The Brazilian species of the genus Eustema Schaus, 1901, with description of a new genus and species (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae, Heterocampinae)
Las especies brasileñas del género Eustema Schaus, 1901, con la descripción de un género y una especie nuevos (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae, Heterocampinae)
The Brazilian species of the genus Eustema Schaus, 1901, with description of a new genus and species (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae, Heterocampinae)
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 48, no. 191, pp. 569-576, 2020
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
Received: 19 June 2020
Accepted: 05 August 2020
Published: 30 September 2020
Abstract: Three species of Eustema Schaus, 1901 are recorded for Brazil: E. argentata Becker, sp. n., E. dara (Druce, 1894) and E. opaca Schaus, 1921; E. rapana Jones, 1908, originally assigned to the genus, is not congeneric with the other species; a new genus is proposed, Rapanodonta Becker, gen. n., to include it. Eustema sericea Schaus, 1910, is a new synonymy of E. dara (Druce, 1894). The larvae of E. dara and E. opaca feed on the leaves of Roupala montana and Grevillea sp. (Proteaceae).
Keywords: Lepidoptera, Notodontidae, Heterocampinae, Eustema, new genus, new species, new synonymy, Brazil.
Resumen: Tres especies de Eustema Schaus, 1901 se registran para Brazil: E. argentata Becker, sp. n., E. dara (Druce, 1894) y E. opaca Schaus, 1921; E. rapana Jones, 1908, originalmente asociada con este género, no es congenérica con las demás especies, se propone un nuevo género, Rapanodonta Becker, gen. n., para incluirla. Eustema sericea Schaus, 1910, es una nueva sinonimia de Eustema dará (Druce, 1894). Las orugas de E. dara y E. opaca se alimentan de las hojas de Roupala montana . Grevillea sp. (Proteaceae).
Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Notodontidae, Heterocampinae, Eustema, nuevo género, nueva especie, nueva sinonimia, Brasil.
The genus Eustema Schaus, 1901 includes seven species (BECKER, 2014: 8), two of them from Brazil. A third species originally described from Mexico and Costa Rica, is recorded for the country for the first time. In order to place this species in the context of the genus, the type-material of the other species had to be examined and, as a result, it was found that one species is undescribed, one name is a synonym, and one of the species is not congeneric with the type-species of the genus, cannot be associated with any of the available ones, requiring a new genus to accommodate it.
Material and methods
This work is based on 51 specimens, 26 (10 genitalia preparations) in VOB, 6 in the CPAC, 12 in AMC, and 7 in DZUPR. Synoptic collections, representing all these species were taken to the NHMUK and the USNM and were compared with the types deposited there. The type material of all species they were examined. The holotype of the new species is provisionally deposited in VOB, and will be transferred, together with the collection, to a Brazilian institution in the future. Genitalia were prepared following the methods described by ROBINSON (1976). Terms for morphological characters follow HODGES (1971).
AMC = Alfred Moser collection, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
CPAC = Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados, Planaltina, DF Brazil
DF = Distrito Federal, Brazil
DZUPR = Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
FW = Forewings
GO = Goiás State, Brazil
G. s. = genitalia slide
HW = Hind wings
MG = Minas Gerais State, Brazil
MT = Mato Grosso State, Brazil
NHMUK = Natural History Museum, United Kingdom
PR = Paraná State, Brazil
RO = Rondônia State, Brazil
RS = Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
SP = São Paulo State, Brazil
TS = Type-species
USNM = United States National Museum, Washington
VOB = Vitor O. Becker collection, Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan, Bahia, Brazil
Results and discussion
The study of the material available revealed that the two species described from Mexico and Costa Rica are synonyms, and is recorded for the first time for Brazil, based on specimens reared from larvae and on specimens collected at light, and another one is undescribed. E. rapana Jones, 1908, originally described from Brazil, is not congeneric with the type-species of this genus and a new genus is proposed here to accommodate it.
Eustema Schaus, 1901
Eustema Schaus, 1901. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1901: 285
TS: Stilpnotia dara Druce, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 13: 355, by original designation. = Eustemides Dyar, 1908. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., .: 46.
TS: Eustema carama Druce, 1904. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 13: 352-363, by original designation [Synonymized by BECKER, 2014: 8].
Diagnosis: Medium size, mostly inconspicuos gray, with antenna pectinate throughout, not at basal half only, as a pattern for the family. They remind some large species of Paracles Walker, 1855 (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Male genitalia with uncus bifid, socii sharp-pointed, otherwise typical for the family. Female genitalia with ostium broad, conical; ductus bursae narrow, half-length as bursae diameter; corpus bursae oblong; signum a round plate.
