
A new genus and two new species of Tirathabini from the Neotropical region (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Galleriinae)

Un género y dos especies nuevos de Tirathabini de la región Neotropical (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Galleriinae)

V. O. Becker
Reserva Serra Bonita, Brasil

A new genus and two new species of Tirathabini from the Neotropical region (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Galleriinae)

SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 50, núm. 197, pp. 83-87, 2022

Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología

Received: 05 March 2021

Accepted: 21 April 2021

Published: 30 March 2022

Abstract: The genus Atrigalleria Becker, gen. n. with two new species: Atrigalleria chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., from Ecuador and A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., from Ecuador and Costa Rica are described.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Galleriinae, Tirathabini, new genus, new species, distribution, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Neotropical.

Resumen: Se describe el género Atrigalleria Becker, gen. n. con dos especies nuevas: Atrigalleria chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., de Ecuador y A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., de Ecuador y Costa Rica.

Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Galleriinae, Tirathabini, género nuevo, especies nuevas, distribución, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Neotropical.


The taxa described here do not look like any of the known Neotropical Galleriinae. As they resemble Noctuidae, the specimens treated here were discovered, in the collections, mixed with unsorted material of this group.

Material and methods

This review is based on 11 (5 g. s.) specimens in VOB and 3 in the CMNH. The holotypes of the new species are provisionally deposited in VOB, and will be transferred, together with the collection, to a Brazilian institution in the future. Some paratypes will be deposited in the USNM. Genitalia were prepared following the methods described by ROBINSON (1976). Terms for morphological characters follow HODGES (1971).


CMNH Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, USA FW forewing

g. s. genitalia slide

HW hind wing

TS Type species

VOB Vitor O. Becker Collection, Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan, Bahia, Brazil.

Results and discussion

The characters of abdomen and male genitalia indicates that the two species described here belong to an undescribed genus of Pyralidae, Galleriinae.

Atrigalleria Becker, gen. n.

TS: Atrigalleria chlorographa Becker, sp. n.

Diagnosis: The black colour with green lines on the forewings is unique among the taxa in the subfamily.

Description: Body black. Proboscis and ocelli absent; labial palpi slightly longer than maxillary palpi in males, porrect, twice as long in females; antenna laminate. FW Cu1 before end of cell, M2-M3 connected at lower angle of cell; M1-Rs connected at the upper angle of cell. HW female frenulum with two bristles. Abdomen: tympanum closed medially, praecinctorium absent. Male genitalia: uncus long, tappering distad, with sparse, short setae dorsally; gnathos absent; sac below anal tube present; juxta large, with two lateral arms extendig distad to base of uncus; valva short, broad; phallus long, thin, slightly curved dorsad.

Distribution: Known from the Andes, north to Costa Rica, at mid elevations.

Etymology: From the Latin ater, atra, atrum = black, and Galleria a genus name; feminine.

Remarks: The tympanum closed medially, venulae well developed, and the praecinctorium absent indicates that this genus belongs to the Galleriinae or the Chrysauginae, as defined by SOLIS (1992) and MUNROE & SOLIS (1999: 240). The genitalia lacking a gnathos and presenting a sac between transtilla and the anal tube, combined with the absence of ocellus, places it in the Galleriinae, Tirathabini (WHALLEY, 1964: 570). The only character which is not congruent with Galleriinae is the female frenulum with two bristles. Most Galleriinae and Chrysauginae females have three bristles, but there are exceptions, e. g. Michaelshaffera Solis, 1998 (SOLIS, 1992: 81).

Key to species

-FW with black area, between middle green line and postmedial band, not crossed by green line ................................................................ chlorographa

-FW with black area, between middle green line and postmedial band, crossed by a green line that starts at the basal third of costa, crosses the green median line, connecting to the potmedial band before tornus...................... chlorogramma

Atrigalleria chlorographa Becker, sp. n. (figs 1-3, 5, 6)

Material examined: 11 ♂♂ (3 g. s.5652-5654) 2 ♀♀(1 g. s. 5655). Holotype ♂ , ECUADOR: Pichincha, San Miguel de los Baños, Milpe, 00º01’N - 78º51’W, 1170 m, 1-30-I-2015 (Thöny) (VOB); paratypes: 5 ♂♂ , same data as holotype; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀, Esmeraldas, Alto Tambo, 00º53’N - 78º31’W, 780 m, 1-30-I-2015 (Thöny); 3 ♂♂ , Esmeraldas, Rio Cristal, Cotacachi-Cayapas Reserve, 1350 m, 20-VIII- 1996 (Hillman) (CMNH); COSTA RICA: 1♂ , Guanacaste, Estación Pitilla, 9 km S. Sta. Cecilia, 7700 m, 24-VIII-11-IX-1992 (Rios); 1♀, San José, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Estación Carrillo, 700 m, VII-1984 (Chacón) (VOB).

