with a few dark fuscous scales at lower surface. Legs pale grey, forelegs a little darker than mid- and hindlegs. Abdomen dorsally fuscous, ventrally dirty white. Forewing narrow and elongate, pale grey, irregularly suffused with dark fuscous over the wing; fuscous scales form indistinct patches between fold and dorsum at 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and apically near cilia line. Hindwing pale fuscous.

6. Adults of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (up: male, holotype; middle: male paratype; down: female, paratype). 7. Male genitalia of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/20-XII-2019 KN). 8. Female genitalia of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (paratype: GP 1/23-XII-2019 KN). 9. Sterigma of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (paratype: GP 1/23-XII-2019 KN).
Figs 6-9.
6. Adults of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (up: male, holotype; middle: male paratype; down: female, paratype). 7. Male genitalia of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (holotype; GP 1/20-XII-2019 KN). 8. Female genitalia of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (paratype: GP 1/23-XII-2019 KN). 9. Sterigma of Scythris praecox Nupponen, sp. n. (paratype: GP 1/23-XII-2019 KN).

Male genitalia (Fig. 7; see also NUPPONEN, 2011: Figs. 28-29): Uncus stout, Y-shaped, posterior branches elongated and distally rounded. Gnathos broad, subbasally large sub-semicircular extension upwards; distal part thick, apex strongly elongated upwards with tip shortly bifurcate; downwards directed extension short. Tegumen wide, semicircular, dorsal V-shaped depression 0.7 x length of tegumen. Phallus 0.6 x length of valva, curved 90º at basal quarter; distal 0.75 about of equal width, straight, tip more or less blunt. Valva spatulate; distal third bent inwards, apex with 5-6 short and thick thorns. Vinculum broad, triangular, 0.6 x length of valva. Sternum VIII triangular, elongated (length somewhat variable); posteriorly blunt, anterior margin somewhat variable (straight or medially incurved). Tergum VIII subpentagonal, about 1,75 x wider than high, posterior margin more or less shallowly concave, anterior margin widely incurved.

Female genitalia (Figs. 8-9): Sterigma a rectangular plate, 1.8 x higher than wide, posteriorly slightly narrowed; ostium large, sub-circular, situated near anterior margin of sterigma at middle. Sternum VII quadrangular, posterior margin with deep (0.4 x height of sternum VII) V-shaped medial incision; anterior margin medially slightly concave. Apophyses posteriores 1.3 x length of apophyses anteriores.

Bionomy: The moth is nocturnal. Flight period is early, starting already from mid-April, and ending in first half of June. The habitats are various kinds of deserts. The type locality is illustrated in NUPPONEN et al. (2016: Fig. 13).

Distribution: Kazakhstan. Widely distributed in the desert zone of southern Kazakhstan, from the Ili River valley in Central Asia westwards to the Emba River in western part of the country.

Etymology: Latin praecox = very early. The species name alludes to early onset of flight period of the moth.

Remarks: S. praecox Nupponen, sp. n. belongs to the caroxylella species complex (see Remarks of S. kuldchuktaui above). The taxon is earlier regarded with some doubt as S. parafluxilis Passerin d’Entrèves & Roggero, 2007 (NUPPONEN, 2011; NUPPONEN et al., 2016). The new material including females allow to confirm that S. praecox Nupponen, sp. n. is not conspecific with S. parafluxilis. The exact status of the Mongolian S. parafluxilis in the caroxylella species complex still remains a little doubtful, due to scarce material with unknown male and a moderately rough original description (PASSERIN D’ENTRÈVES & ROGGERO, 2007).

Taxonomic accounts

Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997

Scythris parenthesella Bengtsson, 2002, syn. n.

Type material studied only from original descriptions.

Other material (5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): TUNISIA, 33º 51-53’ N 7º 47-49’ E, Nefta village 6 km W, Sahara semidesert, 20-30 m a.s.l., 29-IV-2000, 2 ♂♂, K. Nupponen leg., one genitalia preparation preserved in glycerol, In coll. NUPP; TUNISIA, 33º 51-53’ N 7º 47 49’ E, Tozeur 30 km W, Nefta env., 20-30 m a.s.l., 15-XI-2009, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, T. Nupponen leg., Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/23-I-2010 (), 5/23-I-2010 (♀), DNA samples (Lepid. Phyl., green labels): KN00547 ♀, KN00548 . In coll. NUPP; N OMAN, 20º 57.926’ N 58º 47.610’ E, coast line, 0-5 m a.s.l., 1 , 1 ♀, 13-III-2016, A. Floriani & A. Saldaitis leg., Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/13-V-2017 , 1/04-XII-2017 ♀, DNA samples (Lepid. Phyl., green labels): KN01028 , KN01029 ♀. In coll. NUPP.