Distribution: Southern Mexico to southern Brazil.
Eustema dara (Druce, 1894) (Figs 1-4, 10)
Stilpnotia (?) dara Druce, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 13: 355
Holotype ♀, MEXICO: Orizaba (NHMUK) [examined].
= Eustema sericea Schaus, 1910. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8) .: 580
Lectotype ♂, COSTA RICA: El Sitio [de Avance], (Schaus) (USNM), designated by SCHINTLMEISTER, 2016: 481 [examined]. Syn. n.
Diagnosis: Gray, veins dark gray, abdomen dark fuscous, banded ochreous, to golden ochreous. Male genitalia with socii long, thin, parallel; gnathos long, widely curved, sharp pointed; aedeagus straight, cylindrical, with a strong, curved hook at tip.
Material studied: 14 ♂♂ (5 g. s. 4270, 4841, 5394, 5395, 5399), 11 ♀♀ (3 g. s. 5396-5398). BRAZIL: DF, Planaltina, 15º53’S - 47º42’W, 1100 m, 2 ♂♂, 28-IV, 29-IX-1976 (Becker 18458, 18468); Idem, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, 22-X-1977, 14-IV-1978, 3-XII-1982 (Becker) (CPAC 6158, 6944, 9527); MG, Pirapora, 500 m, 2 ♀♀, 29-X-1988 (Becker 59949); GO: Ilha do Bananal, Rio Javaré, 200 m, 1 ♀, 14-19-IX-1985 (Becker 64077); Idem, Alvorada do Norte, 415 m, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, 11-14-XI-2003 (Becker, Ferro & Emery, 135056); MT, Chapada dos Guimarães, 800 m, 1 ♀, 25-30-X-1997 (Becker 110686); SP, Ilha Solteira, 21º31’S - 51º19’W, 350 m, 1 ♀, 9-11-X-2001 (Becker 132907). NICARAGUA: Matagalpa, Sierra Negra, 13º00’N - 85º54’W, 1300 m, 4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, 26-VIII-2000 (Becker 126332) (VOB). PANAMA: Chiriqui, Boquete, 1500 m, 1 ♂, 5-6-V-2007 (Moser) (AMC).
Distribution: Southern Mexico to Central Brazil.
Food plants: Reared by the author on Roupala montana Aubl. and on Grevillea sp. (Proteaceae).
Remarks: The series from Nicaragua has the body dark fuscous, matching the type of Eustema dara, whereas the series from Brazil have the body golden ochreous, as the type of E. sericea. The genitalia of both sexes, of both forms, are identical.
Eustema opaca Schaus, 1921 (Figs 5-6)
Eustema opaca Schaus, 1921. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 59: 384
Holotype ♂, BRAZIL: RJ, Nova Friburgo, 11-V-1913 (Arp) (USNM) [examined].
Diagnosis: Dark gray, abdomen golden ochreous, banded dark fuscous; FW with an ill-defined dark patch beyond cell, before the diffuse, grey postmedial band.
Material studied: 18 ♂♂ (2 g. s. 4207, 5393), 7 ♀♀. BRAZIL: PR, Quatro Barras, Banhado, 800 m, 1 ♂, 21-I-1971 (Becker 22863) (VOB); SP, Campos do Jordão, 22º46’S - 41º35’W, 1600 m, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, 23-27-I-2001 (Becker 130821) (VOB); DF, Planaltina, 15º53’S - 47º42’W, 1100 m, 1 ♀, 7-X-1976 (Becker) (CPAC 1448); RS, Morro Reuter, Faz. Padre Eterno, 29º32’S - 50º58’W, 500-600 m, 11 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, 22-XII-1997, 18-XII-1999, 7-I-2000, 4-II-2002; 12-15-XI-2005, 26-27-X-2006, 5-6-XI-2011; 8-9- XI-2013; 4-8-XI-2016 (Moser); SC, São Bento do Sul, 26º19’S - 49º18’W, 600-800 m, 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, 4-I- 1999, II-1999, 8-12-VIII, 5-IX-2007 (Moser) (AMC, DZUPR).
Food plant: Roupala montana Aubl. (Proteaceae) (DINIZ et al., 2013: 179).
Distribution: Southern and Central Brazil.
Remarks: The darker pattern and the diffuse, dark gray patch beyond cell, distinguish it from E. dara, the most similar.
Eustema argentata Becker, sp. n. (Fig.7)
Material examined: Holotype ♀, BRAZIL: RO, Porto Velho, 180 m, 24-30-IV-1989 (Becker 62125, g. s. 5540) (VOB).
Diagnosis: FW silvery gray, with contrasting gray veins, and diffuse bands crossing from costa to dorsum and tornus; HW gray; abdomen pale ochreous.