Diagnosis: Black. FW marked with green lines. Black area, distad of median line not interrupted.

Description: Male (fig. 2) FW length 12-15 mm (wingspan 28-34 mm), female (fig. 3) FW length 30 mm (wingspan 64 mm). Palpi black, greenish at tip; frons green, antenna pale yellow. Thorax black; posterior margin of patagia, tegula and posterior margin of thorax green; legs black, tarsi greenish. FW black, crossed with green lines: basal band oblique, from base of costa, connecting to antemedial band at basal third of dorsum; antemedial band from basal third of costa connecting to an elongate blotch on cell, down to dorsum, connecting with basal band; medial line wide, from distal third of costa, connecting to median line on cell, forming an elongate blotch with a black dot in the middle; postmedial band, from before termen, oblique to near termen on M2, then a zigzag along termen to tornus; termen green; cilia spotted black. HW black. Abdomen black, a green band along middle ventrally. Male genitalia (fig. 5): uncus long, thin, tapering distad; sparse, short setae dorsally; gnathos absent, sac below anal tube present; valva short, broad, margins nearly parallel, narrowing slightly towards half; distal margin oblique to round apex; juxta large; two long lateral arms reaching base of uncus; phallus (fig. 6) long, thin, curved dorsad.

Distribution (fig. 1): Ecuador, Costa Rica, at mid to high elevations.

Atrigalleria Becker, gen. n., distribution.
Fig. 1
Atrigalleria Becker, gen. n., distribution.

2-4. Adults, dorsal view, Ecuador. 2. Atrigalleria chlorographa Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 3. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., female paratype. 4. A.chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 5-9. Male genitalia, ventral view, phallus, lateral view, Ecuador. 5-6. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., male paratype. 7-8. A.chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 9. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., female paratype.
Figs. 2-9
2-4. Adults, dorsal view, Ecuador. 2. Atrigalleria chlorographa Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 3. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., female paratype. 4. A.chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 5-9. Male genitalia, ventral view, phallus, lateral view, Ecuador. 5-6. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., male paratype. 7-8. A.chlorogramma Becker, sp. n., male holotype. 9. A. chlorographa Becker, sp. n., female paratype.

Etymology: From the Greek χλώρoς [chloros] = green, and γραφικó. [grapho] = write.

Remarks: Similar to A. chlorogramma, but smaller, and with the extension of the green line not crossing the black area distad of the median line, and male genitalia with valva longer and narrower.

Atrigalleria chlorogramma Becker, sp. n. (figs 1, 4, 7, 8)

Material examined: Holotype ♂, ECUADOR: Esmeraldas, Alto Tambo, 00º53’N - 78º31’W, 780 m, 1-30-I-2015, g. s. 5656 (Thöny) (VOB).

Diagnosis: Black. FW marked with green lines. Black area, distad of median line crossed by a green line that starts from basal third of costa connecting with the postmedial band near tornus.

Description: Male (fig. 4) 18 mm (wingspan 40 mm). Very similar to the former, except for the black area distad of median line, crossed by a line. Male genitalia (fig. 7): uncus tapering distad; valva short, less than twice as long, margins parallel; distal margin oblique from middle towards apex; phallus (fig. 8), long, thin, bent dorsal.

Distribution (fig. 1): Ecuador, known from the type locality only.

Etymology: From the Greek χλώρος [chloros] = green, and γραμμέ [gramme] = line.

Remarks: Similar to A. chlorographa, but larger, and with the extension of the green line, that stars at basal third of costa, crossing the black area distad of the median line; male genitalia with valva shorter and broader than those of A. chlorographa.


Hubert Thöny, Camacã, Bahia, Brazil, presented most of the specimens studied; Paulo Nunes, Serra Bonira Reserve, Camacan, Bahia, Brazil, prepared the illustrations; Bernard Landry, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland, reviewed the manuscript, made several corrections and suggested some changes that improved the article.


HODGES, R. W., 1971.– Sphingoidea.– In R. B. DOMINICK et al. The moths of America North of Mexico, 21: 158 pp. Classey and R. B. D. Publications, London.

MUNROE, E. & SOLIS, M. A., 1999.– The Pyraloidea.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN. Handbook of Zoology, 35: 231-

ROBINSON, G. S., 1976.– The preparation of slides of Lepidoptera genitalia with special reference to the Microlepidoptera.– Entomologist’s Gazette, 27: 127-132.

SOLIS, M. A., 1992.– Review and preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of the Pyralidae (sensu stricto) (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea).– Systematic Entomology, 17: 79-90.

SOLIS, M. A., 1998.– Michaelshaffera gen. n. - a pyraloid taxon lacking an abdominal tympanal organ (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).– Entomologica Scandinavica, 28: 391-402.

WHALLEY, P. E. S., 1964.– Catalogue of the Galleriinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) with descriptions of new genera and species.– Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, .: 561-618.

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