New record of the genus Erannis Hübner, [1825] from India (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae)
Nuevo registro del género Erannis Hübner, [1825] para India (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae)
New record of the genus Erannis Hübner, [1825] from India (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae)
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, vol. 50, núm. 197, pp. 27-31, 2022
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
Received: 08 March 2021
Accepted: 23 March 2022
Published: 30 March 2022
Abstract: The genus Erannis Hübner, [1825] is typically known to be distributed in the Holarctic region. The present paper represents the first record of Erannis kashmirensis László, 2003 from India. The species was described from Pakistan and it was previously known exclusively from its type series collected in the NW Himalayas. A brief diagnosis of the habitus, genitalia and photographic illustrations of the species were provided for the validation of the record from India.
Keywords: Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae, Erannis, India.
Resumen: El género Erannis Hübner, [1825] es típicamente conocido por su distribución Holártica. El presente trabajo representa el primer registro de Erannis kashmirensis László, 2003 para India. La especie fue descrita de Pakistán y fue previamente conocida exclusivamente de su serie tipo colectada en el NO del Himalaya. Se proporciona una breve diagnóstico sobre su morfología, genitalia e ilustración fotográfica de la especie para la validación del registro para India.
Palabras clave: Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae, Erannis, India.
The Geometridae is the second largest family of moths with 23,002 (VAN NIEUKERKEN et al., 2011) species described and distributed all over the world except the Antarctica. The genus Erannis Hübner, [1825] belongs to the Boarmiini tribe of the subfamily Ennominae (JIANG et al., 2017). A total of 17 species and subspecies belong to this particular genus are known to be distributed mainly in the Holarctic region (RINDGE, 1975; PARSONS et al., 1999; LÁSZLÓ, 2003; MÜLLER et al., 2019). Erannis kashmirensis László, 2003 has been so far documented and described by LÁSZLÓ (2003) from the north-western Himalayan region of Pakistan. Only the males of species belonging to the genus Erannis have functional wings and can fly towards light traps. The females are known to bear non-functional “short wing-stumps” (MÜLLER et al., 2019) and therefore can’t fly, are still unknown for E. kashmirensis.The present paper documents the first distributional record of the genus Erannis Hübner, [1825] from India.
Material and methods
The specimen was collected during preliminary survey conducted in Lahaul and Spiti district in the month of November 2020. Traditional light trap method with vertical white sheet and 160 watt of Mercury vapour lamp were used to trap the moths. The specimen was collected using glass killing jars charged with ethyl acetate vapours as a killing agent. Specimen preparation was done using standard methods of rehydration, pinning and labelling defined for order Lepidoptera.
Dissection methods of ROBINSON (1976) was used to study the external characteristics of genitalia. The abdomen was firstly detached and kept overnight in 10% KOH for softening the tissues. In the next morning, it was dissected in 20% ethyl alcohol. Microscopic photography was done by a MICAPS MicroView 3.7 digital camera and software by using stereomicroscope.
The reported specimen was collected from Jahalman watershed of Udaipur subdivision near to Jahalman forest rest house at an elevation of 2941m above mean sea level (Figure 1). The local vegetation (Figure 2) around sampling location includes, Salix fragilis L. as a major tree species followed by Populus nigra L. and stunted form of Juniperus macropoda Boiss. Among the shrubs, Hippophae rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson and Rosa webbiana Wall. ex Royle were the two major species (RAWAT et al., 2010). A small apple (Pyrus malus L.) orchard was also part of the local habitat around the light trapping site.
Taxonomic account
Erannis Hübner, [1825]
Erannis Hübner, [1825] 1816. Verz. Schmett.: 320
Type species: Phalaena defoliaria Clerck, 1759. Icon. Ins.: pl. 7, fig. 4, by subsequent designation of HULST (1896a: 363).
An up-to-date characterisation of the genus Erannis was provided by MÜLLER et al. (2019). Distribution: Holarctic (RINDGE, 1975; PARSONS et al., 1999; MÜLLER et al., 2019).
Erannis kashmirensis László, 2003.
Erannis kashmirensis László, 2003. Acta zool. hung., 49(2): 153-158
Material examined: 1♂, INDIA, Jahalman Forest rest House, Lahaul and Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh, 32.637283 N, 76.866831 E, 2941 mamsl, 12-XI-2020, coll. Shabnam Kumari, Preserved in Wildlife Institute of India.
Diagnosis: The males of E. kashmirensis resembles superficially E. potopolskii Viidalepp, 1988 with no striking differences in external male genitalia features (LÁSZLÓ, 2003). However, E. kashmirensis can be easily distinguished based on the following characters: Adult males (Figure 3): Length of forewings is almost 25 mm (wingspan 39-45mm and forewing length 21-27 in original description), comparatively paler and with less dense brownish-irroration, longer straight section of postmedial line. Hindwings pale and without the traces of transverse lines.
Male genitalia (Figs 4-5): Ribbon-like gnathos with apically rounded and triangular medial plate, large, well sclerotised shield-shaped juxta with comparatively narrower and rounded dorsal lobe.
The female and early life-history stages of the species are unknown and have not been documented in the current study.
Distribution: Pakistan (LÁSZLÓ, 2003), China (GBIF, unpublished and unconfirmed record), India (Himachal Pradesh) new record.
Authors are highly grateful to CSIR-HRDG for providing necessary funds and fellowship for conducting this study. We thank Director and Dean of Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun for providing the required research facilities. We are also thankful of Himachal Pradesh State Forest Department Officials for granting necessary permission and providing logistic support for conducting fieldwork. Thanks are due to Miss Agni Chandra for providing her immense support during field work and Mr. Ritesh Kumar Gautam for technical help while preparing the manuscript. All researchers and lab mates are duly acknowledged for their continuous help, support and valuable suggestions during the study. Special thanks to go Dr. Axel Hausmann for his valuable reviews and suggestions related to the content of manuscript.
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Notas de autor
*Autor para la correspondencia / Corresponding author