Description: Female FW 22 mm (50 mm wingspan). Body dark fuscous. FW silvery gray, veins dark gray, base diffuse gray, three diffuse gray bands crossing wing: antemedial straight, postmedial curved, straight from costa to M3, bent inwards, joining antemedial on dorsum, subterminal ill-defined, interrupted on veins; cilia dark gray. HW dark gray, veins slightly contrasting. Genitalia (fig. ): Lamella antevaginalis wide, basal margin round; ostium broad, conical; ductus bursae membranous; corpus bursae oblong, constricted at middle; signum a round plate.
Etymology: From the Latin argentum = silver; feminine.
Remarks: Related to E. albifasciata (Schaus, 1920) and E. fassli (Dognin, 1922), similar to the latter, which very likely is the female of the former.
Rapanodonta Becker, gen. n.
TS: Eustema rapana Jones, 1908. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1908: 169.
Diagnosis: Medium size; FW fuscous with a large, triangular, brown area from cell to dorsum. HW dark fuscous. Male genitalia with uncus a short-curved rod; socii thin bent distad, arms parallel, sharp pointed; sacculus with long, acute projection, at mid-way of internal edge.
Description: Male FW 25 mm (56 mm wingspan), female . Antenna half size as FW, bipectinate to near apex. Male genitalia with uncus a short, curved rod, with a groove towards apex; socii cylindrical to before apex, parallel; valva subrectangular, thin, semi membranous between costa and sacculus; costa slender, strongly sclerotized, rounded distad; apex with an indentation distad of sacculus; sacullus broad, strongly sclerotized, a long, curved, sharp-pointed expansion at base; juxta subrectangular; vinculum round. Aedeagus straight, nearly cylindrical, slightly tappering towards apex; vesica with small, spined cornutus. 8th sternite with basal margin broad triangular, distal margin strongly concave in the middle.
Etymology. A combination of two names: rapana and Notodonta; feminine.
Remarks: Similar to Eustema in wing venation, and shape of antenna. In Rapanodonta antenna longer, and male genitalia quite distinct.
Rapanodonta rapana (Jones, 1908), comb. n. (Figs 8-9)
Eustema rapana Jones, 1908. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1908: 169
Syntype ♂, [BRAZIL]: PR, Curitiba (Jones) (NHMUK), here designated [examined].
Diagnosis: The same as for the genus (see above).
Material studied: 2 ♂♂ (2 g. s., 4082, Moser), 1 ♀ (1 g. s. Moser). BRAZIL: RS, Pelotas, 10 m, 1 ♂, 8-VIII-1967 (Becker 1603) (VOB); Idem, São José dos Ausentes, Faz. Potreirinhos, 28º36’S - 49º58’W, 1200 m, 1 ♂, 5-7-XI-2004 (Moser); Idem, SC, Lages, 27º48’S - 50º24’W, 1150 m, 1 ♀, 1-IX-1999 (Moser) (AMC).
Remarks: Described from an unspecified number of males, of which, five were traced.
Robiara U. S. Becker, Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan, Bahia, prepared the illustrations, and Alfred Moser (AMC), supplied data from specimens in his collection. Hubert Thöny, Camacan, Bahia, provided images of some types, and S. E. Miller (USNM) helped with information from material deposited in this institution. Two anonymous reviewers made several correction and additions that contributed to the improvement of the article.
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DINIZ, I. R., et al., 2013.– Lagartas do Cerrado: 193 pp. Technical Books. Rio de Janeiro.
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DYAR, H. G., 1908.– Notes on some species of Notodontidae in the collection of the United States National Museum, with description of new genera and species.– Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, .: 45-69.
HODGES, R. W., 1971.– Sphingoidea.– In R. B. DOMINICK et al. The moths of America North of Mexico, 21: 158 pp. Classey and R. B. D. Publications. London.
JONES, E. D., 1908.– Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from South-east Brazil.– Transactions of the entomological Society of London, 1908: 143-176.
ROBINSON, G. S., 1976.– The preparation of slides of Lepidoptera genitalia with special reference to the Microlepidoptera.– Entomologist’s Gazette, 27: 127-132.
SCHAUS, W., 1901.– Revision of the American Notodontidae.– Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1901: 257-343.
SCHAUS, W., 1910.– New species of Heterocera from Costa Rica. III.– Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (7) .: 561-585.
SCHAUS, W., 1921.– New species of Lepidoptera in the United States National Museum.– Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 59: 349-396.
SCHINTLMEISTER, A., 2016.– An illustrated type catalogue of the Notodontidae in the National Musem of Natural History Washington, D. C. (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae).– Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, .: 1-606.
Author notes