Distribution: Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, Yemen.

Remarks: Scythris aciella was described on the basis of two males from Egypt and Lebanon (BENGTSSON, 1997). The description of S. parenthesella is based on a single female from Yemen (BENGTSSON, 2002). The two taxa were expected to be conspecific (NUPPONEN, 2013), but available material was not sufficient to make final conclusions. Examination of new material from Oman allow to study not only morphological features of S. parenthesella, but also compare the two taxa by the DNA barcodes. The female genitalia of the Oman specimen are identical to those of the holotype of S. parenthesella. The genitalia of both male and female of the Omanian specimens are identical to those of S. aciella from Tunisia, and the male genitalia also perfectly coincide with drawing of those of holotype of S. aciella (BENGTSSON, 1997). The morphological uniformity by the genitalia of the taxa is well supported by the DNA barcodes. The barcodes (K2P) of the Omanian male and female are identical with each other, and exhibit only a minor intraspecific difference with those of Tunisian male and female, which are identical by the DNA barcodes. Thus, S. parenthesella is a junior synonym of S. aciella, syn. n. Genitalia of the taxa are illustrated as follows: S. aciella (BENGTSSON 1997: holotype, male, Fig. 47 drawing; sternum VIII and tergum VIII are mixed up); NUPPONEN, 2013: female, Figs. 13-14); S. parenthesella (BENGTSSON, 2002: holotype, female, Figs. 89-90). Genitalia of the barcoded Omanian male and female are illustrated in the present paper (Fig. 10 ♂, Fig. 11 ♀). S. aciella is externally a variable species, and can be safety determined only by dissection. The DNA barcodes reveal distinct K2P divergences between S. aciella and the allopatric two taxa (S. curtiphallus Nupponen, 2016, S. digitibasella Nupponen & Saldaitis, 2013) with similar structure of the male genitalia: aciella- curtiphallus 9.01 % and aciella .digitibasella 6.75 %.

10. Male genitalia of Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997 (Oman; GP 1/13-V-2017 KN; DNA sample KN00548). 11. Female genitalia of Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997 (Oman; GP 1/4-XII-2017 KN; DNA sample KN00547). 12. Adult (female, holotype) of Scythris cretacella K. Nupponen & T. Nupponen, 2000.
Figs 10-12.
10. Male genitalia of Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997 (Oman; GP 1/13-V-2017 KN; DNA sample KN00548). 11. Female genitalia of Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997 (Oman; GP 1/4-XII-2017 KN; DNA sample KN00547). 12. Adult (female, holotype) of Scythris cretacella K. Nupponen & T. Nupponen, 2000.

Scythris cretacella K. Nupponen & T. Nupponen, 2000

Scythris rotundella K. Nupponen, 2010, syn. n.

Material studied: Scythris cretacella K. Nupponen & T. Nupponen, 2000.Type material: Holotype (♀: Fig. 12). RUSSIA, Southern Urals, 50º 45’ N 54º 28’ E, 170 m a.s.l., Orenburg oblast, Pokrovka village 20 km S, Schibendy valley, 6-VI-1998, T. & K. Nupponen leg.; Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 3/18-X-1999. In coll. NUPP.

Scythris rotundella K. Nupponen, 2010. Type material: Holotype (♀). UZBEKISTAN, Buchara district, 40º 34’ 30.8” N 64º 07’ 03.4” E, 195 m a.s.l., Turt Kuduk village 20 km SW, 20-VII-2009, K. Nupponen leg. In coll. NUPP. Paratypes (1 , 1 ♀): 1 ♀, UZBEKISTAN, Buchara district, 40º 34’ 30.8” N 64º 07’ 03.4” E, 195 m a.s.l., Turt Kuduk village 20 km SW, 20-VII-2009, K. Nupponen leg.; 1 , UZBEKISTAN, Buchara district, 40º 44’ 59.6” N 63º 47’ 07.5” E, 404 m, Kuldchuktau Mts, Churuk village 7 km N, 18-VII-2009, K. Nupponen leg. Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 2/30-XII-2009 , 4/28-XII-2009, ♀. In coll. NUPP.

Other material (50 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀): KAZAKHSTAN, 47º 16’ 58” N 55º 35’ 50” E, 55 m a.s.l., Emba river bank, near Mijaly village, 1 , 18-V-2010, K. Nupponen leg.; SW Kazakhstan, 45º 30’ 20” N 55º 17’ 07” E, 110 m a.s.l., Beineu town 18 km N, 28-V-2011, 7 ♂♂, K. Nupponen leg.; Kazakhstan, 46º 20’ 21” N 59º 41’ 49” E, 45 m a.s.l., Aral Sea, N shore, Tamshima well, 35 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, 30-V-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 46º 19’ 53” N 59º 41’ 36” E, 35 m a.s.l., Aral Sea, dunes at N shore, Tamshima well, 1 ♀, 31-V-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; Kazakhstan, 46º 17’ 13” N 58º 50’ 35” E, 130 m a.s.l., S Barsuki desert, near Bozoi village, 3 ♂♂, 1-VI-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; Kazakhstan, 47º 37’ 43” N 59º 31’ 14” E, 190 m a.s.l., N Barsuki desert, Chelkar settlement 25 km S, 3-VI-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; KAZAKHSTAN, 47º 16’ 36” N 61º 01’ 07” E, 200 m a.s.l., Saxaulsky village 20 km NW, Tynshokysu hills, 1 ♀, 10-IX-2011, K. Nupponen leg.; Kazakhstan, 43º 37’ 52” N 79º 55’ 50” E, 650 m a.s.l., Rakhat Kuduk by Ketmen Mts., 1 , 2 ♀♀, 2-VI-2014, K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/08-I-2011 , 3/29.XI.2014 ♀. Six genitalia preparations preserved in glycerol. In coll. NUPP.

Distribution: Russia (S Ural), Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Widely distributed in the desert zone of southern Kazakhstan, from the Ili River valley in Central Asia westwards to the Emba River in western part of the country.

Remarks: Scythris cretacella was described from Southern Urals on the basis of a single female. The specimen was collected on chalk hills of the Schibendy valley, a well known locality by abnormally coloured moths reflecting chalk white colour of the soil. S. rotundella was described on the basis of two females and one male from Uzbekistan. The holotype (female) of S. rotundella is mixed with brown, giving externally quite a different impression than S. cretacella. However, examination of large material from different regions of Kazakhstan reveal that there exist all colour forms between the types of S. cretacella and S. rotundella. The female genitalia of S. cretacella and S. rotundella are identical, and evidently the two taxa are conspecific. Thus, S. rotundella is a junior synonym of S. cretacella, syn. n. The taxa are illustrated as follows: S. cretacella (NUPPONEN et al., 2000: holotype, adult Fig. 20, female genitalia Fig. 21); S. rotundella (NUPPONEN, 2010: holotype, adult Fig. 10, paratype female genitalia Fig. 30, paratype male genitalia Figs. 28-29). Further notes on determination of the taxon (as S. rotundella) is given in NUPPONEN (2010).


I am indebted to Pavel Gorbunov (Ekaterinburg, Russia) for his invaluable help in the field work in Kazakhstan. I also thank staff of Ustyurt Nature Reserve for their hospitality and support during our visit; Risto Haverinen (Vantaa, Finland), Stanislav Korb (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Elena Nupponen (Espoo, Finland), Timo Nupponen (Espoo, Finland), Vladimir Olschwang (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and Aleksander Pototski (Tallinn, Estonia) for organizing expeditions and various kinds of help and support in the field; Aidas Saldaitis (Vilnius, Lithuania), Alessandro Floriani (Milano, Italy) and Hugo van der Wolf (Nuenen, the Netherlands) for donating the Arabian material to me for examination; Pasi Sihvonen (Kirkkonummi, Finland) and Kimmo Silvonen (Espoo, Finland) for their help in processing the imagegraphs; Marko Mutanen (Kiiminki, Finland) for help in producing the DNA samples; Faunatica Oy and Ripako Oy for various kinds of support and assistance; Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura ry for a grant to barcode the specimens.


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